Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.415 Blaine vs Super Nerd Miles

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[ Author Note: Just to make it clear, Super Nerd Miles is a character from the Pokémon Adventures Manga. ]  


[ Cinnabar Gym ]

The battle between Blaine and Super Nerd Miles was intense from the start, with both trainers unleashing their Pokémon onto the battlefield. 

Blaine sent out his Rapidash, its hooves pounding the ground as it prepared to face off against Super Nerd Miles's Alakazam. "Rapidash, use Flamethrower!" Blaine shouted, his voice ringing out across the battlefield.

Super Nerd Miles was quick to counter, "Alakazam, set up a Light Screen and Reflect!" In response, Alakazam's eyes glowed with psychic energy as it set up the defensive barriers, reducing the damage from Rapidash's attacks.

Blaine, determined not to be caught off guard, switched out his Rapidash for his Arcanine, its fiery fur blazing as it stepped onto the battlefield. "Arcanine, use Fire Blast!" Blaine commanded, his voice filled with determination.

Super Nerd Miles, sensing an opportunity, released his Vaporeon, its water-based abilities giving it a clear advantage against Arcanine's fire attacks. "Vaporeon, use Hydro Pump!" he shouted, a sly grin playing on his lips.

As the two Pokémon clashed, Super Nerd Miles took advantage of the chaos to attack Blaine's lab assistants. "Alakazam, use Shadow Ball on the assistants!" he yelled, his voice filled with malevolence.

Blaine and his assistants were caught off guard as Alakazam's Shadow Ball slammed into them, sending them flying across the room. Blaine was forced onto the defensive, his focus split between the battle and the safety of his team.

Despite Arcanine's best efforts, Vaporeon's water-based attacks proved too much, forcing Blaine to switch out his Pokémon once again. This time, Blaine released his Charizard, its massive wings spreading in the form of shield while it used steel wing.

Super Nerd Miles countered with his Dragonite, its massive size and power making it a formidable opponent. "Dragonite, use Dragon Claw!" he yelled, his eyes blazing with determination.

As the two clashed, Super Nerd Miles continued to use his surroundings to his advantage. "Dragonite, use earthquake!" he shouted, his voice filled with glee as the ground shook beneath their feet.

Blaine was pushed onto the backfoot as his Charizard struggled to keep its balance. "Charizard, use thunderpunch!" Blaine shouted, desperation in his voice.

" Dragon pulse !"

Charizard's wings glowed with energy as it slammed into Dragonite, its steel-hard feathers striking with incredible force. The two clashed in a fierce battle, their elemental powers creating a massive explosion of fire and lightning. Despite Charizard's agility and speed, Dragonite's sheer power proved too much, forcing Blaine to switch out his Pokémon once again.

Blaine released his Machamp, its massive arms ready to do battle. "Machamp, use Cross Chop!" he shouted, his voice ringing out across the battlefield.

Super Nerd Miles countered by releasing his Dragonite, its massive size and power making it a formidable opponent. "Dragonite, use Dragon Claw!" he yelled, a sly grin playing on his lips.

The two Pokémon clashed in a fierce battle, Machamp's massive arms swung with incredible force, striking Dragonite with a barrage of powerful blows. But Dragonite was quick to counter, its massive claws slamming into Machamp with devastating effect.

As the battle raged on, Super Nerd Miles resorted to cheap and dirty tactics, seemingly targeting Blaine's assistants with his attacks. "Dragonite, use earthquake on the assistants!" he shouted, his voice filled with malevolence as the ground shook beneath their feet. "Machamp, protect!" Blaine shouted, desperation in his voice.

Machamp quickly moved to shield the assistants, its massive arms absorbing the impact of the earthquake. But Super Nerd Miles was quick to adapt, his Dragonite changing its target and launching a massive Dragon Breath attack at Machamp.

The air in the laboratory crackled with tension as Machamp was forced to dodge and counter the relentless attacks, its massive arms swinging with incredible force. Despite Super Nerd Miles's dirty tactics, Machamp refused to give up, pushing forward with a relentless barrage of attacks.

"Machamp, use Cross Chop!" Blaine shouted, his voice ringing out across the battlefield. Machamp's massive arms glowed with energy as it unleashed a powerful Cross Chop, striking Dragonite with a barrage of powerful blows.

But Dragonite was quick to counter, its massive claws slamming into Machamp with incredible force. The two Pokémon were evenly matched, their powerful bodies slamming into each other with incredible force.

The laboratory was filled with the sounds of battle as Blaine and Super Nerd Miles faced off against each other in a fight for the fate of Cinnabar Island. Suddenly, the lights in the laboratory exploded in a shower of sparks, engulfing everything in darkness.

In the midst of the chaos, Blaine's Rotom appeared, its body crackling with electricity as it prepared to unleash a massive Thunderbolt attack. The air sizzled with energy as the electric bolt raced towards Dragonite, striking it with devastating effect.

Dragonite howled in pain as the electricity coursed through its veins, its massive body shaking as it struggled to maintain its balance. The darkness was punctuated by the bright flashes of lightning as the laboratory shook with the force of the attack.

Dragonite was momentarily paralyzed, its massive body shaking as the electricity coursed through its veins. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Machamp stepped forward, its massive arms glowing with energy.

"Machamp, use Thunder Punch!" Blaine shouted, his voice filled with excitement as Machamp unleashed a barrage of powerful Thunder Punches on Dragonite.

Despite the intense barrage, Dragonite refused to give up, its massive body rising to its feet as it countered with a massive Dragon Claw attack. The two Pokémon clashed in a fierce battle, their elemental powers creating a massive explosion of fire and lightning.

In a last ditch effort, Blaine returned Machamp and released his Camerupt, the Fire and Ground-type Pokémon appearing on the battlefield with a roar. "Camerupt, Mega Evolve!" Blaine shouted, his voice ringing out across the battlefield.

As Camerupt Mega Evolved, its massive body growing in size and power, it unleashed a massive Eruption, engulfing Super Nerd Miles and Dragonite in a blazing inferno of fire. The assistants watched in horror, thinking that Miles and Dragonite might be finished, but suddenly a massive wall of steam began to arise from the flames.

Blaine's eyes widened in shock as he saw a Slowbro appear beside Miles, the Water and Psychic-type Pokémon appearing on the battlefield with a smug grin. "Slowbro, Mega Evolve!" Miles shouted, his voice filled with triumph as Slowbro Mega Evolved into Mega Slowbro.

The laboratory was plunged into darkness, with the sounds of battle echoing through the room as Mega Slowbro and Mega Camerupt faced off against each other. Despite the darkness, Super Nerd Miles had an advantage, his glasses clicking as they adjusted to allow him to see in the dark.

"Ha! You thought this darkness would be a disadvantage for me, Blaine? Think again! I can see just fine with these glasses!" Miles taunted, a sly grin playing on his lips.

Blaine was undeterred, his Machamp appearing on the battlefield to defend his assistants. "Machamp, destroy the walls of the laboratory!" he shouted, his voice ringing out across the battlefield.

Machamp obeyed without hesitation, its massive arms slamming into the walls of the laboratory. The walls crumbled, letting in a chilling wind that whipped through the room, making the air thick with the scent of smoke.

"Everyone, get out of here!" Blaine shouted, his voice filled with urgency as he gestured for his assistants to leave. Machamp stepped forward, its massive arms raised to protect them as they made their escape.

The air in the laboratory crackled with tension as Blaine and Super Nerd Miles prepared for their final showdown. Blaine stepped forward, a sly smile playing on his lips as he looked at Miles, his piercing eyes piercing through the glasses of the Super Nerd.

"Have you ever battled in lava, Miles?" Blaine asked, his voice filled with amusement. Miles frowned, confusion etched on his face as he tried to understand what Blaine was getting at. He had never heard of such a place before.

Before he could respond, Blaine pulled out a remote and pressed a button. Suddenly, the broken walls of the laboratory were transformed into steel walls, the room shaking as the laboratory broke down to reveal a Pokémon battlefield held above a bed of lava.

Miles's eyes widened in shock as he looked at the fiery bed of lava below. The heat was intense, with streams of molten rock flowing like rivers of fire. The walls of the laboratory were made of steel, the roof was covered with metal grates, the heat from the lava below was radiating through the room, making the air thick with the scent of smoke and ash.

"What have you done, Blaine? You're insane!" Miles yelled, his voice filled with anger as he looked at the fiery bed of lava below. Blaine merely chuckled, twirling his mustache as he gazed at Miles with a smirk.

"You asked for a battle, Miles, and that's exactly what you're going to get. Welcome to the arena of fire!" Blaine declared, his voice ringing out across the battlefield.


Blaine's assistants stood outside the base of Mount Pyroflare, their eyes wide with shock and awe as they gazed upon the sight before them. The once-fierce Project Kraken was frozen solid, encased in a layer of ice that sparkled in the sunlight. The ice was so thick that it was almost translucent, with delicate patterns etched into its surface from the intense cold.

The ocean around it was similarly frozen, with waves frozen in place and schools of fish suspended mid-swim. The water was a brilliant shade of blue, reflecting the bright sky above. The shoreline was dotted with ice formations, some towering high into the sky, while others were more delicate, like sculptures carved by a master artisan.

The sky was clear, with the sun shining down upon the frozen landscape, casting long shadows across the ice. The air was crisp and clean, with a chill that cut through the skin like a knife. The silence was deafening, the only sound coming from the crunching of ice as Blaine and his team approached.

The assistants stood in stunned silence, their minds racing as they tried to comprehend the magnitude of what they were witnessing. They had heard about the destructive power of Project Kraken, but to see it frozen in place was a sight unlike anything they had ever seen before. The sheer scale of the ice was overwhelming, with formations stretching as far as the eye could see.


[ Omake Paragraph ] 

Today Johto is primarily a land of plains, its only major peak of Mount Silver located at its far eastern edge. However, Bronze Age Johto was known in foreign records for its many mountains and a pokemon called Larvitar with a thick hide which could be ground up into Hard Stones. Mount Silver in that era was twice its current height and bordered a Mount Gold and Mount Crystal, with countless smaller peaks and valleys nestled in between.

Yet even these enormous mountains were much smaller than they had been in prehistoric times. The reason for their cataclysmic disappearance was neither the chaos of nature called plate tectonics, nor the savage disregard of Man for his environment, but the evolution of a tiny rock-type pokemon called Larvitar. Stories of a single Larvitar eating a whole mountain are either exaggeration or use a significantly more generous definition of "mountain" than current science, but it was true that an individual Larvitar could devour a reasonably large hill; over a few generations, every mountain in Johto is and was doomed.

It is lucky for all who love Mount Silver, or even Larvitar themselves, that they take a thousand years in the wild to reach maturity. Their numbers have dwindled dramatically, both from starvation and other mountain pokemon who feared the fate of their brethren throughout Johto, who now live shortened lives and only reach a fraction of their potential. Although Mount Silver is still shrinking, any trainer brave and powerful enough to venture in, and lucky enough to spot one, can still find a Larvitar. These pokemon have amazing potential, but even the greatest should be warned, for they cost a small fortune in soil to feed!

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