Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.410 The Mega Evolution Showdown

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[One Week Before Team rocket's Invasion]

The Guild Master of the mercenaries that Green had hired, Akari and her Vice, Hanzo strolled through the tranquil lanes of Pallet Town, with its quaint houses and gentle breeze whispering through the lush greenery.

Hanzo casted a side-glance at Akari, his usually stoic eyes flickering with an unsettling tension. "Akari, have you heard the news?" His voice was a low murmur, hardly disturbing the serenity enveloping them.

Akari, her eyebrows slightly lifted in intrigue, responded with a gentle, "No, what's going on?" Her eyes, deep wells of wisdom and calculated calm, fixated on her vice.

Hanzo paused for a moment, his gaze drifting towards the horizon before he spoke again, "The other mercenary guilds were given missions similar to ours."

Akari's steps halted, her gaze sharpening, "Coincidence?"

Shaking his head slowly, Hanzo revealed, "No. They've been stationed at specific points in other cities, all on the exact same date."

Akari's mind raced, her initial conjectures of their assignment dissolving into thin air. They were stationed in Pallet Town, the very place where the renowned Professor Samuel Oak resided. The initially plausible theory that they were simply there to safeguard some affluent individual securing a Pokémon starter for their child now seemed woefully inadequate given this new information. 

As they approached the quaint restaurant, her thoughts were an intertwined mesh of possibilities and caution. Hanzo, noticing the distant look in Akari's eyes, gently prodded, "Are you okay?"

Akari blinked, her focus returning as they entered the warm, cozy interior of the restaurant. The scent of freshly cooked meals wafted through the air, a stark contrast to the swirling unease within her. "Any idea what's so special about June 28th?" Her voice was a soft whisper, almost lost amidst the gentle hum of patrons' conversations.

Hanzo shrugged nonchalantly, but his eyes held a shadow, "I don't know. But our contacts reported similar positioning from other guilds."

As they settled into a booth, the gentle rustle of fabric announced their server's arrival. Delia Ketchum, her eyes warm and welcoming, greeted them, "Welcome! What will you be having today?"

A moment of professionalism eclipsed Akari's turmoil. "May we see the menu? We'll be around for a week or two."

Delia, curiosity sparkling in her eyes yet respecting their privacy, nodded, "Of course, I'll fetch the menus."

With Delia momentarily gone, Akari leaned slightly forward, her voice barely audible, "Hanzo, what's troubling you?"

Hanzo hesitated, then leaned in, his words a mere breath, "It's about your earlier question, regarding which guilds..."

Akari leaned slightly forward, "Yes?"

His next words fell heavy between them, "All of them."

Akari's heartbeat pulsed in her ears, "Pardon?"

He reiterated with a weighted pause, "All the mercenary guilds in Kanto. All hired. All for a security job on June 28th across the entire nation of Kanto specifically for big cities alongside the fact each guild was given explicit instructions on where they needed to be stationed all of whom were hired by a single individual."

As Delia returned, menus in hand, the pair exchanged a knowing look, a silent agreement passing between them. In the warmth of the humble eatery, a chill of foreboding settled on Akari's shoulders. Behind the scenes of the ordinary, a weave of complexity had begun to unravel, and their guild was unknowingly entwined within its threads. The what and why remained shrouded in mystery, yet Akari knew that they were on a precipice, teetering on the brink of something that spanned far beyond their current understanding.

As the future hung uncertainly ahead of them, and with Delia's welcoming smile unknowingly veiling an undercurrent of unfolding secrecy, the duo began to strategize, enveloped by the soft buzz of the unsuspecting town around them.


[One Week Later during the Team rocket invasion]

[Pallet Town ]

Guild Master Akari stood amidst the patrons of Delia's restaurant, the atmosphere within having shifted palpably from homely warmth to palpable tension and dread. Her eyes, reflective pools of disquiet, darted from one startled face to another as outside, the comforting serenity of Pallet Town was shattered by the harrowing cries and screams echoing through the streets.

In that moment, the pervasive scent of home-cooked meals was smothered by the ominous shadow cast by the Team Rocket's assault, now infiltrating even the safe haven of the cozy eatery. The unsettling knowledge hung heavily in Akari's chest: all of the guilds, hers included, had been stationed not for ordinary protection missions but as a shield against this very onslaught.

As she darted toward the window, the once-calm blue of her eyes had hardened into an intense gaze as she scanned the horizon. The flames, the smoke billowing from Professor Oak's lab, and the cries of both humans and Pokémon alike painted a chilling scene of despair across the tranquil canvas of Pallet Town.

A low rumble snaked through the air, causing her to stiffen. Even before she saw it, Akari sensed its presence – the malevolent energy, familiar yet horribly twisted, emanating from a Pokémon; not just any Pokémon, but a Tyranitar, warped and manipulated by the vile tendrils of Team Rocket's experimentation.

The creature's roar cleaved through the evening, followed by the formation of a devastating Hyper Beam. The sight momentarily anchored her to the spot, an unsettling mixture of dread and resolve pooling within her.

Akari's mind raced, memories of her experiences, strategies, and battles as a trainer flickering like rapid-fire through her consciousness. Her hands clenched, fingernails biting into her palms, as she recognized the dire reality of their situation. Her heart pounded against her ribcage, the sound seeming to synchronize with the frenzied beats of chaos unfolding around her.

As the Tyranitar unleashed its catastrophic Hyper Beam towards the restaurant, every instinct within Akari screamed action. Her hand twitched toward her belt, fingers grazing the cool, familiar surface of a Poké Ball. She'd been in battles before, faced opponents that seemed insurmountable, but this was different – this was not a challenge, it was a war.

With barely a second to spare, Akari made her move, her voice barely audible beneath the cascading chaos, yet laden with resolve, "Brace yourselves!" She snapped open the Poké Ball, summoning her starter.


Delia, frozen in fear for a moment, snapped into action, her maternal instincts taking over as she ushered the terrified customers towards the exit. She could feel the heat of the Hyper Beam on her back, and the sound of the attack was deafening, threatening to rupture her eardrums.

Just as it seemed like all was lost, a deep rumble filled the air. It was a sound that could only come from a massive creature, and Delia turned to see a Snorlax standing tall in front of the restaurant. 

The Guildmistress Akari stood tall in her full battle gear. Her armor clinked as she walked towards Snorlax, and she commanded the mighty Pokemon to attack the Tyranitar. The ground shook as Snorlax charged forward, and the two Pokemon collided with a deafening crash.

Delia looked around in confusion as members of the Mercenary Guild ran out of the restaurant to help the people of Pallet Town.

'They are trainers?' Delia thought as she remembered that a large number of people had suddenly moved into Pallet Town.

The Townspeople were anxious of these new individuals in their community as these people barely talked to them and just went on with their own business but now, seeing these people rush in to help the people of the community. Delia couldn't be more thankful that they had people to help them on this horrible day.

Suddenly, she saw that Snorlax was pushed back by Tyranitar, and Akari was about to command another attack. 

However, in a moment of intense energy, a sonic boom pierced through the air, and an intense orange flash followed. It was as if the very fabric of reality had been torn apart, and the force of the blast kicked up a massive dust cloud that obscured everything in sight. For a moment, it was impossible to see what had happened.

As the dust began to settle, the shape of Tyranitar became visible. The massive Pokemon lay on the ground, defeated and motionless. It was clear that something powerful had just happened, something that had broken through the sound barrier and unleashed a force that had vanquished the fearsome creature.

Akari and her guild members stared in disbelief, unsure of what had just transpired. They had never seen anything like it before, and the sheer power of the blast had left them stunned and speechless.

As the dust cleared completely, a figure could be seen standing over the fallen Tyranitar. It was a Dragonite, massive and majestic, with scales that shimmered in the fading light. The figure atop the Dragonite's back was none other than Professor Oak himself.

Akari watched in awe as the professor climbed down from his mount and approached them as he looked at the chaos around him with a mix of anger and concern.

"Is everyone okay?" he asked, looking around the scene of destruction.

Delia stepped forward, relieved to see the professor unscathed. "We're okay, Professor Oak," she said. "Thanks to these people and that Dragonite of yours."

The professor nodded, his gaze shifting to the Akari wondering why mercenaries were in pallet town.

Akari glanced at the chaos that Team Rocket was causing and said, "After we handle these scum, we can talk. We need to protect the town first."

Professor Oak nodded, acknowledging the Akari'e point. "Very well," he said. 


[ Pewter City ]

The sky above the city was darkened by the eerie glow emanating from the scales of Project Ghidorah. The creature's heads snaked and twisted, its massive tails thrashing about, sending debris flying in all directions

As Flint and Forrest battled Project Ghidorah, Flint sent out his loyal Aerodactyl, which he had trained for years to defeat Red Ketchum. With a roar, Aerodactyl launched into the air, soaring towards the monster as its jaws snapped towards him.

Aerodactyl nimbly dodged the attack, his sharp claws scraping against Ghidorah's scales as he glided past. The two engage in a furious aerial battle, with Aerodactyl using his speed and agility to outmaneuver the monstrous hydra of Gyradoses.

As the battle rages on, Project Ghidorah unleashes a powerful blast of energy from its mouths, causing buildings to crumble and the ground to shake. 

Pokemon Mercenaries' quickly sprang into action, using their own Pokémon to create protective barriers around the citizens of Pewter City, shielding them from the debris of the battle while some pokemon mercenaries' escorted the people of Pewter to safety. 

Back in the sky, Flint and Aerodactyl continue to fight on, determined to bring down this terrible threat. With a fierce determination, Flint commands Aerodactyl to mega evolve, unleashing a powerful burst of energy that sends shockwaves through the air.

Flint and Aerodactyl launched themselves into the air, soaring towards Project Ghidorah. The creature's jaws snapped at them, but Aerodactyl's agility allowed it to dodge the attack with ease.

The two Pokemon engaged in a furious aerial battle, exchanging blow after blow in a flurry of motion. Project Ghidorah unleashed a barrage of energy blasts from its many heads, causing the ground to shake and buildings to crumble.

"Come on, Aerodactyl, we can do this!" Flint shouted over the noise of battle.

Aerodactyl responded with a powerful roar, surging forward to deliver a crushing blow to Project Ghidorah's midsection. The creature let out a deafening screech of pain, its many heads writhing in agony.

As the battle raged on, Forrest used his Onix to erect a protective barrier around the citizens of Pewter City, keeping them safe from harm. The sound of the Pokemon's rocky hide scraping against the ground was drowned out by the noise of the battle, but its protective shield was a welcome sight for the people of the city.

Flint knew that he needed to take this battle to the next level. "Aerodactyl, mega evolve!" he commanded.

A blinding flash of light erupted from the Pokemon as it underwent its mega evolution. Aerodactyl's wings grew larger, its muscles bulging with newfound strength. The creature let out a mighty roar, its eyes glowing with a fierce determination.

Project Ghidorah was not going down without a fight, however. It unleashed a powerful blast of energy from its mouths, sending a wave of destruction towards the city. But Flint and Aerodactyl were ready.

"Aerodactyl, Hyper Beam!" Flint shouted.

As Mega Aerodactyl's Hyper Beam collided with Project Ghidorah's onslaught of energy blasts, the resulting explosion sent shockwaves throughout Pewter City. However, despite the force of the attack, Project Ghidorah emerged unscathed.

Flint gritted his teeth as he saw his Mega Aerodactyl being pushed back by the monster's relentless assault. Project Ghidorah unleashed multiple moves at once, including Hyper Beam, Flamethrower, Hydropump, Thunderbolt, Blizzard, and Dark Pulse. The Gym Leader struggled to keep up with the creature's onslaught, but he refused to give up.

Just then, a bolt of lightning illuminated the sky, followed by the arrival of a mysterious Pokemon with a yellow mane. This was no ordinary Manectric, as it was considerably larger and had undergone a mega evolution of its own.

Flint's eyes widened in amazement as he recognized the newcomer. "Mega Manectric! Lt. Surge, Why are you so late ?!"

Surge grinned, riding his Magnezone through the stormy skies. 

"Haha, if I wasn't late, you would be dealing with a lot more problems, old man," Surge said with a smirk.

Flint chuckled, feeling a sense of camaraderie with his fellow Gym Leader. "Oh please, I am still young."

Surge raised an eyebrow. "Flint, you have ten kids."

Flint laughed. "What does that have to do with being young?"

Surge shook his head, a look of mock disapproval on his face. "Your brain is as empty as your knees, old man."

"This really reminds of old times." Flint said with a nostalgic look in his squinted eyes.

"Yeah except that silent bastard Red isn't here with us on the battlefield." Lt. Surge said with a grin.


As Mega Aerodactyl and Mega Manectric battled Project Ghidorah, the skies above Pewter City were filled with flashes of lightning and deafening roars. The two mega Pokemon were a sight to behold, their combined power enough to give even the monstrous creature pause.

Project Ghidorah launched a flurry of attacks at the duo, including Hyper Beam, Flamethrower, and Thunderbolt. The two mega Pokemon dodged and weaved, but the sheer intensity of the attacks made it difficult for them to get close.

Flint and Surge watched, their eyes glued to the sky as they tried to come up with a plan. They knew that Project Ghidorah was a formidable opponent, but they refused to give up.

Just then, Mega Manectric let out a powerful howl, signaling to its fellow mega Pokemon. Mega Aerodactyl nodded in understanding, and the two launched into a coordinated attack.

Mega Manectric launched a powerful Thunder attack, stunning Project Ghidorah long enough for Mega Aerodactyl to get in close. The ancient Pokemon unleashed a barrage of powerful strikes, including Wing Attack and Rock Slide, pummeling the creature with all its might.

Project Ghidorah let out a deafening screech of rage, lashing out with its many heads. Mega Aerodactyl and Mega Manectric dodged and weaved, their lightning-fast reflexes allowing them to avoid the brunt of the attack.

Flint and Surge watched with bated breath, knowing that the outcome of the battle rested on the success of their Pokemon.

Suddenly, Mega Manectric let out another howl, this time signaling to the people of Pewter City. The citizens looked up, seeing the monster above them and the two mega Pokemon battling it with all their might.

Mega Aerodactyl and Mega Manectric fought on, using their combined power to pummel the monster with all their might. Project Ghidorah was reeling, its many heads writhing in pain as the two mega Pokemon worked together to take it down.

The skies above Pewter City were filled with the sounds of battle, as Mega Aerodactyl and Mega Manectric fought against the monstrous Project Ghidorah. The ancient Pokemon launched itself at the creature, its powerful jaws snapping shut as it delivered a powerful Dragon Claw attack.

The blow landed with a sickening crunch, and Project Ghidorah let out a deafening roar of pain. Blood trickled from the wound, its scales no match for the combined power of the two mega Pokemon.

Mega Manectric saw its opening, launching a powerful Thunder attack that paralyzed Project Ghidorah and left it reeling. Mega Aerodactyl took advantage of the creature's weakness, using Dragon Dance to boost its speed and strength.

Then, with lightning-fast reflexes, Mega Aerodactyl launched itself at the creature, using Aerial Ace in conjunction with Dragon Claw to slice through the air like a bullet. The ancient Pokemon struck true, severing one of Project Ghidorah's heads with a single blow.

The remaining two heads roared in pain, but Mega Manectric was quick to act. It launched itself at the severed neck, using Thunder to stop the other two heads from attacking Mega Aerodactyl. The two mega Pokemon fought on, their combined power tearing through the monstrous creature like a hurricane.

Finally, with one last powerful strike, Mega Aerodactyl tore through the remaining heads of Project Ghidorah, leaving nothing but carnage in its wake. The citizens of Pewter City cheered, their faith in the two mega Pokemon and their trainers renewed.

As Flint and Surge looked up at the sky, as they sighed in relief at having taken down that monstrosity.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Not only is Moomoo Milk nutritious, but it also possesses the unusual ability to heal the injuries of pokemon and people alike. Today, it is thought to have developed as a way to encourage other pokemon (and later, people) to protect them, for Miltank are not especially strong fighters. Yet their hide is too tough for most predators to bite through, and the stories of old offer a different explanation...

It is said that in ancient times, the first Miltank and Chansey were close friends. Chansey, then as now, was relied on to heal the injuries of other pokemon, but to do so it had to sacrifice its eggs – and every time it did so, it wept, for it feared it would never be able to lay eggs and have children. Miltank prayed to Arceus and any other legend it could think of, asking for a way to heal pokemon without seizing its friends eggs. Its prayers went unanswered, so instead it used its own body as an experiment, adding stomachs and trying different combinations of grasses. At times, it fell ill with food poisoning from taste-testing its own milk, but eventually it found a combination which could heal other pokemon.

And sadly, it was not enough to help its friend; instead, with an extra healer, pokemon battles merely became more common. Frustrated by this disrespect for its efforts, Miltank began charging pokemon for its milk, while Chansey, ever-compassionate, continued to heal all who asked for free. Even today, Chansey are rare because they staff pokemon centers and seldom have a chance to lay eggs of their own. The Moomoo Milk of Miltank, on the other hand, has made the farms of Olivine so rich that they might as well print money.

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