Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.32 Cerulean Cape

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Austin frowned as he ran towards the scream.

He did owe Misty for saving him from the Spearow flock.

It took a few minutes before making it to the end of the route.

'Huh, so Bill doesn't live in Cerulean Cape. Austin thought at seeing a lack of a cottage.

' Then he should be living near Vermillion like in the anime .'  Austin thought while keeping an eye out for Misty before they heard footsteps and turned.

Pikachu jumped off of Austin's shoulders as Misty collided with him.

"Ow," Austin muttered as Misty shook her head from the impact.

"Wait, it's you," Misty said in surprise at running into him.

Both literally and figuratively.

A cry caused Misty to jump off of him in fear as Austin shakily pushed himself up only to see a Pokemon land in the clearing, glaring at Misty.

This Pokemon was a giant green Pokemon with blade-like hands and buzzing wings as it glared.

"A Scyther?!" Austin asked as they weren't normal around here.

"Creepy bug," Misty muttered backing up as Austin looked from her to the Scyther.

"What did you do to piss him off?"

"Nothing, he attacked me out of nowhere!" Misty snapped at him.

Rolling his eyes, Austin looked at Pikachu. "You ready buddy?"

"Chu!" Pikachu ran out into the field as Scyther gave a cry and shot at him at quick speeds.

"Electric Impact," Austin said as Pikachu covered himself in electricity and surged forward.

It was kind of a ripoff of Volt Tackle, but it wasn't as powerful as it was.

But it did enough damage at this point.

Scyther winced as the attack hit before using Slash to knock Pikachu back as its claw glowed.

"Watch out for its Brick Break!" Misty called out as Austin looked surprised.

Brick Break wasn't a naturally learned move for Scyther to learn, it had to be taught.

Giving a nod, Austin focused. "Dodge like we practiced."

Pikachu gave a nod as he was doing jumps and flips to dodge the Brick Break's left and right with the Scyther snarling as the electric mouse kept dodging the attacks.

After a bit, Scyther stopped and glowed before he began moving faster and finally landed a hit on Pikachu, knocking him back.

' Agility, huh? Electro Ball really won't be effective.' Austin thought before he decided as Scyther came in for an Aerial Ace. "Counter-Shield!"

It was stupid due to how Misty was right behind him and chances are he would be facing her instead of the sisters, but this Scyther was tough.

Pikachu gave a nod as they worked on that this last week and began to spin around on his back, letting out sparks of electricity as Scyther was unable to get close.

The Mantis went flying back only to stop as electricity surged through him.

'Yes, he's paralyzed.' Austin thought with a grin. ' Static took effect.'

"Good, Pikachu use Thundershock!" Austin ordered as Pikachu focused and caught the Scyther in a field of electricity he was now on one knee panting with static still in effect.

With that done, Austin grinned and took out a Pokeball before throwing it and the Scyther was sucked in.

The ball kept wiggling as Austin held his breath before it came to a stop making the familiar sound to show the capture.

"Alright, we got a Scyther." Austin had a grin.

( ~ Bing ~ )

Suddenly the Pokédex began to beep as a recorded message played out.

" You have exceeded the number of Pokémon that should be kept by a trainer at all times. Please contact your sponsor " Professor Oak " and transfer your extra Pokémon to his range or your license as a Pokémon trainer would be terminated ." 

Austin blinked a few times as he heard the message before looking at scyther's Pokeball. 

Sure it was another Pokemon weak to electric types, but Scyther was awesome, even more so when it evolves into a Scizor.

"Oh thank goodness." Misty fell to her knees now that the bug was gone.

"You alright?" Austin asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks… Ash right?"

"Yup and you're Misty?"

Misty gave a nod looking a little surprised. "I didn't think you would remember."

"You saved me from the Spearow flock, of course, I remember," Austin said despite knowing the real reason. "What are you doing out here?"

"Fishing for more Water Pokemon," Misty said standing up. "You?"

"Training for the Cerulean Gym," Austin said seeing Misty tense up but she quickly covered it up. "Although some people told me that I didn't need to."

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Misty said in barely concealed anger.

"Well, I've just heard rumors about the strength," Austin said 

" But I like being sure, so I was going to train this week and challenge them next week."

"Oh,  I can't believe them," Misty muttered under her breath. "Those sisters of mine are the worst."

"Sisters?" Austin asked taking advantage of that as Misty froze, not realizing she spoke out loud. "You know the Cerulean Sisters?"

"Uh well not really." Misty tried but she could see that she wasn't fooling him so she sighed. "Yeah, I'm the fourth Sensational Sister."

Austin got Misty to reveal the info herself so he wouldn't have to lie about output out new"Then that would make you a Gym Leader." Austin grinned as Misty sighed. "How strong are you compared to your sisters?"

"Excuse me?" Misty asked her anger showing a bit again.

"You defeated a Spearow flock with one Pokemon if I'm correct and you made it here by yourself as well, that shows you're strong," Austin said giving a grin. "So can I battle you for the Gym Battle instead?"

Misty looked surprised by that as she frowned.

After what seemed like hours, she spoke up. "You said you were going to challenge them at the end of the week?"

"Four days after today," Austin said as Misty came to a decision.

"That'll give me enough time to see how they're handling the Gym," Misty said giving him a look. "You have a deal but I'm not going to go easy because you saved me from that Scyther."

"It would be an insult if you did go easy," Austin said with a smile. "Plus I think we would be even considering you saved me from the Spearows."

Misty gave a nod as she turned and walked away.

' I'll have to come up with a good strategy for her now that she saw one of the combo moves and the Counter-Shield.' Austin thought with his arms crossed. 'But that Scyther was released .' Austin thought as he finally checked the info.

"Scyther the Mantis Pokemon. Scyther is blindingly fast. Its blazing speed enhances the effectiveness of the twin scythes on its forearms. This Pokémon's scythes are so effective, they can slice through thick logs in one wicked stroke." The Pokedex beeped as Pikachu was still fit to battle. "This Scyther is Male and the Ability is Technician. Currently, this Scyther knows Wing Attack, Quick Attack, Slash, Brick Break, Aerial Ace, Agility, and Fury Cutter. The Age of this Scyther is Four Years and Two Months."

' he was way too strong to be a wild Pokemon.' Austin thought with a frown as a certain purple-haired trainer came to his mind.

' Do stats matter that much in Paul's mind? '

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