Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

v2 Chapter 35 - fierce battle

“Damn bastard, forcing this princess to use this trick!”

Muzi was indignant in his heart, obviously extremely resistant to using this method to win.

“Can’t you act stupid and let this princess beat you with wisdom? Do you have to let this princess win with the help of an artifact?”

Recalling that before departure, he swore to his father that he could win the first game in his life without the help of the family’s artifact, Muzi felt his face burning hot.

“Why, why is this princess, as a princess of a noble family, not as good as him in combat skills?”

“Could it be that this princess’ talent is not as good as this commoner?”

Muzi shook his head and threw this terrible thought out of his mind.

“You can’t lose, or you will be laughed at by your brother when you go back!”

Imagining his brother teasing him, Muzi’s body trembled involuntarily.

“Although it is very contemptible, this is the first game in this princess’s life, and this princess does not want to lose! So please, please lose! As a punishment for forcing this princess to defeat you in a way of [shameful], this princess asks you to do so. Losing is embarrassing, losing is disgusting!”

“Little Treasure, hit him!”

Muzi shouted loudly.

“Bump… bump?”

Yun Ning was a little surprised.

It can be seen from Xiaobao’s picture book information that there is no collision in Xiaobao’s standing skills.

In other words, Xiaobao’s impact power is about two-thirds smaller than Yunning’s Baa Liyang.

“Even so, do you still need to use impact?”

Yun Ning frowned.

It seems that the other party is going to use the leftovers to consume himself to death.

Being able to resolutely give up the more powerful Taishan pressure and choose a collision with only about one-fifth of its power shows that the opponent has understood the reasons for the previous defeats.

“Sure enough, you should not underestimate the children of aristocratic families…”

Yun Ning smiled bitterly.

If your opponent is an ordinary civilian, then the opponent may not necessarily be able to comprehend the mystery, but it will not work if it is replaced by a son of an aristocratic family.

After all, he received the best education since he was a child. Not only the culture class, but also the knowledge of elves fighting.

“Right now, sprint! Crash!”

When Little Treasure was only 4 meters away from Baa Li Yang, Yun Ning shouted.

This is the best sprint distance after Yunning Computing.

Once this distance is enough to accelerate the sheep, they will not be knocked out due to lack of momentum when the two sides are in contact.

Second, the distance is not too long. Compared with Xiaobao, the distance of each sprint run by Baa Liyang is 2 meters less than Xiaobao. Now that it has become a tug of war, every stamina saved can contribute to your victory.


“It’s amazing!”

Jia Lao couldn’t help but admire it.

“It’s really terrifying!”

Bayar stood respectfully beside Jia Lao, staring at Yun Ning in the arena with a strange look in his eyes.


Jia Lao turned around and asked Bayar.

Knowing that the old man was thinking about himself, Bayar repeatedly replied:

“It’s true that this kid has no talent for fighting. I just checked his family situation. It’s just ordinary civilians, and his parents are working class. It’s not those wealthy families who are doing business in their families. He just graduated from high school more than a month ago. Baa Li Yang is also his first elf. It can be said that it is a new rookie and can’t be a new rookie. I didn’t expect that such a pure rookie without any background would be able to use his wisdom to fight against the little princess of the Li family. It presses and fights.”

Bayal couldn’t help but envy Yun Ning’s parents. If his son had Yun Ning’s talent, he would be able to wake up laughing when he was sleeping.

“Just like this, wouldn’t it be difficult for the little princess to win the championship? When the time comes, go back and say a few more bad things about our Chiat family…”

“You, you still underestimate the heritage of the Li family.” The old man stroked his beard and said with a smile.

“Please give me some advice.”

“What do you think about the strength of that housekeeper?”


Bayar turned to look at the housekeeper behind Muzi.

“This…Although I’m not sure, but to be willing to be a slave to a child, my strength should not be very good.”

“Not so good?” Jia Lao sneered, “The strength of that housekeeper is not inferior to me!”

“What? How is it possible!”

Bayar’s face changed greatly in shock.

Jia Lao is a gym-level trainer, and this housekeeper’s strength is not lower than that of Jia Lao, doesn’t that mean that this housekeeper’s strength is at least a gym-level trainer?

At present, you are only an elite-level trainer, which means that you are not even qualified to be a servant for the little princess of the Li family?

“If other people accompany this princess to play, I may not be able to figure out the strength of the other party, but this…”

The old man turned his attention to the housekeeper behind Muzi, who seemed to be aware of it, and looked up at the old man.

The four eyes are facing each other, just like in the past.

“I have dealt with him many times, and the strength is always the same. I always thought that he was also a direct member of the Li family, so he could get no less than my growth resources, but I didn’t expect that the other party was just one of the Li family. ], their family has been the servants of the Li family for generations. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com”

The old man sighed with emotion.

“Just because the talent is relatively high, the Li family is willing to spend a lot of resources to nurture him. This is the true heritage of the big family!”

Bayar couldn’t believe it: “Then Li family is not afraid that these servants will not accept discipline after they gain strength?”

“These servants have served the Li family from generation to generation. From the time they are sensible, they have to enter the Li family’s servant school to receive brainwashing education. After returning home from school, the parents they face are all grown up through brainwashing education. It has been passed down by ten generations, where is there any desire to resist?”

“How much will it cost?”

Bayar took a deep breath, it was terrifying!

I’m afraid that the money that the Li family invests in their servants every year is more than the cost of the entire family of the Chiat family.

“These are the four great aristocratic families standing at the top of my dynasty!”

“But… I still can’t imagine how the little princess won the victory. The initiative in this game has been controlled by the commoner boy. Now all he has to do is to keep accumulating advantages and eventually consume Little Treasure. die…”

“The battle is not only based on the strength of the elves themselves and the command of the trainer, there are other factors that can affect the outcome…”

“You mean…”

Bayar’s eyes widened, looking at Little Treasure in disbelief.


Bayar desperately told himself that this was impossible, but his reason kept reminding himself that with the strength of the Li family, he could really achieve this level.

“too terrifying…”

Bayar smiled wryly.

“Just for a child’s game, you took out an artifact directly?”

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