Pleasing Start-Over

Chapter 85

Chapter 85

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End-of-life doctor (7)

Since solving the spurs of the soldiers, Qiao Chen was more busy than before. Almost every day, he was stuck in the laboratory and could not come out. If Longao was at the base, he would personally urge him to eat and rest on time. If Longao is not there, those assistants who will explain him will remind him.

However, the assistants of Qiao Chen are not as strong as Longao, and they are not strong enough. Therefore, Qiao Chen often promised, but he quickly forgot.

At about ten o’clock that evening, Qiao Chen was forced to drag out to eat from the laboratory of Longao, who had just returned to the base.

Qiao Chen used the chopsticks to pull the food in the plate while thinking about the chemical formula that was calculated by the system. Although the formula has been obtained, the actual operation is still very difficult.

“Good meal.” Longao tapped the table with his hand.

Qiao Chen came back and looked up at him and carefully finished the food in the plate.

On the way back to the dormitory, Qiao Chen remembered that when he heard someone mentioning the zero-three base to come to the East Base to cooperate, he asked the dragon next to it. “I heard that people from Zero Base will come over?”

“Well, this thing, the military commander is still considering it, and it has not been determined.” Longao asked, “You don’t want them to come over?”

“I don’t really care. They didn’t have any effect on me.” Qiao Chen smiled and said, “But if they really have a space incubator, I hope they come over.”

According to Qiao Chen’s guess, the Zero-Three Bases should have been to rely on the bases of their own military regions, but they did not know how to get the space incubator, so they felt that they had the conditions for cooperation with other bases. It is necessary to merge into other bases.

The reason why they chose Dongyi Base is because Dongyi Base is not only the strongest base in the country, but also the famous scientist Dr. Lu, and Dr. Lu’s research is also the fastest in all bases.

The space incubator is just a small box. The incubator is just as big as a forty-five square house. With various controllers, database machines, and operators, it takes at least a dozen. The truck was loaded.

With the space incubator, the progress of the experiment can be of great help, so the Zero-Three Base will directly find the East Base to discuss the conditions.

Qiao Chen said, “I have lived there for a while. If I want to describe the people of Zero and Three Bases, I can only say that things are gathered together and people are divided into groups. Although there are good people and bad people in every place, but the Zero Base People, especially the top, are basically black-eyed white-eyed wolves, but it is worthwhile to introduce wolves into the room for the space incubation box.”

“Even if they are a group of wolves, they can only be a group of dogs when they come to the East Base. This is not the place they want to know. Whether it is playing with force or playing tricks, I will kill them.” There is no expression on his face, but his eyes are full of pride.

“Also.” Qiao Chen nodded, “Zero Three Lone Wolf, how can it be compared with the East Dragon, but I think the commander will probably agree with their cooperation requirements, because Dr. Lu’s research is now in need of the space incubator.”

Qiao Chen suddenly thought of an idea. “If they came to the East Base, you would like to meet them personally, and then describe to me the Huai Lin below. They see what kind of expression you are, I think it will be very exciting.”

Longao saw the smirk of Joe Chen’s mouth, and wanted to press him on the wall, but he saw that he was about to go to his room, and he endured.

Qiao Chen opened the door. After the two entered, Longao naturally took off his clothes and went to take a bath. Qiao Chen stared at his strong back and said for a while, “Your own room is more than me. Why do you always rely on it?” I am not leaving this small room?”

“You don’t want to go to me, I just have to rely on you.” After Long Otto, he looked at Qiao Chen and motioned him to take it off and wash it.

Longao’s room is in the soldier dormitory area. Qiao Chen does not want to be surrounded by other soldiers, so he is not willing to go to his room for the night, so his room becomes a room for two people. Longao sleeps most of his time. .

The two entered the bathroom, Longao adjusted the hot water, and the water flowed down to wash the body of the two. If Longao himself, wash it with cold water, but Qiao Chen does not like to take a cold shower, must use warm Hot water can wash away his exhaustion all day long.

Originally, the two people washed each and washed very well, and washed and washed and hugged the kiss together.

“Well, ah!” Qiao Chen’s back against the wall, his legs have been lifted by Longao.


Long Wu, as Qiao Chen expected, agreed to cooperate with the Zero-three base, and the two sides also talked about the conditions.

The original condition proposed by the Zero-Three Base was to ask for the sharing of research results. At that time, Longwu did not say anything, just sneered, and then signaled that the communications officer directly interrupted the video call.

Master Feng of the other base immediately changed his mouth and said that if the research is successful, they will get the first batch of medicines used by people who are enough for their entire base.

After this condition was considered by Longwu, it was agreed. After talking about some other conditions, this matter was confirmed.

Before the Zero-Based people came to the East Base, Qiao Chen kept busy and researched for a while, and finally got results. He researched antibodies that were really effective and had no side effects.

After repeated experiments with the mouse, he gave the experimental report of the research process and the experimental mice to Dr. Lu. After seeing his experimental report, Dr. Lu immediately suspended the research work at hand and verified it personally. Qiao Chen’s research results.

Some time ago, Longao went to the mountain to get out of the task, and by the way, he returned a few monkeys without mutations, which can be used for experiments.

Dr. Lu grabbed a monkey and fed it with sleeping pills, and then placed it on the test bench, allowing Qiao Chen to inject the monkey’s antibody vaccine.

On the third day after Qiao Chen injected the antibody into the monkey, he injected it with the mutant virus extracted from the zombie’s body. The monkey’s injection of the antibody was personally stared by Dr. Lu, his assistant’s detailed record. The whole process.

After the observation period, the monkeys still lived and jumped, and there was no sign of a little variation. Every day, the monkey’s blood was taken for testing, and no problems were found. Dr. Lu was very happy.

“Okay, great, Muchen, the arrangement for injecting antibodies to other people is also handed over to your team.” Dr. Lu looked at Qiao Chen, and his eyes were full of gratification.

“Okay.” Qiao Chen said, “But after my research in this period, I found that there is not only one kind of zombie mutant virus. Although I have researched one of the antibodies of the virus, I am afraid that it will not work for other viruses. effect.”

Dr. Lu nodded and said, “I know this, but the ability to develop a virus antibody can also reduce the probability of mutation in some people, and the chances of researching other viral antibodies will increase. If you are doing research, what needs to be said, as long as the base can do it, I will let them meet you.”

When Xu Jianping knew that Qiao Chen had already taken the lead in researching antibodies, his heart was already very unpleasant. Now he heard Dr. Lu say that he should hand over the antibody research to Qiao Chen, and his face is dark and ugly.

On the day when the zero-base people came over, Longao personally picked it up according to Qiaochen’s proposal. According to the rank of the military, Long Ou and Feng Shi are at the same level, so they are welcome to face them in person. Long Ao did not want to give them this face, but since Qiao Chen asked him to look at Fang Huai Lin’s expression, then he came over and looked at it by the way.

“Feng Shichang? Hello, I am the East One Base Special Team Captain Long Ou.” Longao hands behind his back, standing behind twenty or thirty neatly lined soldiers, more than the 20-year-old Feng Shichang Leadership.

“Hello, hello, are you the dragon scorpion’s nephew? Long-selling big name.” Master Feng eagerly extended his hands and walked toward Longao.

Longao held out a hand and shook him, then took a look at Fang Huai Lin behind him.

Fang Huailin was already stunned when he saw Longao. When he heard that he was the one who won the first place in the three international special forces competitions in a row, the shock in his heart was like a rushing sea. No wonder. He did not fight back under his attack, and he was half-dead.

Longao said that he was specifically greeted by them, but when he came over and said hello, he left. As for the arrangement of the zero-three bases, there will naturally be other people responsible.

Although the Zero-three bases are said to come to cooperate rather than to rely on them, the ordinary people who have invested in them have also brought them. It seems that they have made up their minds to cooperate in the name of cooperation and come to the East Base to eat and drink.

The wounded people brought by the Zero-Three Bases were also arranged in the medical department building of the First Base. Sun Yu, as the leader of the Healing Ability Group, was directing their people to arrange the wounded in different wards.

Sun Yu, while pointing at others, thought that the East Base is not the same as other bases. This medical department is not only much larger than the medical department of Zero Third Base, but he also looked at several wards and clinics. For a moment, the equipment and facilities are very complete, as if not affected by the end of the world.

Sun Yu thought that if he could stay in the East Base, he would be treated well with his healing power.

Qiao Chen took the assistant doctors and went to the medical department to do the second physical examination for the first batch of antibody-injected soldiers. Just after getting off the elevator, he saw that Sun Yu stood there and stretched one hand to direct others.

Sun Yuyi turned and saw Qiao Chen. He couldn’t believe his eyes. He kept looking at the person who was getting closer and closer to himself. He was shocked and thought, how could he be here?

And Qiao Chen did not give Sun Yu a superfluous look, with a few assistant doctors walking directly from him.

“Mu Chen?” Sun Yu turned and screamed, but Qiao Chen did not pay attention to him and continued to move forward.

“Mu Chen, you stand!” Sun Yu shouted loudly. He used to hate Mu Chen, who was always indifferent and arrogant, but now he is a doctor with no healing ability. Attitude?

Sun Yu’s voice was very loud. People who came and went stopped to look at him after hearing it. Qiao Chen also stopped and turned to look at him to see what he wanted to do.

“Sure enough, how are you? I still want to pretend not to know?” Sun Yu went to see him in front of Qiao Chen. He was very surprised when he heard that his brother Sun Bin said that Mu Chen was still alive. I did not expect him to meet him here.

“I am not familiar with you, what do you call me?” Qiao Chen is still the indifference.

Every time Sun Yu saw Mu Chen like this, he felt angry in his heart. He lifted his chin and said with a more arrogant and indifferent expression. “It seems that you have been here for a long time. Should you be familiar with it? Just we just came. There are a lot of things to arrange here, very busy, come over and help out, anyway, doctors like you who have no healing power should be free.”

At the Zero-Three Base, doctors who have no healing ability can only play in the medical department and do some physical work. Sun Yu is the leader of the healing power group. He is used to doctors who have no healing ability. Going, he thinks that other bases are definitely the same, and they will respect the people who have the healing power to the greatest extent.

Sun Yu saw Qiao Chen coldly watching him not talking, said in the tone of the lesson, “You have not heard what I said? I ask you to help, what are you doing here?”

“I didn’t hear you, you said it again.”

The voice came from behind Sun Yu. He looked back and saw a body-wrenching, handsome soldier with some soldiers coming towards this side.

When Longao approached, he looked at Sun Yu and asked, “Who are you?”

“I…” Sun Yu was under the courage of Longao, suddenly felt a little overwhelmed, and it was the cold light in the other’s eyes, like shooting a sharp knife to him, even more confusing him. After striving to stabilize my mind, I said, “I am the leader of the Zero-Three Base Healing Ability team. My name is Sun Yu.”

Standing behind the left side of Longao, Zhang Gang sneered and said, “The people in the zero-three bases are very arrogant. This is just coming, and we dare to yell at our people on our site.”

“No.” Sun Yu explained. “He used to be our base. I just wanted to ask him to help him.”

“Who do you think you are? I dare to ask the doctor to give you help. Do you know how valuable the time is for the doctor?” Under the glare and questioning of Zhang Gang, Sun Yu was completely stunned.

“You are going to be busy with you.” Longao told Qiao Chen that he told the soldiers behind him “to call the Minister of Medicine.”

The medical minister who received the news hurriedly rushed over. Before he stood still, he gasped and asked “Dragon Brigade, what is the order?”

“All the people who have zero or three bases will be assigned to the first floor. Those who are above the second floor will not be allowed to enter the third base.”

“Yes, I will arrange it.” The minister quickly promised.

Sun Yuxi looked at the people in the same place and walked into the clinic until the minister pushed him and asked him to go to the first floor to reschedule him.

After Sun Yu went to the medical department to find other healing abilities, after the Qiao Chen came to the East Base, when he knew that Qiao Chen actually had a healing power, the first reaction was not to believe.

Then they told him that Qiao Chen not only had a doctor who healed the abilities, but also studied the antibodies of the zombie virus. He had successfully developed an antibody. Sun Yu almost angered the things in his hands. However, he remembered that after the wounded were arranged on the first floor, the division commander warned him that this is the East Base, not the Zero Base, so that he should not be too impulsive, so he controlled the emotions in time.

Sun Yu had some uncomfortable excuses to go back to rest, and he hurriedly left the medical department building. Others saw that his face was not very good and there was no doubt.

Sun Yu got the healing power after the end of the world, and there was no power in Mu Chen. He felt that the world is fair. How about your good morning medical skills? When your medical skills don’t work, you are a waste. And even if you have a bad medical experience, you have the healing power, you can be respected and maintained. This is the so-called feng shui turn.

However, now Muchen not only has healing power, but also participates in research. Why is this? Why is God so good to him? A good family, a high IQ, is different from the talent of ordinary people. I thought that these things were erased after the end of the world, but the person who should have died not only did not die, but he also changed back to the original, Sun Yuyue wants to I feel angry.

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