Please Stop Summoning Me!

Chapter 93: The Wizard Family

“Chris” With a smile Shen Yi pointed to the seat: “Have a seat.”


Chris nodded in response and walked over to the seat, while thinking 

‘Mr. Shen seems to be in a good mood today, has he encountered something good, surely something she can’t intervene in.’

Chris with her years of experience and upbringing knew well when to dig in and when to retreat.

She’s always being a dog licker… 

In fact, Shen Yi felt a little uncomfortable for being boot licked by a beautiful female subordinates at the same time felt a bit funny.

Shaking the head, he went over and got a Chris’s order before proceeding to prepare a steaming cup of coffee and delivered it to her, then he engrossed him with work and handled the other customers and settling the bills, when sending the last customer off a genuine sense of joy illuminated his features, turning around he regained his sense and calmly walked over to Chriss.

Chriss had almost finished her coffee leaving only a little at the bottom with patiently waiting for him without any dissatisfaction or impatience. To be precise Chriss had no word as dissatisfaction when it comes to Shen Yi instead she felt it was her great fortune to met Shen Yi, so let alone waiting for a few minutes even if she were to made wait for days she would have no opinion in it.

As soon as Shen Yi took a seat, he very much wanted to ask: How is the matter given to you? Is the money debited to the account?

But in order to maintain his existing image, he tried his best to hold back his impulsive and raising the corner of his mouth, by saying.

Money was just an external possession.

I don’t care about this insignificant papers.

Saying so, Shen Yi casually stretched out his right hand and tapped his index finger on the table rhythmically.

“Mr. Shen.”

Chris face bloomed in full smile, she slightly lowered her head in greeting, and said, “I’ve found in few days there is going to be an auction for the inner world, in which a lot of Transcendents will participate, and I’d like to bid on the Spiritual Water you’ve given me in that auction.”

Returning that day, Chriss surfed the internet and mythological books to knew the thing she was carrying was not some bluff product which the ordinary person could obtain at random, but spiritual water. 

The spiritual water was only present in the ancient time and mentioned in mythologic book. It was a holy object, which create wonders of healing any types on bloody wound, cleansing soul and not only that on top of retriving dead to lives.

The more Chriss read the more astonished she became to the point of becoming dumb, and had hard time believing the product in her hand was the mythological object which only existed in history and immediately went to place the product in safe.

Patting the racing heart, she mused over how Mr. Shen actually handed such important items to me and exchanged it for money? It’s seems like he doesn’t care at all!

Even after racking her brain for a long time she couldn’t come with the conclusion and thought of a possibility which she herself find hard to believe.

Mr. Shen strength should far exceed than that of disaster level powerhouses!

Aside from this possibility, Chris found no other options seemed feasible. Like Mr. Shen was short of money so he was selling this product to getting money. Thinking of this she shook her head to throw out this thought. 

Whatever the case might be, Chris’ outlook on life was greatly impacted, and she increasingly felt that she couldn’t keep up with Mr. Shen’s level of thinking.

Perhaps in her eyes it’s a myth thing, but in his eyes it was just an insignificant thing……

Indeed, Chris guessed right that Shen Yi was selling it for lack of money but what she didn’t know was among the items he have the most useless thing was spiritual water.

It turns out that the money hasn’t been received yet… 

Shen Yi’s once racing heart almost calmed instantly, but he wasn’t much disappointed rather felt, maybe important mysterious items were difficult to sell.

Hearing the word ‘Auction’ he didn’t find it strange.

He nodded his head in understanding: “Good.”

As long as he could get money it would be fine anyway.

Seeing her thoughts confirmed, Chris breathed a sigh of relief and continued with a smile: “I just don’t know if I can take out spiritual water in your name……”

Shen Yi pondered for a moment and said, “It’s better not to reveal the relationship between me and you for a time being.”

His identity was a little complicated with many connections in the inner world and may bring unnecessary trouble and danger to Chris.

Chris didn’t question it and find it was a reasonable request.

“Well, I understand.”

“You did a good job.”

Just when Shen Yi was about to give a reward, Chris suddenly spoke again.

“Actually, I also did some other things.”

Other things? 

Chris took a glance at his expression and saw he was as same as usual before continued: “I re-recruited several extraordinary beings for My Tumihua Office. I told them that I am working for a powerful existence.”

“Oh?” Shen Yi raised his eyebrows.

Chris felt that he would misunderstood her and hurriedly explained: “However, except for my most trusted old subordinates, no one knows that I am actually serving the legendary you.”

“Well, that’s fine.” Shen Yi had no problem with her things and nodded in response and waited for her to continue.

Chris breathed a sigh of relief and finally asked a crucial question.

“I wonder if I can share the knowledge that you have imparted to me to cultivate a group of Transcendents who are loyal to you. After all, I alone cannot serve you perfectly.”

Shen Yi was a bit surprised by her request and thought that she actually thought of this step!

It seems like a win-win choice, on the one hand, to increase the power I can mobilize, on the other hand, her position will continue to increase with the reward I give, after all, she is my spokesperson.

The Chaos Remnant Order has more substance, but after all, it’s an illegal force, and it’s important to have a neutral affiliated force.

Shen Yi’s view of Chris had once again soared.

If he agreed, she would try to expand her power in the inner world, and then she would “scrap everything until the end.”

Of course, as his spokesperson, all her power and status depend entirely on his gift. If Chis lost his support, the Tu Mihua’s survival in the other world would only last in the blink of an eye.

The premise of all this is that you really have the power to sweep everything.

Shen Yi knew his level very well although his power and strength has increased significantly he was still far from the “untouchable level” that these people imagined…

Relying on “gift transformation” may not necessarily make him stronger step by step.

After much consideration, Shen Yi felt this method was passable and nodded in response. “Good.”

“You can act as my spokesperson and keep expanding your power.” 

“Well, go do what you want to do.”

Hearing this, Chris was incomparably excited, and an uncontrollable smile appeared on her face.

She nodded her head repeatedly and said excitedly. “Yes! I understand!”

Chris truly had the urge to kneel down and pledge her allegiance on the spot.

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