Please Stop Summoning Me!

Chapter 71.3

The foundation Su Ling mentioned was ‘The Global Organization Market Foundation’, but Shen Yi didn’t know much about it.

The global organization was said to be backed by various governments all over the country. No one knew why they were called “Market Foundation,” only knew that they were good at dealing with a variety of strange, self-proclaimed “Preservation of the Ruins of History.”

An unknown organization.

“Well, I see.”

Shen Yi gently nodded his head, took out his cell phone and motioned. “I’ll ask you to do me a favor soon.”

She did not ask what kind of favor he wanted from her, and knew that she had no room to object.

He continued. “Now, you can go.”

“Of course, you can finish the black tea first.”

Finished speaking, he got up and left without looking back at her direction …… ‘Phew, this kind of performance has been a bit handy.’

He himself felt that his acting skills had been improving in a straight line as days passed.

The information given by Su Ling was quite useful. Now, he had little understanding after linking the several clues.

“Miracle White.” was probably a pseudo-god, or at least a related figure. Otherwise, the light chaser would not have followed the Hidden Pupils.

“So it turns out that the collective alienation of the members of the Hidden Pupil Association was actually the first incident created by White, and Tina was the second incident he prepared.”

“It’s just she hasn’t ‘detonated’ yet, maybe he’s not fully prepared in some way.”

He felt like he was a detective, but he didn’t depend at all on reasoning. The most important clue, Tina, ran to the door by herself entirely because of the “good luck” brought by the transit ring.

Su Ling remained in her spot, finishing the tea she got up and left the cafe.

No longer wanting to waste the time she was going to investigate the Butte family.

However, before that she had to report it to the Anti-Magical Bureau first… As a member of the system, investigating the nobility was not a trivial matter, and she had no intention of being undisciplined in this regard.

Before leaving the cafe, she took another look at the man.

Pretending to be an ordinary cafe owner. The surrounding mortals had no idea that this “monster” may swallow everything at any time.

It was only at this moment that she finally felt the coldness of autumn.

— — 

The next night, Chris came to the coffee shop again.

“Mr. Shen.”

She opened the door and immediately walked quickly towards Shen Yi.

There was a small bag in her hand, which contained two bottles of “Dream Peeping” potion.

There weren’t many guests around since it was already late. Shen Yi nodded in response, and let Chris come to the kitchen with him.

The cafe’s small kitchen was perfect for a secret “deal” between the two.

“I have completed your task.”

Complacent, Chris carefully took out two bottles of dark green potion from her bag, which shone brilliantly, illuminating the surroundings.

Instantly, the kitchen was tinted with emerald green.

Shen Yi took two bottles of dark green potion and suddenly had a strange feeling.

He felt very much like the “Fried Chicken Boss” in “Breaking Bad”, and the small coffee shop seems to be a hidden “crime center”.

“You’re doing great, Chris.”

After saying this sentence, he felt more and more alike.

“This is what I should do.” Chris smiled modestly and bowed her head slightly.

The dark green bottles reflected Shen Yi’s face, showing his deep thought as he looked at the two potions in his hands.

This dream-peeping vision would allow the “conscious body” to enter the dream state.

The magic potion.

The next thing was to notify Su Ling to come over and fall into a dream together, and find the “Miracle White” – from Tina’s dream.

He knew long ago that one day he will go and meet this man named White.

Although the two had no deep hatred.

But he’s already deduced a few things from various leads.

If Tina was really a second event prepared by Mr.White…. Then her chance of survival would be very low once she was detonated.

She may end up like a member of the Hidden Pupil, turning into a disgusting monster.

He silently recalled the night before yesterday. Tina was kneeling in front of the cafe, trembling, full of despair, tears kept sliding down from her eyes mixed with rain.

At that time, he promised to help her.

Of Course, he could not leave this matter alone.

“Chris, “ he said, “keep an eye on the nearby ‘Blue’ hotel these days and take care of a girl named Tina. She’s very important.”

“Yes, I understand.” Chris agreed right away without any questions.

As the frim boss, she liked the subordinates who didn’t ask questions but knew everything the most.

Shen Yi nodded, watching Chris leave after accepting the task.

He gazed at the deep green color in the potion bottle.

“White, the pseudo god in the prophecy, what do you want to do in Beland… always claiming to be able to perform miracles.”

“I’m curious.”

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