Please Sign: Your Runaway Wife Has Been Captured

Chapter 69

Chapter 69 Strawberry Ice Cream

Players came and left in an online game. After being exposed by Bluegreen-Clad, Venus announced that she was going to quit Shiny Sky Online.

[Public Chat] Venus Will Cry: I’m going to quit the game. This account is on sale now.

Venus, whose beauty had caused a stir on Watery South before, left like this. Except for her friends, the players on the server did not care much about that and continued to play the game.

Flowing Light: Did you know what Venus did a long time ago?

Bluegreen-Clad: Yes. I couldn’t tolerate her anymore. I reached my limit. If it had not been for Son of Heaven, I would’ve kicked her out of the gang a long time ago.

Flowing Light: I never know that you care so much about Son of Heaven.

Bluegreen-Clad: Of course, we’re friends. I kept him at a distance before because I didn’t want to be pestered by Venus.

Flowing Light: Why did you expose her secrets?

Bluegreen-Clad: I used to think that she was really going to marry Son of Heaven. I never expected that her promise to him was just a lie. She even used Never Deeply Attached to frame you. How could I tolerate her?

Flowing Light: Poor Venus, she really had a bad luck. You’re just too brilliant. Even I feel afraid of you now. Have you ever plotted against me?

Bluegreen-Clad: You can make a guess, honey.

Although Venus and Son of Heaven had left, the return of Never Deeply Attached still excited the entire League of Strong Families. Some guys in the gang insisted on singing on YY to celebrate his return.

Zheng Xiaoguang did not enjoy hearing a bunch of guys roaring on YY at all.

When she was about to close her YY, a girl came out to sing a Cantonese love song.

“You’re cool and detached. You’re mysterious and attractive. This feels like a sudden rainstorm. I look up at you, but you remain silent. I can never forget about you, as I’m fascinated by your eyes. I just don’t want to leave you…”

Upon hearing her singing, Zheng Xiaoguang felt much better.

They guys felt reluctant to sing after hearing the girl singing and stopped snatching the microphone. They had to admit that the girl sang better than them and really enjoy hearing her singing. As such, they urged her to sing another song.

“Please sing another song for us, Strawberry!”

“Yeah, sing one more song for us, Strawberry!”

“Can you sing ‘Dancer’ for us, Strawberry?”

Upon hearing that, Zheng Xiaoguang could not help but wonder, “Who’s this Strawberry? Is she Strawberry Ice Cream, the girl who likes Never Deeply Attached?” With this in mind, Zheng Xiaoguang immediately opened her YY interface.

The atmosphere of the performance on YY had just reached its climax. Now, Strawberry Ice Cream was singing another love song named “I Like You”, and the guys kept cheering for her. Some of them even confessed to her on YY.

“Can you send me your photo, Strawberry? I beg to have a video chat with you.”

“Marry Me, Strawberry!”

Strawberry Ice Cream refused all of them by saying, “Thank you, guys, but I have someone else in my heart now.

She had a clear and melodious voice. Upon hearing it, no one could stop himself or herself from imagining how adorable the owner of the voice was.

“Who do you like, Strawberry? Is he in our gang?” asked Nine-Tailed Red Fox.

Beating War Drums in Spring Breeze hurriedly echoed, “Yeah, he must be in our gang. How can our girls like some guy from another gang?”

The gang members felt intrigued and kept asking her which guy she liked.

Strawberry seemed to be shy and hurriedly left the YY chatroom. In the meantime, Never Deeply Attached was busy gaining levels together with his regular team and remained silent all the time.

[Team] Han Meimei: Do you like my apprentice, Never Deeply Attached?

Han Meimei had been wondering about this for such a long time that even Li Lei started to care about this thing now.

[Team Captain] Li Lei: Yeah, what do you think? You’re in the same gang. You can’t avoid her all the time.

[Team] Never Deeply Attached: I know that but I don’t know how to break this to her.

[Team] Han Meimei: What do you want to tell her? If you like her too, just accept her love. If you don’t, you should refuse her directly.

[Team] Never Deeply Attached: You don’t understand. It’s not about whether I like her or not.

[Team] Han Meimei: Then what’s it? Is there anything wrong with my apprentice?

[Team] Never Deeply Attached: No, she’s a good girl, but I can’t accept her love. I’ve announced in the gang that I won’t get married in the game.

[Team] Han Meimei: Please be honest with me, Never Deeply Attached. Do you just despise girls who get addicted to online games?

Upon seeing that, Li Lei knew that Han Meimei felt annoyed now and hurriedly interjected by sending out a message. “Meimei, calm down. Maybe Never Deeply Attached has a special reason.”

[Team] Han Meimei: I never plan to force him to accept my apprentice. If he really has a special reason, he can tell me. I’ll help him turning Strawberry down.

Upon seeing that, Zheng Xiaoguang helplessly shook her head and sighed inwardly, “Han Meimei is a good girl but sometimes she’s too excitable. Maybe that’s why she gets married to a calm guy like Li Lei.” When she was about to say something to ease the tension, her screen turned black. It seemed that her character had suddenly been dragged into an instance.

As Never Deeply Attached did not have a high level now, Bluegreen-Clad’s team was bent on gaining levels in different regions of the map every day.

After playing at the PVP region for a while, Han Meimei predicted that more and more players would come here to pull monsters and thus brought the team back to an instance in the city. There were three paths in the instance. The team had to seperate into 3 smaller groups and slay monsters along the three paths at the same time. Han Meimei and Li Lei chose the path on the left. Flowing Light and Bluegreen-Clad stepped on the path in the middle. Never Deeply Attached set foot on the last path alone.

Every time when fighting monsters together with Bluegreen-Clad, Zheng Xiaoguang did not need to do many things, since Bluegreen-Clad was able to slay all the monsters by himself. She just needed to use some Area Effect skill once in a while.

Suddenly, she was pulled into a dark place. She wondered, “Although I was not the offensive force, I never stopped playing. And the system never asked me to type in any verification code to make sure that I was not away from the keyboard. Why did it suddenly throw me into this dark room?

“Oh, is this a hidden instance? Am I so lucky?” She searched the place but failed to find any NPC or any tip about this situation here. Neither did she run into a monster here. It seemed that she was trapped in this dark corner.

She hurriedly opened her chat box, planning to ask Bluegreen-Clad for help. To her surprise, she found out that she could only send out Nearby messages now. She could not use the couple transfer either.

She thought in surprise, “What? Is this a bug in the game?”

Zheng Xiaoguang’s first reaction was logging out and logging back in, but when she logged into the game again, she saw that her character was still trapped in that strange instance.

She felt worried and called Bluegreen-Clad. Bluegreen-Clad asked her to calm down and promised that he would go to ask for help on the official website.

After talking with Bluegreen-Clad on the phone, she discovered that she had just received an incoming message. She went back to the game interface and saw a Nearby Message.

[Nearby] Never Deeply Attached: Is anybody here?

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