Playing the role of Yujiro Fanma, practicing martial arts to kill gods

Chapter 38

The rich second-generation warriors clasped their hands into fists and stared with interest in the direction where Emperor Chen was.

They wanted to see how many points this guy Emperor Chen had.

Under the attention of everyone, Emperor Chen looked at the huge barbell in front of him and couldn't help but grin at the corner of his mouth.

10,000 catties, weak ones can.

Emperor Chen's toes hooked on the iron rod of the dumbbell, and with a light pick, the barbell of 10,000 jin was easily picked up and floated into the air.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, the bar continued to rise, and finally reached a height of four or five meters above the ground.

After the dumbbells reach their highest height, they begin to fall rapidly.

Emperor Chen raised his hand with one hand, his palm facing the sky, and easily caught the dumbbell flying into the air with one hand.

At the same time that the dumbbell fell into Emperor Chen's hand, because of the influence of the huge gravity above the dumbbell, Emperor Chen's feet directly printed two clear footprints on the iron sheet on the ground.

In addition, Emperor Chen's hands were as steady as Mount Tai, and his body did not feel trembling.

His face was as usual, just like what Emperor Chen was holding up was not a 10,000-pound barbell, but a piece of feathers.

Looking at Emperor Chen, who easily picked up and caught the five-thousand-kilogram dumbbell in the field, the warriors sitting on the seats were all horrified, and Peng stood up from his seats with a sound.


What the hell??

It was a 10,000-pound dumbbell, and it would be enough if Emperor Chen raised it like this.

The key is that he still has a hand up.

One hand is just raised, one foot to hook the dumbbell to a height of four or five meters, what kind of trouble?

Looking at Emperor Chen, who raised five thousand kilograms with one hand but his face was not red and his heart was not beating, and his face was calm.

All the people present looked like they had been stuck in the neck by fish bones, and they wanted to say something, but they couldn't say anything.

Among them, the most complicated and uncomfortable mood belongs to those rich second-generation warriors who have provoked Emperor Chen.

They looked at Emperor Chen who was one-handed in the field, and the shock in their hearts was difficult to summarize in words.

They had already predicted that Emperor Chen might be strong, but they never expected that Emperor Chen would be so strong.

The five-thousand-kilogram big dumbbell that they had worked so hard to lift was like a small toy in Emperor Chen's hands, and it was not worth mentioning at all.

Humiliation, shame, irritation, disbelief.

All kinds of negative emotions rolled violently in the hearts of these group of brothers, and their stomachs hurt, and their bodies were like ants crawling around.

They originally wanted to find a bird to kill the chicken and the monkey, so as to pretend to be a fresh and vulgar comparison, to show their own majesty.

I didn't expect to kick an iron plate in the end, or an iron plate made of pure steel.

As a result, the majesty did not come out, but turned himself into a clown.

"Even if he has the advantage in strength? We can also beat it in speed, explosiveness and reflexes!

"I still don't believe it, we people together can't beat a wild way!?"


After lifting the dumbbell above his head for five seconds, Emperor Chen gently flicked his hand and dropped the dumbbell on the top of his head.

A huge dumbbell weighing 10,000 catties fell to the ground, and the sound roared, surrounding the entire scene.

What made the group of rich second-generation sons and brothers most angry was that after raising the dumbbells, Emperor Chen didn't even look at them, turned around and left the venue.

Contempt, incomparable contempt, Emperor Chen's behavior was extremely arrogant, and he didn't put them in his eyes at all.

This made the flat-headed warriors feel uncomfortable in their hearts, and they had a feeling that they had nowhere to vent.

The invigilator in charge of recording the results on the scene was also stunned for a long time after seeing this scene, and quickly recorded Emperor Chen's results on the list.

The invigilators and teachers on the field looked at Emperor Chen's back and couldn't help but look at each other.

Unexpectedly, our young candidates in Tengyun City today are so competitive.

The quality of this year's candidates is simply the best in previous years.

At the very least, in recent decades, or even within a hundred years, this generation of young warriors is the best one.

In the following test, the warriors present once again underwent a series of physical fitness tests.

A running test specifically designed to test the running speed of warriors.

Completing a 100-meter run within ten seconds is considered a passing grade.

Most of these warriors were only able to run for more than nine seconds, or even exceeded ten seconds.

The excellent point is about eight seconds.

As long as it does not arrive within ten seconds, it is considered a failure.

And the group of warriors of the rich second generation are naturally among the best in the speed test.

The average is around seven seconds, or even six seconds.

Among them, the fastest runner of the rich second generation almost ran within 6 seconds of 100 meters.

Of course, in addition to these rich second generations, there are also many very good players in the ordinary martial artist group.

Although those young warriors have excellent conditions themselves, they have a big gap with the rich second-generation warriors because of the gap in resources.

Therefore, although their achievements far exceeded those ordinary martial artists, they were difficult to match the best results that those rich second-generation martial artists could run.

The gap in resources is difficult to bridge through efforts alone.

However, it was not until Emperor Chen appeared that his results once again shocked the audience.

The distance of 100 meters, only takes three seconds.

The gold content of 100 meters and three seconds made everyone present stand in place.

In their eyes, Emperor Chen at that time was like a gust of wind, and before they could react, they ran through the entire field.

Crushing, again the gap in the crushing level!

Crushed by Emperor Chen's achievements again, the back teeth of the group of rich second-generation warriors were almost crushed.

Damn, where the hell did this hillbilly come from!?

Dare to steal our limelight like this!?

Looking at Emperor Chen's arrogant posture, this group of people felt that they were about to be blown up.

Unsurprisingly, in the next competition of reaction power and explosive power, Emperor Chen still crushed them again.

And he crushed them with ease, without pressure.

After all the tests were completed, there were no more remaining warriors in the field.

It can be said that the remaining martial artists present have passed the initial screening of the global martial arts examination.

In the next stage, as long as their performance is not too crotch-pulling, the chance of being able to enter Gaowu University is still quite high.

According to the results of everyone present, all the warriors here will also be ranked uniformly.

The higher the ranking, the higher the chance of being screened.

Of course, at the end of the test, each candidate can also nominate a challenger, an opponent who is better than their own rank and score.

Wen has no first, Wu has no second.

Among warriors, the achievements are all false, and whoever has the biggest fist will have high results.

If the challenge is successful, the successful player can replace the place and results of the loser.

Of course, the loser can also choose a warrior again to continue the challenge.

However, when the proctor saw the list in his hand, he couldn't help but frown.

For no other reason, the number of people who passed the martial arts examination this year was much higher than in previous years.

And in Tengyun City, they have too few places.

This means that in today's warrior challenge competition, the number of warriors who need to be eliminated is even more.

Just as the invigilator frowned at this, a loud voice suddenly sounded from behind him:

"Proctor, it's the next challenge session, right?"

"I'll challenge you by name, just that guy with dyed red hair!"

"Just you, dare to single me out?"

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