Pirates: The Strongest Vice Admiral In History

Chapter 216 The Song Of Seabirds

With hesitation and struggle.

She began to support both sides.

Although she couldn't touch Dylan's fate, she gave Dylan great power and pampering through Mariejois.

On the other hand, she is also trying to correct the fate of Joey Boy.

The fireman she arranged next to Gol D Roger 39 years ago has also been fulfilling her orders.

But soon the red-haired fireman encountered a life-and-death crisis.

She saw Yasopp's fate.

With his life ending decades early, she had no choice but to order the Five Elders to contact Dylan directly.

At that time, Im was also guessing that the other party probably knew of his existence.

And Dylan's compromise later confirmed this.

It was from that moment that she officially confirmed that Dylan was indeed not of this world.

He knows everything about this world, and he doesn't agree with Joey Boye, he is changing the world in his own way.

Im's heart began to shake.

For the next 8 years, she has been observing Dylan, and she can feel that Dylan is also observing herself.

After Joey Boye went to sea, many original arrangements were disrupted.

She had to cheer up and re-arrange the adventure for him.

until that day—

"Marineford Bells Day".

Im watching Joey Boi, who was stepped on by Dylan, finally couldn't help it. She took great risks to communicate with Dylan.

"Leave Luffy alone... this time... treat it as... a mother's request."

Dylan said yes, because Dylan wasn't quite ready yet.

Then Dylan began to make his way in New World.

In "Summit War," Dylan deliberately turned on the live stream at the last minute, allowing Whitebeard to spread the last words.

The foundation of the world was shaken again, and Wang Quan was crumbling.

East Blue, which was already impenetrable, began to show its fangs and expand outward.

On the Grand Line, from the kingdom of Chia to the capital of water.

From The fish men island to Green Bits are firmly in Dylan's hands.

When the foundation of the lower layer is solid, the strength of the middle layer is saturated, and the strength of the upper layer is also stable, Dylan comes.

He came to the world to find answers.


"I'm very tired."

Perhaps because of Dylan's arrival, Im finally let go of the burden in his heart.

"In the original plan, even if Joey Boi and the others defeated the monster, they would have to pay a heavy price, and the world..."

Im sighed softly: "As you said, the world will still inevitably fall into reincarnation."

"I've been waiting for you since Rocks was killed by you."

"But don't take it lightly, the real 'monster' is far stronger than the deformed body like Rocks spliced ​​together with scattered energies."

Dylan stared at Im.

Since a long time ago, he has been suspecting that something is manipulating all this.

He once doubted Tinder.

He also doubted whether there was a "world will".

It wasn't until two years ago that he basically confirmed that Im was leading all of this.

But at that time, he could not confirm the nature of Im's ability, nor could he judge the specific attributes of the "national treasure".

Not long ago, with Devil Fruit and some defragmentation, he started to draw conclusions.

"Previous consumption has brought the Garden of Eden to the verge of collapse. Once I die, the Garden of Eden will wither completely."

Relief appeared on Im's haggard face: "Are you ready?"

Dylan nodded.

He didn't tease Im.

This is a respectable woman.

Even though she, like Wanzu, waited 800 years for an illusory agreement.

But after 800 years of withering, she was alone.

She maintains the "Garden of Eden" with her body.

During these long years, perhaps she had also been in despair. She had the opportunity to choose to liberate herself, but she didn't.

Because Im knew that once he died, the consequences would be unpredictable, and no one could check and balance the out-of-control monsters.

She used her long and short life to protect the world, looking for a way out and redemption for the world.

She spent 800 years of blank time waiting for the person who could defeat the monster to appear.

"What I want to ask, I'm done. Next... it's his time."

Dylan stood up and disappeared into the streamer.

After Dylan's body disappeared, a breeze blew through Little Garden.

"It's nice to see you again."


Im looked at the man in front of her, and although she looked tired, there was a smile in her eyes.

Long bowed his head and remained silent.

He heard the conversation just now.

He didn't know how he should blame the woman in front of him.

She used herself and seized her own blood.

She arranged for her son to grow up eating Devil Fruit, making him Joey Boey's puppet from the start.

Should I hate her?

Long was a little dazed, a little desperate.

He didn't know who to vent his anger on.

"I'm sorry... Dragon..."

Im bowed her head, and two teardrops slid onto Shiraishi's tabletop, beating the dragon's heart.

Seeing Im's sad appearance, Long asked tremblingly, "Is everything fake?"

"It's not all... Dragons... Thank you... The sea... It's really beautiful..."

The surrounding flowers withered instantly, and the butterflies dancing in the air also withered one after another.

The dragon's body shook.

He walked in the direction of Im.


They are husband and wife...

When the dragon walked across the stone table, Im's hair had become dry and curly.

An intermittent murmur came from Im's mouth:

"Binks' wine... delivered to you

Like the sea breeze doing whatever it wants... Riding the wind and breaking the waves

on the other side of the sea

Even the sunset is noisy

bird song

draw circles in the air

Goodbye Harbor, Silk Country

Let's sing a song "Song of Sail".

Long's body froze, as if his chest had been hit hard.

He stood there blankly looking at the woman across from him.

"We go only because the ocean

Bring Binks' wine to your side

We pirates split the waves

Resting on the waves, home is on the boat

Skull Sail Skull Banner Flying in the Wind

Under the boundless sky, the wind is blowing

The waves dance, the drums burst

trembling, it will be over

Not without the morning sun of tomorrow..."

As the chanting gradually became inaudible, Im's body also slowly dissipated.


A feeling of dizziness struck, and two lines of hot tears were left on Long Jianyi's face.


Outside the hall of power.

Craig, who is completely animalized, and Camilla, who is between nothingness and reality.

Aramaki who turned into a plant monster, and Kuzan who turned into a frost body.

and also········

The magma titan whose appearance is no longer visible.

There are still some monsters from the fourth floor hovering around, but they seem to be stuck in some weird state.

It seems to be excited, but it also seems to be afraid.

The Red Line that surrounds the sea roars.


Twin Gorges.

Shirahoshi and Tom stood on top of the waves and looked at Red Line, who slowly opened Shikai's body, with serious expressions on his face.

"It's coming! Shirahoshi!"


Shirahoshi closed his eyes.

Under the deep sea, all super-sized Sea Kings opened their eyes together.

[Overtime... Make up tomorrow]

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