Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 57

Chapter 57 – Runaway! Holy Sword Control

“he is…”

“Islanders, if my guess is correct, the islanders here should all be controlled by the holy sword.”

Maya looked at Bai Yu suspiciously.

Bai Yu answered and said.

The reason why Bai Yu appeared in Maya’s room was entirely because of the strange behavior of the islanders and Lacus during the day.

Don’t worry, Bai Yu remained awake until late at night.

Before the two islanders broke into Bai Yu’s room at the beginning, Bai Yu noticed it in advance.

And leave first, and come to Maya’s room instead.

Bai Yu and his party are all well-trained naval soldiers, and ordinary islanders can easily defeat two or three of them together.

Compared with Maya, she has sufficient self-protection ability and stronger vigilance.

And these islanders, if nothing else, should have been controlled and bewitched by the holy sword.

“Could it be that Lacus also…”

Hearing this, Maya’s expression became more serious.

Suddenly remembered Lacus’ performance during the day, and said in surprise.

Bai Yu nodded.

At the same time, the villages outside the room suddenly lit up with fire one after another.

The sounds of fighting between the islanders and the navy soldiers followed.

Not only Bai Yu and Maya’s side, the same sneak attack also happened at the rest place of many naval soldiers.

But, as Bai Yu said.

The naval soldiers sent by Branch 188 this time are to **** the pirates.

Each of them is well-trained, and each of them is strong and strong.

The sneak attack of the islanders was quickly discovered by the vigilant navy.

The horn of counterattack sounded. ?


At this time, the door of Maya’s room was violently kicked open, and Keby and Beru Meber rushed in immediately.

“Miss Maya! Watch out…”

Kebi and the two who rushed in were about to shout a reminder.

But they found Bai Yu standing beside Maya’s bed, and the two were stunned.

“Colonel White Feather!”

”The islanders here suddenly attacked our army in large numbers late at night.”

“Our military brothers have launched a counterattack, what should I do?”

Knowing that Bai Yu also sensed the danger, Kebi asked seriously.

Those who attacked them were not vicious pirates, but ordinary islanders.

The navy cannot let go of its hands and feet.

This is also the reason why the two sides will always be entangled.

“How’s the situation outside now?”

Bai Yu asked quickly.

“For the time being, our army has the upper hand.”

“But these islanders don’t know what medicine they took wrongly.”

“They rushed towards us one by one like they were desperate for their lives.”

“If this continues…I’m afraid it won’t last long.”

Kirby explained.

Navy is tied.

On the other hand, the islanders, under the control of the holy sword, are fighting with their lives.

It’s okay for a short time, but if it continues, the navy will have to pay a big price.

Hearing this, Bai Yu glanced at Maya beside her.

“Please don’t hurt the islanders!”

“As long as they are restrained, I have a way to get them out of the control of the holy sword!”


Maya asked for help pitifully.

“They all became like this only because they were controlled by the holy sword.”

Hearing this, Bai Yu smiled and patted Maya on the shoulder.

“Don’t worry, we are the navy, we won’t mess with killers.”

After finishing speaking, Bai Yu and Kebi walked out of the room.

Maya also followed closely.

As soon as they walked out of the room, Bai Yu and the others saw such a messy scene.

Around, naval soldiers and crazy islanders can be seen wrestling together everywhere.

The navy soldiers had some scruples, and they didn’t hit hard, but kept suppressing the islanders.

Looking at the islanders again, there are some with shovels, some with brooms, and all kinds of iron guys, all of them are used as weapons.

All desperately greeted the navy.

Gradually, even the navy has been hanged.

Seeing this scene, Maya felt even more guilty.

“Back all!”

Seeing this, Bai Yu roared loudly.

Hearing the voice of the chief officer Bai Yu, all the navy soldiers seemed to have found their backbone.

He didn’t want to fight, and immediately pulled back.

Gathered in the open space in front of the house where Bai Yu was.

On the other side, the islanders also held weapons and stood on the opposite side aggressively.

At first glance, there are hundreds of people.

The two sides temporarily stopped their confrontation, and one person walked out from the crowd of islanders.

It was Lakos who led the islanders to launch a sneak attack.

Lacus who came out was completely different from the daytime.

The expression on his face was ferocious and terrifying, with a ruthless look, and his eyes even more strangely shone with a scarlet light.

“Navy! It’s none of your business!”

“Hand over Maya and we can let you go!”

Lacus suddenly spoke.

“Hand over Maya!”

“Hand over Maya!”


For a while, the islanders behind Lacus raised their weapons and shouted.

A moment later, the corner of Lax’s mouth curled up into an evil smile.

Raise your hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

“How about it?”

Lakes looked at Bai Yu again, and asked coldly.

Said the words in a completely threatening tone.

Who knows, Bai Yu doesn’t like Lacus at all.

Take a few steps forward and come to the front of the navy soldiers.

Raising his head, he looked at Lacus without fear.

“Maya, it’s mine.”

“If you want to hurt her, first step on my body.”

Bai Yu immediately opened his mouth and said.

The attitude is extremely firm!

“I think you are looking for death on purpose!”

“Let’s go together! Kill them and sacrifice for the holy sword!”

Hearing this, Lacus’ face became even more gloomy.

Afterwards, Lacus raised a long sword in his hand and gave orders to many islanders.

“Kill ’em!”

“Sacrifice for the holy sword!”

The next moment, the islanders yelled crazily.

Hundreds of islanders rushed towards Bai Yu and the others.

“You don’t need to take action.”

“I am enough alone.”

Seeing the islanders rushing towards them, the navy soldiers subconsciously held their weapons.

But Bai Yu raised one hand to stop her.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Yu took a deep breath, and slowly closed his eyes.

Overlord color domineering!


Suddenly, Bai Yu’s eyes opened suddenly.

In his eyes, a ray of light flashed past.

Under the urging of the mind, the domineering arrogance was released immediately.

The overlord-like arrogance released from Bai Yu’s body turned into an invisible circle of light.

Spread out at an extremely fast speed.

In the blink of an eye, it has penetrated the bodies of all the islanders present.

In an instant, the islanders only felt a violent shock to their consciousness.

His body trembled, and he immediately lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

Plop, plop, plop…

In just a few seconds, all the islanders rushed up.

Tongtong lost consciousness and fell down.

Even Lacus, who led the islanders and uttered harsh words just now, also fainted.

Seeing this, Bai Yu was satisfied to stop the release of domineering color.

At the same time, Maya behind her was already stunned.

Just one look!

All the hundreds of islanders fainted due to the strange shock!

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