Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 44

Chapter 44 – Fierce Battle! Naval Siege


The entity behind was slashed, and Gaspardi immediately gasped in pain.

Before he could think about it, Gaspardi gritted his teeth and stepped forward.

After maintaining a relatively safe distance from Bai Yu, Gaspardi turned around.

Forcibly used the jelly candy with the fruit power to block the bleeding from the wound.

Looking at Bai Yu’s expression again, he no longer had the original calmness.

“If I remember correctly, you just used the armed color Domineering!”

“Overlord color domineering, armed color domineering…”

“Who the **** are you?!”

Gaspardi roared.

A person who can skillfully use two-color domineering will commit himself to a small pirate group?

Being an unknown junior?

When you say it, almost no one believes it.

“White Feather.”

Bai Yu reported her name.

White Feather?

Hearing this name, Gaspardi was a little impressed.

For a while but can’t remember where I heard it.

Beep beep beep!

At this moment, the surrounding alarm bells suddenly rang.

Followed by the panicked shouts of the host.

“emegency notice!”

“A large number of naval warships appeared in the waters around Hannabar!”

“The competition is temporarily cancelled, all pirates leave quickly!”

It turned out that a large number of naval warships were found, and they were heading towards Hannabar.

Boom! Boom!

Almost at the same time, there were bursts of earth-shattering explosions around the island again.

Several entrances and exits of the island were blocked by inexplicable bombing!

For a while, the pirates in the entire island became a mess.

Hearing the explosion, Bai Yu smiled slightly.

The continuous explosions that occurred were also the work of Keby and Bellumebo arranged by Bayu Baiyu.

The purpose is to completely trap the pirates in Hannabal.

Buy more time for the coming navy.

“Aren’t you a pirate!”

Gaspardi also noticed the movement around   .

Seeing Bai Yu’s strange smile again, Gaspardi seemed to understand something.

“The one you used at the beginning was the shave in the Navy’s sixth style!”

“You are the Navy!”

Gaspardi suddenly pointed to Bai Yu excitedly and said.

Hearing this, even Foxy stared at Bai Yu with wide eyes.

Fox hopes that Gaspardi is making it up.

However, the fact is cruel.

After Gaspardi finished speaking, Bai Yu felt that there was no need to hide any more, and nodded.


Seeing Bai Yu nodded affirmatively.

Foxy behind was so dumbfounded that his jaw almost fell to the ground.

“White Feather…”

On the other side, facing Bai Yu’s generous acknowledgment, Gaspardi silently chanted Bai Yu’s name.

Suddenly, the body trembled slightly, as if remembering something.

“White Feather!”

“You are the navy super rookie who captured Crocodile’s Bai Yu alone?!”

Gaspardi exclaimed.

Obviously, I have heard some reports about Bai Yu.

“There are fake replacements.”

Bai Yu said with a smile.

“From the very beginning, you participated in the competition just to catch me.”

“And that slash, I said with your strength, how could it be possible to slash crookedly.”

“That is to notify the Navy.”

Gaspardi thought carefully and said in horror.

After thinking about it, it seems that everything is in Bai Yu’s plan!

“You’re not too stupid.”

“Now there is only one last step left, which is to get you all.”

“Take them all back.”

Bai Yu shrugged and said.

After speaking, he raised his knife and pointed at Gaspardi.

The atmosphere on the scene instantly condensed.

“Don’t think that you can beat me with a little domineering!”


Knowing that Bai Yu was a navy, Gaspardi knew that the former would not be able to let him go.

Suddenly roared, raised his hands.

In an instant, the front half of Gaspardi’s body turned into green jelly.

The viscous fudge was wriggling crazily under Gaspardi’s control.

In an instant, it condensed into densely packed sharp cones.

Ka Ka Ka!

Immediately afterwards, the fondant begins to harden.


After a while, it turned into a strange hard luster like a spar.

Gaspardi’s jelly candy ability not only softens the body.

Similarly, it can harden the fondant into a means of attack.

“Die to me!”

Wait until a series of hard pointed cones are condensed and formed.

Gaspardi roars again.

Suddenly move your hands forward.


The many sharp cones condensed suddenly shot at Bai Yu overwhelmingly.

Such a frightening momentum, if he was really hit, his body might turn into a hornet’s nest in an instant.

However, it is in the face of so many spike attacks.

Bai Yu still looked calm and composed.

Did not choose to evade, and even took the initiative to walk forward.

Seeing this, Gaspardi’s face became more and more gloomy.

Immediately mobilize the devil fruit ability with all its strength to strengthen the offensive.

Information color domineering!

Seeing that densely packed spikes are coming.

The corners of Bai Yu’s eyes tightened slightly.

As the eyes opened and closed, the arrogance of knowledge and knowledge was released.

Powerful knowledge and arrogance allow Bai Yu to accurately capture the trajectory of each sharp cone.

All attacks and routes are under control.

Whoop, whoop, whoop…

The next second, the sharp cone attack came.

A scene that surprised Gaspardi happened.

The sharp cones with the sound of breaking the wind.

Before hitting Bai Yu’s body, Bai Yu moved a little and easily dodged it.

One, two, three…

More and more sharp cones were dodged by Bai Yu.

Bai Yu just walked by Gaspardi step by step under the eyes of Gaspardi.

Shuttle between spike attacks.

It seems to have really answered the sentence: “Gone among thousands of flowers, not a single leaf touches the body.”

There is no sharp cone that can touch Bai Yu’s body.

bang bang bang bang…

Afterwards, those pointed cones that fell through the air all fell on the hull of the ship.

The powerful penetrating power pierced a large gap in the deck.

Look at Bai Yu again.

already came before Gaspardi.

“You are a disgrace to the Navy.”

“You will never be allowed to get away with it.”

Bai Yu said coldly.



After finishing speaking, Bai Yu thought.

The Azure Dragon Sword Intent instantly condensed into a substantial flame, which ignited on Longyan Tachidao.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Yu held the knife in both hands and raised it over his shoulder.

Immediately, he slashed diagonally from top to bottom towards Gaspardi’s shoulder.

“I won’t lose!”

“Don’t even think about it!”

Seeing Longyan Taisword coming, Gaspardi roared angrily.

Clasp the palms of both hands against the air.


Under the control of the mind, the soft candy fruit ability can be used again.

The jellybeated body is constantly oozing green jelly.

Then, the fudge gathered in Gaspardi’s palm.

Gummy squirmed, forming a spiked weapon.

Spiked weapons, instantly hardened.

This series of actions sounds complicated, but in fact it only happens in an instant.

After the spiked weapon was hardened, Gaspardi raised the spiked weapon, and stabbed at the coming Longyan Taidao with all his strength!

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