Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger

Chapter 40

Chapter 40 – The Competition Begins! Block The Way

“let’s go.”

After teaching Nieders a lesson, Bai Yu took Keby and the two away without looking back.

It didn’t take long to return to the ship of the Foxy Pirates.

“Colonel Baiba, you shot Nieders like this…”

“Don’t worry that Gaspardi is afraid and won’t participate in the competition?”

After returning to the boat, Kebi immediately asked Bai Yu.

“Gaspardi enjoys the feeling of being admired by others, and that’s why he’s being rewarded today.”

“With his character, not only can’t run.”

“Even pick us first.”

Bai Yu said confidently.

Hearing the words, Kebi and Beru Meber nodded and said no more.

the other side.

In the camp of Gaspardi Pirates.


Hearing the news Nieders brought back, Gaspardi slapped the table angrily.

Feeling Gaspardi’s anger, members of Gaspardi’s pirate group lowered their heads one by one.

He didn’t even dare to take a breath.

“Even this little thing can’t be done well.”

“Do you still have the face to come back?”

Gaspardi said angrily.

“good, very good, excellent.”

“Are you the Foxy Pirates?”

“I will let you know what happened to Gaspardi who offended me.”

After finishing speaking, Gaspardi had a fierce look on his face.

Everyone present knew that Gaspardi was really angry this time.

Everything is just as Bai Yu guessed.

Nothing to say all night.

Time flickered, and it was noon the next day.

The entire Hannabal Island is filled with a cheerful and enthusiastic atmosphere.

“Welcome again everyone!”

“The time is almost up, and now all contestants are invited to enter!”

Driven by the host, the atmosphere at the scene reached its peak.

Immediately afterwards, all participating boats entered the competition-specific channel one after another.

After a distance, Bai Yu noticed the leading Gaspardi Pirates at the front.

Gaspardi was standing on the bow deck at this time.

Turning around and looking back, he found Bai Yu’s figure.

In an instant, Gaspardi’s eyes became sharp.

The right hand is in the shape of a knife, making a gesture of wiping the neck in front of the neck.

Full of gunpowder!

Seeing this, Bai Yu just smiled disdainfully and ignored Gaspardi.

“Mr. Baiyu, your two brothers…?”

Before the game started, Foxy ran up a few steps and asked Bai Yu.

From the departure of the ship to the present, Foxy has not seen the two of Keby.

I have doubts.

“I have other tasks assigned to them.”

Bai Yu gave Foxy a meaningful look.

Let Foxy guess slowly.

“All the contestants have arrived.”

“I declare, an exciting sea race of death.”

“Start now!”


Following the order of the host.

A huge horn sounded immediately.

“Come on!”

“The champion is ours!”

“No one wants to stand in my way!”


In an instant, there was a lot of voices.

Fierce scolding came from all around.

All the pirate ships are setting sail at this moment.

White Feather’s Foxy pirate ship also set off.

Bang, bang, bang…

On both sides of the track, one can even see the pirate ships crashing into each other.

Or in the bombardment of shells, it was broken and sank.

Coincidentally, it is precisely because the Foxy Pirates are not famous.

The order of the row is relatively low, which happened to escape the fierce battle of the pirates in the first round.

The pirate ship came to the corner of the first channel smoothly without being hindered too much.

“what is that?!”

At this moment, the helmsman in charge of the helm suddenly pointed in surprise.

Before the corner of the channel, three pirate ships suddenly stopped.

The three pirate ships connected head to tail with their sideways hulls, blocking the advancing channel of Bai Yu and others.

“Hahahaha… This way is dead!”

“You dare to offend Lord Gaspardi, I can only blame your bad luck.”

The hulls of the three pirate ships are full of densely packed pirates.

Among them, there was a loud laugh.

Hearing what the other party said, Bai Yu immediately understood.

Ganqing is Gaspardi’s henchman, here to be a dog in the way.

“Mr. Shiraha…we…”

Seeing this, Foxy gritted his teeth with hatred, and cast a questioning look at Bai Yu.

“Don’t worry about it, just rush over.”

Bai Yu said.


“Little ones, full speed ahead!”

Received Bai Yu’s affirmative answer, Foxy immediately gave instructions to the younger brothers.

The speed of the pirate ship did not decrease at all, and rushed towards the three pirate ships.

“Crazy! They’re crazy!”

“Fire! Blow up their ship!”

The other party was obviously taken aback by the actions of Bai Yu and the others.

In their view, this situation accelerates forward.

Undoubtedly, it was a fight with them, and in the end it would only end up in a situation where both ships were destroyed.

The people sent by Gaspardi are obviously willing to do that.


Under the command of one of them, three pirate ships aboard.

Start rolling out a cannon.

The muzzles of the guns were aimed at the ship where Bai Yu was.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

The next moment, the crew of the three pirate ships loaded their ammunition one after another.

Light the fire wire.

In an instant, shells one after another were fired from the three pirate ships.

The fired shells formed parabolas in mid-air and fell towards Bai Yu and the others.

Seeing this, Bai Yu dashed out and came to the bow of the Foxy pirate ship. ?

Squatting down slightly, his right hand rested on the hilt of Longyan Taidao.

Looking directly at the three pirate ships in front, completely ignoring the shells that were about to fall.

The Foxy pirate ship was only two to three hundred meters away from the three pirate ships.

Seeing that the overwhelming shells are about to hit the Foxy pirate ship.

Bai Yu suddenly called out.

“Foxey! It’s your show.”

“咈咈咈咈! Look at mine!”

Hearing this, Foxy, who couldn’t hold back for a long time, immediately let out a smirk.

His hands were raised suddenly, aiming at the sky.

“Slow light waves!”

The next moment, Fox thought.

The slow fruit ability was used instantly.

Om, Om, Om!

In an instant, circular light waves were released from the palms of Foxy’s raised hands.

As soon as the light waves released penetrated the shell, a strange scene happened.

The cannonballs that were still speeding up, but at this time, the speed slowed down countless times.

It seems to have stopped.

It is Foxy’s fruit ability.

Slow light wave, can hit all people and things in the world, and the response is 30 seconds slower!

Taking advantage of this gap, the Foxy pirate ship advancing at full speed pierced through the attack range of the shells.

came to the front of the three pirate ships.



Seeing this, Bai Yu clenched the palm of the knife.

With a thought, the sound of the knife trembled slightly.

The turquoise flame representing the Qinglong Sword Intent immediately burned from Longyan Taidaodao’s body.

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