Pirate's Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 24 One Step Ahead

On the east side of the battlefield, two swordsmen, a man and a woman, faced each other.

The huge full moon hangs over the ruins of Luozhong Village, and the night wind blows harder.

Wu Hongji pointed the tip of the 'Hong Siam' sword down and looked at the opponent in front of her slightly.

This is a tall man about 3 meters tall, about 30 years old, with short red hair flying like flames. He wore a smart open-chested shirt and loose trousers for easy movement. His lips are slightly wider, he has a short beard on his chin, his eyes are somewhat narrow, and there is an obvious scar on the left corner of his forehead. The man held a long straight-edged sword in his hand. The hilt was in the shape of a large cross, which was rare in the Western Sea. In the eyes of Wu Hongji, a swordsman, the whole long sword exuded an ominous meaning.

"I didn't expect to meet a swordsman in the West Sea, and a rare female swordsman." The red-haired man said in a low voice: "I was rude just now."

He made a sword dance, raised the long sword to eye level, and pointed the tip of the sword at Wu Hongji: "Introduce yourself. 'Evil Tiger' Fleming, a former bounty hunter, is now under the command of Lord Moria. One of the Four Weird People. By the way, I don’t like the name Four Weird People, and I’m currently recruiting for a new title. If you think of a suitable one, please let me know.”

"No, you should continue to be your four monsters..." Wu Hongji subconsciously vomited, and after waking up, her face flushed slightly, she gave a fake cough and said seriously: "My name is Wu Hong Ji, a swordsman from the land of peace, is currently Victor's partner."

Fleming looked at the 'Red Siam' in Wu Hongji's hand, and said in a low voice, "The knife in your hand is not bad. But you have to be careful, the one in my hand is a 'Demon Sword'. And... I am 'All beheading' doctrine!"

"Rampant tiger and rebellion!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the gravel beneath Fleming's feet collapsed, and he slashed towards Wu Hongji with a reverse cassock slash from bottom to top!

But Wu Hongji's speed is even faster!Her figure is like a free-flying swallow, and she swam sideways to avoid the powerful reverse cassock slash, and then the 'Red Siam' in her hand turned into a ray of cold light, piercing Fleming's chest at a tricky angle .

Stab Sword·Thorn Bird!

"Hmph...I'm waiting for you! Tail Tiger!"

Fleming had experienced Wu Hongji's swiftness just now, and he had expected the female swordsman's counterattack long ago, and before the bottom-up side slashing move was used up, he tightly clenched the hilt of the sword with both hands to hold the sword Then, he slashed fiercely at Wu Hongji who was buried in front of her with a backhand!

Wu Hongji's change is even faster!The 'Red Siam' sword light in her hand first tilted to the left, and then her feet seemed to be dancing around, and the sword light drew an elegant circle of light along the circle of her body.

Sword Dance · Crane Citation Song!

Clang!Clang!clang clang clang! ! !

Fleming's fierce 'tail tiger' not only failed to hit Wu Hongji, but was pushed back by her faster and faster whirling sword winds one after another. He found that every whirling slash was faster than The strength of the previous blow was stronger. Is this woman borrowing the power of her body to turn around?Fleming guessed it but didn't have a way to crack it for the time being, so he could only hold the long knife in his hand to protect his body.

There was another crisp sound of steel clashing with echoes!After all, there is a moment when the elegant dance ends. Wu Hongji's last roundabout slashes Fleming backwards slightly, revealing his flaws, followed by a swift and violent cassock slash!

Mighty Sword·Hunting Lion and Vulture!

Just at the moment when the winner was about to be decided, a strange and unknown fluctuation escaped from the long knife in Fleming's hand, and two hidden and strange sword energy suddenly appeared on Wu Hongji's left and right sides!

Caught off guard, Wu Hongji had to change her sword posture, barely using the 'Red Siam' to push away the sword energy on the right, but tried her best to dodge but was scratched by the sword energy on the left, and the blood instantly dyed the red kimono even more coquettish.

Wu Hongji made some light leaps to distance herself from Fleming, frowned and looked at the knife in his hand, and tilted her head cutely - could this be considered a 'demon knife'?

Generally speaking, although the "demon knife" is extremely sharp, it is often accompanied by the side effect of "obstructing the master".She has never seen this kind of 'demon sword' that can automatically emit sword energy to protect its master. Maybe the other party simply referred to 'magician's sword' as 'demon sword'?

Fleming shook his numb hand, put the long knife on his shoulder and said in a low voice: "I warned you just now, this one in my hand is a 'Demon Sword', a 'Demon Sword Misfortune'. It You have personally experienced your ability, isn’t it quite powerful? But your swordsmanship style is very special, it feels like a flying bird.” He sincerely admired, if it hadn’t been for the impromptu display of power by the ‘bad catastrophe’, he would have It's really possible to be chopped by this woman.

Wu Hongji cut off a section of her cuff and used it as a bandage to tie the wound on her left arm tightly: "My swordsmanship is inherited from the Tiantiao Shouge of Baiwu in the country of Wan, the secret 'Asuka Sword', and the 'Hundred Flowers True Martial Arts', 'Whale Kumite' and 'Cricket Spear' are both known as the Four Secrets of Wano."

"...flowers, birds, fish and insects?"

"It's the Four Secrets!! The Four Secrets!!"

At this time, there was a loud bang!Wu Hongji felt as if the ground under her feet had been overturned, the gravel rolled, and there were irregular tremors everywhere!

Is it Victor?Before Wu Hongji could continue to guess, there was another loud noise!The ground under her feet was completely cracked, and huge rocks with a lot of soil were lifted up. Amidst the deafening "boom", Wu Hongji suddenly found that Fleming on the opposite side had disappeared.

She ran back subconsciously! As soon as the light figure left, the original position suddenly exploded in the next second!

Fleming was in the air, and he was not upset when he saw that the sword energy from his sneak attack did not hurt Wu Hongji. He swung another vertical slash, and the fierce sword wind drew a straight line towards Wu Hongji who had just stood firm. Kill Hong Ji!

"Tiger's evil wind·bite!!"

Wu Hongji gritted her teeth and struck back with a counter-cassock slash to disperse the strong sword energy that came her way. Then she turned sideways to avoid the strange wave of sword energy that appeared silently at her side.

"So what kind of 'demon knife' is this!" Wu Hongji muttered angrily.Having lost her chance, she could only keep on stepping, jumping and moving quickly between the huge slanted rocks that were constantly raised, and the violent sword wind would occasionally smash the gravel behind her.

"I've caught you!! Tiger's Disaster, Demonic Demon's Cone!" Fleming jumped into the air again and seized the opportunity. He half-crouched his body and held the 'Demon Sword: Demonic Sword' with both hands behind his back. The tip of the knife was pointed directly at Wu Hong, who was directly below him. Ji, using the momentum of her fall, stabbed towards the top of her head! !

And Wu Hongji should have been completely unresponsive, but she staggered her figure as if she had predicted the enemy's opportunity, and avoided the fatal stab in time!

Fleming had no time to be surprised, because Wu Hongji's counterattack followed one after another!She drew sparks of sparks on the rocky ground with the tip of her sword facing down, and then swung it up diagonally!The brilliant starlight, accompanied by the swift and gorgeous arc-shaped light of the knife, slashed across Fleming's chest!

"Secret Sword Night Bird Flying!"

Fleming only had time to pull out the 'Bane' that had penetrated deeply into the ground, before he was directly hit by this beautiful knife light. The 'Calamity' once again released several strange waves of sword energy to block Fleming's chest, but they were all smashed to pieces by this 'Night Bird Flying'!But after all, this provided Fleming with a precious moment of opportunity. He leaped back and pulled the 'Calamity' to his chest at the same time, and then there was a violent sword collision sound!

Fleming spat out blood violently, leaped back again with the huge impact, and jumped onto a huge rock that was slowly tilting amid violent vibrations.He clutched the wound on his chest that was almost bone-deep, and stared at Wu Hongji: "...how did you escape just now? The 'Tiger Disaster·Ghost Cone' should have pierced through your blind spot." Yes, you will never find out!"

Wu Hongji did not answer Fleming's words. She looked at the battlefield in the distance, slightly narrowed her beautiful peach blossom eyes, showed a smile, and whispered to herself:

"This time, the concubine is one step ahead, Perona."

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