Pirates: I Resurrected Roger

Chapter 281

Chapter 281:

That is the power of the legendary fruit of surgery.

To be honest, Barrett doesn’t care about Luo’s strength.

But the fruit of surgery ignores the space cutting and transfer ability of physical defense, and he has to be careful.

If this brat secretly gives himself such a blow when he fights with the golden lion later, he will probably have a headache.

“Men’s Romance, How Do You Know Barrett”

The figure of the golden lion suddenly appeared in front of Barrett, holding two swords in both hands and laughing loudly.

Barrett was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then he laughed wildly, as if he had heard some ridiculous joke.

“Hahahaha!! Stop kidding, Golden Lion!!”

“How can a gangster like us galloping across the sea have the word romance?”

“Our generation, only life and death!!”

“Either become stronger, conquer the weak, and kill the opponent.”

“Or die at the hands of others!!”

“Pirate, isn’t it that simple?”

“Only the strongest can become the king of pirates and become the “Pirate King” like Captain Roger


“So I’ve made up my mind this time”

“To kill all of you and all those who stand in my way, to prove that I am the strongest who surpasses Captain Roger and surpasses everyone!!”

“—Become One Piece!!”

As soon as the voice came out, there was a boom! Barrett threw a heavy punch.

669 Twenty years! Do you know how I’ve been through twenty years? 【Seeking full order】

The fist wrapped in a domineering, armed look, with boundless coercion, smashed down like the top of Mount Tai.

At the moment when Barrett punched, the complexion of the golden lion changed slightly, the arrogance and contempt in his eyes had disappeared, replaced by a touch of deep solemnity.

From Barrett’s punch, he actually felt an inexplicable pressure.

As the mortal enemy who once fought Roger for hegemony in the new world, the Golden Lion has fought countless times with the Roger Pirates.

Barrett, the “monster” of the Roger Pirates

, is no stranger to it.

As early as many years ago, his combat power was already strong enough to be comparable to the **** Rayleigh, Roger’s deputy.

But even so, Barrett back then was not enough to give the Golden Lion such a strong and oppressive feeling.

However, the scene in front of him made the Golden Lion’s heart feel a deep fear and chill.

That feeling is like fighting with Roger or Whitebeard in their heyday!! Every moment is full of suffocating oppression! “You bastard, it seems that you have been in the advancing city for 20 years. In the deepest place… the place where birds don’t poop, it really doesn’t waste time.”

The golden lion murmured with a cold expression, raised his hand and swung his sword out! Sakura Shi, withered wood, two peerless swords, bloomed in his hands with an incomparably astonishing edge.

Boom!! Double swords and fists, wrapped in their strongest weapons and domineering, collided together in mid-air, bursting out a terrifying air wave.

In an instant, both the golden lion and Barrett shouted violently at the same time, and a majestic, sea-shaking aura suddenly erupted from their bodies.

Boom!! The world seems to have lost any color at this moment, the wind roared, the black clouds rolled, and countless purple lightning flashed in vain, as if the violent pressure to destroy the world burst out with the two at the center, The sea and the clouds rise up in layers in all directions.

Between the gray sky and the earth, the purple-red lightnings complemented each other, setting off the incomparably tall and majestic figures of the golden lion and Barrett who were fighting against Deli, as if they were gods.

Rumbling!! The entire Seven Waters was in a terrible turmoil at this moment. All the new navies and civilians stationed here stared at the earth under their feet in horror. The waves and layers of cracks are like cracks, and the gorgeous cracks of the flowers are in full bloom, as if everything around them will be destroyed at any time.

Many of the weaker civilians and navies couldn’t bear the crushing pressure of the collision of these two auras, so they fainted and fell to the ground.

“What a strong tyrant and domineering collision!!”

On the ground, Luo stunned staring at the two people fighting in the sky, couldn’t help but sucked in a breath of cold air and muttered.

“Hahahaha!! Golden Lion, it seems that just like the rumors, your strength has fully recovered!!”

“Interesting!! That’s how fun!!”

Barrett raised his head with a grin and said, “Come on!! Let me kill you, the so-called legendary pirate, today!!”

He gritted his teeth suddenly, and let out a violent drink like a thunderous roar.

“Devil Form!!”

The next moment, the endless and rich ghostly aura exploded from his body, just like the substance, the ghostly aura that made the pores stand upright, tightly wrapped around his burly body under the powerful and domineering scrolling. every inch of skin and muscle.

The exploding muscles gradually took on a purple-black shape, bulging in large chunks like magma.

Those violent eyes were dyed with a blood-like color.

Thick smoke emerged from the surface of his body, and Barrett, whose eyes were crimson, looked like a devil who had truly crawled out of purgatory and a sea of blood from mountains of corpses, exuding a horrific **** blood. and madness.

“Come on Golden Lion”

“It’s been a long, long time that no one is qualified to let me use this form, so don’t let me down.”

Barrett stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, and his body actually trembled visibly.

He looked at the golden lion as if he was looking at a prey, full of jokes.

That is the stimulation of rarely meeting an opponent, excited for 20 years!! I have practiced hard for 20 years!! I have practiced in the most rigorous and harsh way for 20 years!! Such a long time and accumulation of years, once the outbreak breaks out , what kind of earth-shattering combat power is, no one knows “the real trouble is coming”

“Since this is the case, I have no choice but to be more serious.”

Facing Barrett, who showed a new form, the golden lion sank slightly in his heart, but the corners of his mouth gradually rose, sketching a wanton arc.

670 Roger, you have to carry the pot. 【Seeking full order】

The strength of Barrett is naturally clear to the Golden Lion.

But, like Barrett, he hasn’t faced a decent opponent for a long, long time.

Even after the strength is fully restored, the “Battle of the End of Justice” that shocked the world

, his opponents are not able to give him enough pressure.

This time, let me play with you.

“I haven’t used that **** for a long time.”

The smirk at the corner of the golden lion’s mouth was even more intense, and the cracked arc carried a certain kind of arrogance and domineering.

Boom!! At the moment when his voice fell, the **** aura that was not inferior to Barrett’s ghostly aura suddenly erupted on the golden lion’s body.

Just like the flames of hell, the ghostly energy that was raging, quickly wrapped the two sharp and unparalleled famous swords in his hand under the domineering entanglement.

“bring it on”

“The devil’s… funny title, I didn’t use it a long time ago!”

The next moment, the golden lion suddenly raised his head, his eyes glowed like blood, and he flew up with a grin.

Boom!! The figures of the two slammed together in mid-air like a comet hitting the earth. The air waves and shocks that erupted caused the entire island of the Seven Waters to sway and tremble crazily.

Like a gust of wind, like a thunderbolt, both the golden lion and Barrett launched a storm-like offensive towards each other with scarlet eyes.

No one could see their movements clearly.

On the land of the island, countless civilians and navies stared at the fierce waves that burst out from the sky, and their hearts were filled with boundless chills.

“too strong”

The new admiral swallowed a mouthful of saliva and muttered with a wry smile in a dry tone.

“Chief of Staff Luo, do we need to inform Marshal Liu Feng?”

With a pale face, he subconsciously asked Luo who was beside him.

Luo’s expression was also filled with bottomless solemnity. He didn’t expect that the restoration of the ancient weapon Hades would actually arouse the covetousness of a monster from a previous era like Barrett.

What is even more unexpected is that this “descendant of the devil” who has disappeared on the sea for 20 years

, Not only did the strength not retreat in the slightest, but it became a lot stronger than the year before! You must know that the combat power of the Golden Lion General, but with the help of Marshal Liu Feng, returned to the heyday of the year!! Thinking of this, Luo’s eyes were fixed on the battle in the sky, and his lips pursed subconsciously.

At a certain moment, he suddenly gritted his teeth and said solemnly, “Notify Liu Fengyuan.

Handsome, please support!!”

The lieutenant general of the headquarters was stunned for a moment, then nodded immediately.

Although Luo could clearly see that the Golden Lion was enjoying the battle in front of him, if he rashly disturbed and intervened, it might arouse his dissatisfaction.

However, the ancient weapon Pluto is of great importance to the new navy and must not be lost.

In case Barrett really defeated the golden lion and then took the Pluto, then the new navy’s last reliance against the world government will also be lost! They are not any ordinary rogue organization or pirate group! They are the new sea, They are violent law enforcement agencies, and they are well-organized and disciplined troops! This is not something that can be changed by the personal will or ambition of the Golden Lion. As the chief of staff of the new navy, Luo must proceed from the overall situation to ensure that the new navy will continue to operate in the region. Position at sea! “Blu Bleu!”


On the deck of the naval battleship floating in the high-altitude clouds, Liu Fenghuai suddenly heard a rush of phone calls.

The voice of the military phone bug made Liu Feng, who was standing on the bow of the boat blowing a cigarette, unable to help frown.

“Did something happen”

A thought flashed in his mind, and the phone worm was connected.

The news from the military phone bug made his face change slightly.

“I see.”

Liu Feng finally said such a sentence in a cold tone, and then hung up the phone communication.

He hooked his fingers, and the naval battleship under his feet made a loud noise and flew in the other direction.

“How to adjust the direction”

At this time, the figure of Roger, who was grimacing and making Bai Xing laugh on the deck in the distance, appeared beside Liu Feng in a flash, and asked curiously with wide eyes.

Their original plan was to send Shiro Xing back to Marin Vando headquarters first, so that she could get acquainted with the atmosphere in the army.

At the same time, the headquarters is fully equipped to ensure the safety of Shirahoshi.

But now this direction is clearly not towards Marin Fando.

Hearing Roger’s words, Liu Feng suddenly smiled, “An old friend of yours has appeared and is eyeing Hades in the capital of seven waters.”

“You have to carry this pot.”

Roger scratched his head and said doubtfully, “The old friend doesn’t make sense.”

However, Liu Feng’s next sentence made Roger’s face change greatly.

“—It’s Barrett.”

671bullet form! Iron giant! ! 【Seeking full order】

672 The strongest collision! Golden Lion and Barrett! 【Seeking full order】

Roar!! The steel giant swung the huge arms that covered the sky, and the turbulent waves caused by the terrifying power actually pushed the sea up and down, raising the stormy waves of hundreds of meters.

The deafening roar seemed to shatter people’s eardrums, and at this moment, the entire city of seven waters became: shaky.

“Hahahaha!!! Golden Lion!!”

“Open your eyes and see!! This is the greatest power!”

“—The strongest power to rival Captain Roger, you, and even Whitebeard!!”

Boom!! The void suddenly twisted into a thrilling and terrifying concave arc. The next moment, the steel giant suddenly waved a huge fist, which turned into a red fist like breaking the mountain and reclaimed the sea, and smashed it towards the port!! The fist of the steel giant It is surrounded by violent purple-black domineering, under the blessing of terrifying power, it bursts with impact, and even the surface of the fist rubs against the air, creating a flame arc similar to a meteor falling to the ground!! The red light, It seems to dye the sky red, like the punch of a falling meteor, tearing open the atmosphere with impunity.

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