Pirates: I Resurrected Roger

Chapter 269

Chapter 269:

“That is the knowledge and research that has set foot in the forbidden area of God. Even I can’t crack it.”

“Maybe when there are more mature conditions in the future, I can make a more perfect product.”

“Besides, I can also create a superhuman serum, um, similar to the killing warriors of Germa 6, which can transform the human body, improve the physical quality of the human body and erase the pain.”

“But the technology I have mastered is more familiar, and the improvement in human quality is greater.”

“In addition, in the study of giants, the giant human body is almost the same.”

Vega Punk told Liu Feng about his own research,

It didn’t mean anything to hide.

For Vegapunk’s confession, Liu Feng, who had already understood his research results, was nothing, and he was able to remain calm.

But Roger and Golden Lion on the side became more and more frightened as they listened, their eyes widened, and in the end they even took a deep breath.

This unremarkable guy actually has such huge and amazing scientific research results in his hands! It is unimaginable that if they really apply all the scientific research results in his hands to the army and mass-produce them, the combat effectiveness of the new navy will be improved. How many times!! Thinking of this, they both looked at Liu Feng subconsciously.

The sincerity given by Vega Punk is really attractive, but both of them are very clear that in the end it is up to Liu Feng to make the decision himself.

After all, Vegapunk is still a member of the World Government on the surface, and it was only his side words just now, and it is absolutely impossible to believe it easily.

“The above is almost the research results I have in hand, but this is only temporary, because the research materials that can be provided to me on this sea are extremely limited.”

Vegapunk finally said softly, with a hint of regret in his tone.

He quietly looked at Liu Feng who was silent in front of him, waiting for the latter’s answer.

In an instant, in the huge hotel suite, it was surprisingly quiet.

After listening to Vega Punk’s “Self-Introduction”

, Liu Feng’s heart also fell into contemplation.

Until a certain moment, he suddenly smiled and said slowly: “Yes, I promise you.”

The moment the voice fell, a stiff smile appeared on Vegapunk’s face.

A long-lost smile that seems to have never appeared before.

For Vega Punk, this mysterious guy, although Liu Feng still maintains his doubts about his identity as the chief scientist of the world government.

But he has the confidence to keep this talent by his side and use it for him.

Because he knew very well the loneliness of this kind of genius, their longing.

The power, money, status, and status that ordinary people yearn for are simply **** for people like them.


What they crave is unlimited knowledge power, the exploration of the universe, the human body, and the endless unknown.

As long as he can constantly provide new things and things to arouse Vega Punk’s curiosity, Liu Feng is not afraid that he will not be able to control him!!

633 Resurrection! The maker of the ancient weapon Hades! [3 more for full order]

“So that’s it?”

City of Seven Waters, Central Square.

The fountain in the center of the square is falling down, creating a rainbow of seven colors in the bright sunshine.

One after another cordon has been opened by the new navy in advance, the main street in the center of the square has been completely loaded with live ammunition, and the naval soldiers have been completely blocked.

The usually bustling and crowded central square was suddenly empty, with only a few people standing in front of the fountain.

“Yes, Marshal Liu Feng.”

The new admiral bowed his head and replied respectfully, but from the corner of his eyes drifted to Vega Punk standing behind Liu Feng from time to time.

Liu Feng smiled and waved the Vice Admiral to leave.

“According to the historical data from the World Government, a long, long time ago, even going back to the ancient times when the World Government had not yet been established, Pluto the Pluto was in the capital of seven waters. It was built by the boatmen.”

Vegapunk calmly looked at the empty central square in front of him and explained slowly.

“Later, for some unknown reason, after the birth of Pluto, those boatmakers who participated in the manufacture of Pluto were collectively executed in this central square.”

“None of them survived. It is said that in that slaughter-like execution, not even the cleaners in the shipyard workshop produced by Hades were spared, including the family members of those shipbuilders, and anyone with blood ties, all in one night. It was wiped out completely.”

“After that, the only information about the ancient weapon Pluto, Pluto, was a blueprint that was hidden by a shipmaker who participated in the design of Pluto.”

Hearing Vega Punk’s words, the golden lion smoked a cigar and sneered, “It’s cruel enough, in order to prevent other people from getting this powerful weapon, it was directly silenced.”

Roger mockingly said from the side: “Ski, don’t talk about it, you **** have done this kind of thing: is it less?”

The golden lion’s face darkened, and he said angrily, “I have no choice but to do it. Besides, no matter how ruthless I am, I will not harm my family. I still have a bottom line for this, isn’t it!!”

Liu Feng ignored their young couple’s love for each other and killed each other, and just said lightly: “This is a normal thing. The more senior people are, the more cautious and cautious they are.”

Vegapunk looked at Liu Feng’s slightly emaciated back from behind, and a thought flashed in his heart – then, Liu Feng, someone like you who has already stood at the top of this sea’s power, identity and strength, What is the biggest fear in my heart?

Curious. “Let’s get started. Our time is limited.”

Liu Feng said something, and then, a dazzling white light gradually appeared around his body.

Vega Punk was stunned for a moment, suddenly widened, and stared at the swarming rays of light from Liu Feng’s body with red eyes, his heart that had not experienced waves for many years, was actually a wave of roaring.

Because he actually felt some kind of mysterious power that even he could not understand or explain from that white light!! That power is vast and magnificent, revealing a kind of loneliness overlooking the world, and full of a kind of people who make people feel The magic Vega Punk, who bowed his head to worship, has never seen such an incredible stalwart power with his own eyes in his life.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that he really made the right bet this time! Only by following Liu Feng’s side can he witness such power!! Apart from that, there is no possibility anymore!!” Is it the power that can bring the dead back to life in this world?”

Vegapunk murmured involuntarily, his face full of excitement, and even his hands under the white coat trembled slightly involuntarily.

At this moment, a vast white light quickly enveloped the entire huge central square, and in the hazy white light, one after another filled with pain, misery, unwillingness, and unbelievable hoarse roars came from the white light.


“We’ve built Hades!! Why kill us all!”


“don’t want!!”

“I beg you!!”

“Don’t kill my family!!”

“They don’t know anything about Pluto, the Hades!!”


Heart-piercing cries rang out incessantly.

It seems to repeat the **** scene in front of the fountain in the central square.

Liu Feng frowned, it seemed that what happened back then was far more tragic than he had imagined, but for a moment, the tragic mourning gradually disappeared, and figures slowly appeared in the white light.

Dozens of figures in boatmen’s overalls became: clear.

“where is this”

“City of Seven Waters”

“Aren’t we dead? How can we be resurrected again”

“Where’s Pluto?”

A burst of exclamations came from the group of boatmen.

634 Fishman Island Accident! Dragon Palace is lost! ! 【1 more for full order】

Things were quickly arranged.

Liu Feng briefly explained their situation to the group of boatmen who mastered the most advanced shipbuilding skills on the sea, and “resurrected their family and friends”

conditions to open a deal and let them restore Hades again.

They do not have any possibility and chance of rejection.

The most important thing is that Liu Feng offered chips that they could not refuse.

The excavation of Hades in Alabasta has reached the final stage, and the biggest problem is how to transport the remains of Hades Pluto back to the capital of seven waters.

But this is not a difficult thing for Liu Feng.

Just let the golden lion make a trip in person.

So, under the bitter expressions of the golden lion and Roger’s laughing haha, Liu Feng directly gave the golden lion a military order, asking him to transport the wreckage of Pluto, the king of the underworld, from Alabasta to the Seven Waters within one day. All.

After solving the matter here, Liu Feng took Roger and Vega Punk to Judicial Island, also resurrected Tom, and sent a new navy to **** him to the Seven Waters to participate in the restoration of Hades.

After solving this matter, Liu Feng and the three of them immediately rushed to the new world.

Because there was news from the headquarters that there was an accident on Fishman Island.

“Fishman Island is so good, how could there be a riot all of a sudden?”

The huge warship soared between the clouds in the sky at an astonishing speed, like a pitch-black behemoth in the void, exuding a suffocating steel breath.

Roger stood on the bow of the boat, blowing the cold sea breeze in the sky, and his eyebrows were tightly tightened.

“It stands to reason that our new navy has rescued Fishman Island so many times, and also signed a strategic alliance treaty with their leader Fisher Tiger. Fishman Island is impossible to cause trouble.”

Liu Feng stood beside Roger with a cigarette in his hand and took a sip.

A white smoke ring spewed out of his mouth, and then quickly dissipated in the gale.

The corners of his mouth gradually drew a hint of coldness.

“This is not Fisher Tiger’s. On the contrary, if it hadn’t been for El Tiger’s appeal to our new naval headquarters, we wouldn’t know about Fishman Island.”

According to the news from Fisher Tiger, many racists who have been lurking in Fishman Street captured Ryugu Castle during a patrol mission of the Sun Pirates.”

“They controlled the royal family of Ryugu Castle, and issued a notice to the entire Fishman Island announcing that Fishman Island was removed from the camp of the new navy.

Go out on your own”

“Fisher Tiger pointed out that the actions of this group of thugs were very fast, and it was simply not something that ordinary fish-man island thugs could do. He had every reason to believe that there must be someone behind this riot. ”

Roger’s eyebrows tightened, and he couldn’t help muttering: “This is strange, it is reasonable to say that our new navy has no enemies in the new world now, and there is no force that dares to provoke us. what”

“What’s the point of them doing that?”

“Even if we briefly captured Ryugu Castle and seized the power of Fishman Island, it is impossible to defend Fishman Island from our counterattack.”

At this time, Vegapunk, who was sitting on the deck not far away, suddenly raised his head and said, “The world government has no interest in the regime of Fishman Island at all, and their goal is just Neptune Wave. Saidon.”

The moment the voice fell, Roger’s expression changed slightly.

He is naturally very clear about the power of ancient weapons. He also went to Fishman Island to try to find the trace of Poseidon, but in the end he was unsuccessful.

“What about Fisher Tiger? Why didn’t they attack!”

Roger asked solemnly.

Liu Feng shook his head and said, “It’s not that simple. You also know what the geography of Fishman Island is like.”

After the end of the Battle of Justice, Fishman Island was relocated to its original location under the Red Earth Continent.

Because after this period of time, almost all the people on the Fishman Island felt uncomfortable living on the sea.

After all, the murlocs belong to the sea. Living on the sea is easy to dry up, and there are many inconveniences.

And the fishman island, which is 10,000 meters deep in the red soil continent, has also restored its original layout.

The huge bubble membrane on the periphery can be rearranged, and all the entrances and exits are only that… the channel between the bubble membranes.

Even with the strength of Fisher Tiger and the Sun Pirates, it is quite difficult to directly attack Fishman Island from the outside.

Roger fell silent for a while.

“It’s a really good method. The world government knows that they can’t make the fishmen island surrender by their own power, so they can only support the forces in the fishmen island and provoke racial conflicts.”

Liu Feng sneered and muttered.

635 power brings the expansion of ambition [2 more for full order]

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