Pirates: I Resurrected Roger

Chapter 249

Chapter 249:

Unwilling and angry, his young face was written all over.

The action of the Revolutionary Army failed, and the power of the World Government, the garrison of the Holy Land Marin Vadod, far exceeded their original expectations.

The five 55 old immortals who hold the highest power in the world government, everyone is a peak powerhouse above the general level!! Coupled with the many department members and garrison forces in the Holy Land, even Drago and the others are not allowed to Undefeated, retreat to avoid its edge.

The huge heritage accumulated by the world government’s rule over this sea for 800 years has finally surfaced in this mission, which is shocking.

“I see”

Liu Feng murmured such a sentence, raising his head coldly and staring at Gang Gukong.

In this war, Aochi Kuzan, the general of the new navy, did not come to participate in the war. In addition to the fact that Aochi himself was reluctant to take action against the naval headquarters, there was also a need for a general-level war on the revolutionary army Dorag. Force to help.

So Liu Feng sent Qingzhi to the World Government to help the Revolutionary Army’s infiltration mission.

I just didn’t expect that the background of the world government was so powerful that even Aochi was injured.

“It’s really a forceful method, the world government.”

571 Marin Fando, but a lot of people died [2 more full order]

The action of the world government this time can indeed be called a king bomb! Through the “World Conference”

As a pretext, he directly held a grand banquet to politically cleanse the heads of the members of the major alliance countries and important political figures, and then dispatched troops to take control of the world except for the countries and countries under the command of the new navy and the navy headquarters. Territory, abolished the alliance system in one fell swoop, and realized “great unification”

system of political domination.

Whether it was Liu Feng and Akainu’s unification of the two sea areas of New World and Paradise: the pressure from the force, or the reason why the World Government itself thought of doing this, it is unknown.

But what is certain is that the measures and actions of the world government will undoubtedly overthrow the loose political system of the original alliance countries that only pays the heavenly gold… of behemoths.

And this kind of action also directly led to the revolutionary army lurking in the Holy Land preparing to act.

It is impossible for Dorag to allow the World Government to carry out such **** repressive activities, and from a political point of view, he does not want the World Government to become larger and invincible, so under pressure, he must do it. .

But what he didn’t even expect was that the background and power of the world government far exceeded his expectations.

The five old stars shot at the same time, which directly led to the failure of their actions.

“Liu Feng, although your new navy is indeed very powerful now, you are far from knowing how terrifying the opponent you are going to face.”

Gang Gukong sneered at this time, “Over the years, this old man does not know how many careerists with astonishing strength and enormous power under his command want to challenge the world government.”

“foolishly, naively, self-righteously”

“But, in the end, they all sank to the bottom of the sea, and they didn’t even have a chance to leave their names in history.”

“Rocks Roger Bondivardo”

The steel-boned mouth uttered the familiar names one after another, and the coldness on the corner of his mouth became even more intense.

“Including you, no one can fight against the world government.”

“So, your ambitions, your dreams, and your actions are all doomed to failure.”

Cyborg Kong’s words were like dull thunder, which shocked Sabo’s face one after another.

But Liu Feng said disapprovingly: “There are always things to do, even if they fail in the end.

“I just don’t want to have any regrets and


“I may lose if I lose, I don’t want to regret it.”

After saying that, he raised his hand and patted Sabo’s shoulder, “Although the action of the revolutionary army has failed, it does not mean that we have no chance to make a comeback.”

“At least, this action allows us to witness the profound heritage of the world government with our own eyes.”

“Unknown means mystery, means invincibility.”

“But once the unknown becomes the known, there is a chance for a desperate fight.”

“the most important is,”

“What those people couldn’t do before doesn’t mean I can’t do it.”

The moment the voice fell, behind Liu Feng, bursts of magnificent, vast and mysterious white light suddenly rose up.

At the moment when bursts of holy white light appeared, Gang Gukong’s face suddenly became: extremely solemn, and a heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

It’s that kind of ability!! The mysterious ability that has appeared in the intelligence files countless times, but still can’t understand and analyze it!! The ability to resurrect the dead from hell!! “If I If I remember correctly, Marin Fando, but he was on the battlefield of the war back then.”

Liu Feng smiled coldly, but what he said, all the navy in the scene turned pale.

“Damn!! Did he want to”

Sengoku’s eyes were red and he gritted his teeth and roared.

The next moment, one after another unruly silhouettes slowly emerged from the magnificent white light that enveloped the entire Marine Headquarters Marine Fando battlefield.

“Come back, your father, I have brought it.”

Liu Feng’s voice rippled slowly on the battlefield.

Then, an incomparably huge figure roared out, as if covering the sky.


“I want to fight!!”

“I want to avenge Ace!!”

The giant figure like a demon, waving a weapon in his hand, swept away hundreds of navies with one blow!! Little Oz!! Immediately after, countless whitebeards who died in the war on the top The members of the thief group also roared and rushed out, smashing into the navy crowd.

Seeing this, Whitebeard laughed arrogantly and roared with red eyes: “Sons, go wild as much as you like!!”

“Sink this island into the sea for Lao Tzu!!”

572 One to eleven! ! World’s top battle! ! [3 more for full order]

“With the continuous replenishment of troops, there are now tens of thousands of members of the original Whitebeard Pirates resurrected.”

“How to fight this”

“You can’t win at all!!!”

“New Navy, Roots: Just Invincible!!”

Seeing this extremely terrifying and thrilling scene, all the naval members present were completely cold-hearted, and a touch of despair quickly appeared on the pale faces of each of them.

All of them couldn’t help but raised their sluggish faces that were almost frozen, and looked into the distance like a dead heart. The army of the Navy’s army, the Whitebeard Pirates, seemed to have no end in sight, unscrupulously. They were rushing to kill on the battlefield, and on the farther sea, heavy warships with black flags were already looming on the sea.

That is the second batch of reinforcements of the new navy!! Although the naval headquarters is not inferior to the new navy in terms of the overall scale of forces, no one can resist the new navy marshal Liu Feng’s… Heaven-defying resurrection ability!! “kill!!!”

“Kill the Navy!!”

“Come on!!!”

“Win this war!!”

The cry of moving mountains and reclaiming the sea resounded through the sky.

On the other side, the murloc troops headed by Fisher Tiger and Hai Xia Jinping also kept sinking naval warships one by one in the port.

The waves were terrifying, and the water struck like a sword.

The naval battleship group loaded with countless heavy artillery has absolutely nothing to do with these murloc warriors who move freely in the sea! – Liu Feng must be killed first!! At the same time, such a thought is in all The hearts of the high-ranking navy flashed, and then they were deeply buried in the deepest part of their souls.


A huge fist wrapped around domineering, rapidly enlarged in the reflection of Liu Feng’s eyes and pupils.

Keng!! Liu Feng’s eyes narrowed, and he raised his sword to block Gang Gu Kong’s powerful punch.

The sparks splashed everywhere, but Liu Feng frowned suddenly, the power from the long sword actually made his tiger’s mouth tremble.

This is the first time!! Since he got the “Steel Balloon”

After the powerful physique and the terrifying power of the human race, this was the first time he felt such a feeling. The most important thing is that now Liu Feng has obtained the form of the dragon of the beast Kaido, and his physique has far surpassed Before!! This is the strength of the world government’s military commander, Gang Gu Kong, is it only the most basic strength and domineering, such a power can burst out.

However—Liu Feng suddenly sneered, the deepest part of his eyes, the pair of dark human pupils, suddenly turned quickly, but instantly turned into a pair of scarlet vertical pupils!! A faint dragon pressure, emanated from his body.

Bang!! With a light drink, the complexion of Gang Gukong changed slightly, and the figure was actually forced back a few meters by the powerful and domineering force passed on by Liu Feng’s long sword.

“So that’s the case, even Kaido’s ability has been acquired by you?”

Cyborg Kong clenched his fingers and made a crackling sound, and his eyes showed astonishing fighting intent.

“If it were any other time, the old man wouldn’t mind having a good time with you, but now”

“It’s a war!!”

When the words fell, his figure hit Liu Feng like a meteorite!! Wherever he passed, the layers of the earth cracked, like a fierce tyrannosaurus!! The most primitive hand-to-hand combat!! The purest close-up body Technique!! This is Steel Skeleton!! I have cultivated to the extreme with an armed look and domineering, and obtained the “Steel Skeleton”

The super-peak powerhouse of the title!! At the same time, behind him, the ten pale shadows of 0 are also rushing towards Liu Feng, launching insidious attacks towards Liu Feng from various strange angles. offensive.


“Just to my liking!”

A strange red light flashed across Liu Feng’s vertical pupils, and bursts of dazzling and dazzling thunder suddenly erupted from his body.

Violent domineering, mixed with thunder, quickly lingered around his body, his hair, growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, turned into a long black hair that flew all over the sky.

Black lines in the shape of thunder, like fierce tattoo marks, spread all over his bulging muscles.

Thor form!! Boom!! The two fists collided frantically in mid-air, making an earth-shattering explosion and roar.

The eleven people headed by Steel Skeleton Kong were like a net of heaven and earth, besieging Liu Feng alone, like a violent storm.

Under such a fierce offensive, Liu Feng’s figure is like a boat swaying in a storm, as if it will fall down at any time.

However, around his body, there were bursts of thick darkness. Under the action of some kind of strange power, hundreds of thousands of sharp swords formed a huge sword array, cutting the void into one. traces of the road.

573 One Piece Gore? D? Roger, do you have any last words?

574 You can’t die without my permission! ! [5 more for full order]

Yes, maybe, that’s really the case. If it wasn’t for his so-called One Piece title, and if Ace didn’t have his own blood flowing through him, he really wouldn’t die.

The so-called glory, the so-called adventure in the past, in front of the family, is it really that important? At this moment, Rao Shi has always been tenacious and has a nerve like Roger, and he couldn’t help but feel doubts and hesitations in his heart.

Everything around him seemed to disappear in an instant, and in his mind, only that gentle water-like figure suddenly appeared.

I’m sorry, Lu Jiu, I couldn’t protect our son well.

I’m sorry, Ace, I didn’t do my best as a father.

The wind full of gunpowder blurred his eyes.

I don’t know if it’s because of the glare of the flames or because of other reasons.

Roger had seen the footage of the war, which he had taken from Morgans with great difficulty.

He saw that scene.

The scene that made him almost go crazy.

A fist covered with magma penetrated Ace’s young body.

Blood mixed with flames poured out from the big hole in his chest, and the big beach fell to the ground.

He just fell softly into the arms of the… straw hat boy.

Where the smooth back was supposed to be, there were only blood holes and blood stains.

If I wasn’t One Piece, he would probably be able to live happily in this world.

That’s what Roger thought in his heart at that moment.

Therefore, he decided to go back to the South China Sea again.

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