Pirates’ enlightenment

Chapter 377

After letting the elves use all the secret treasures that could be used in his hand, Zhao Xi finally only had eight secret treasures left: “mysterious water droplets, charred black charcoal, non-melting ice, black glasses, cursed talismans, black belts, silver powder, and metal beads”.

Some of them have already been used by elves, and some have not yet possessed this attribute in Zhao Xi’s team.

In any case, his elven strength has received an all-round improvement.

The three kings of Shanado, Charizard, and Bosco Dora, and the other elves have all reached the quasi-king level. Among them, Menaska is at the peak of the quasi-heavenly king.

No way, Menas had already used the mysterious water drop very early, and this time it did not achieve much growth.

Zhao Xi was ready to wait for a while, through training and fighting, to see if Menas could make a breakthrough on his own. If he really can’t, he will directly use the magic candy for Menas.

It’s a pity that there are not many magic candies in Zhao Xi’s backpack, and in the case of using one less, he generally does not use them at will unless it is a last resort.

Speaking of magic candy….

After Zhao Xi took all the elves back to the Pokeball, he began to think.

Now the progress of the game has broken through from Light Red City to Red Lotus Island, but unfortunately, when he came to the twin islands through surfing with great interest, he found that he could not enter the interior of the twin islands! I have to say that this is a great regret.

Zhao Xi didn’t know what was going on, obviously his Shanaido and Charizard were already level 60, but the map was still not all open. In the original game, if the player’s elf has level 60, he can go to the quartz plateau to challenge the king!


However, this time it seems that the game heard Zhao Xi’s inner cry, or maybe it was because of Bosco Dora’s breakthrough to the Heavenly King? The character he had been stopping at the entrance of the cave of Gemini Island actually entered directly inside Gemini Island!

“Is that okay…”

Zhao Xile was happy.

The reason why he is so entangled in the twin islands is because there are frozen birds inside the twin islands!

“What’s up?”

Liu Yi next to him heard Zhao Xi talking to himself with some surprise, and asked curiously.

“It’s nothing, you guys go and get busy yourself, I’ll play the game for a while.”

After speaking, Zhao Xi took out the elf guide, then lay down on the recliner under the eaves, and played the game with his own care.

Seeing this, Liu Yi and Nazi glanced at each other, and then went with Zhao Xi. This guy is often lazy, and even Nazi can’t do anything.

When the two women left, Zhao Xi controlled the game characters to wander around the Twin Islands.

As the location of the second mythical beast frozen bird in the game, the area and complexity of the interior are much higher than the unmanned power plant. Not only do you have to push the stone, but you also have to push the stone to an accurate position to pass.

Because there are no wild monsters in the system’s game, Zhao Xi’s action is still very fast. Although he has almost forgotten the content of the game in his previous life, Zhao Xi successfully pushed the boulder to the exact place after experimenting a few times.

Control the game characters to come and go inside the twin islands, and they are strange and surfing, and they also need to climb countless wooden ladders up and down various floors. Finally, the frozen bird appeared in Zhao Xi’s sight.

This is a cave located in the deepest part of the inner twin islands, and there are rapids on both sides, and you can’t move freely on it with surfing. If you want to come in, you can only get there by stairs.

Moreover, the platform where the frozen bird is located is separated from the platform where the stairs are located by a turbulent torrent in the middle of the platform. Players can only successfully use surfing on such water by using strange magic to push the boulder and block the rapids.

I have to say that Zhao Xi’s IQ is still good, and without forgetting the specific steps, it only took him less than ten minutes to figure out the specific situation.

Sitting on the dragon to the platform where the frozen bird was, looking at the frozen bird face to face with the game character, Zhao Xi opened his backpack.

“Pokeball, Superball, Premium Ball, Deluxe Ball…”

After counting the Pokeballs in his backpack and confirming that there were enough to catch the frozen bird, Zhao Xi pointed his finger at the statue of the frozen bird.

Suddenly, the picture of the virtual screen changed.

[Wild frozen birds appeared….]

[Go ahead, Charizard.] 】

[What does Charizard use?] 】


The battle with the frozen bird has officially begun!

As a sacred beast of ice and flight, frozen birds are afraid of rock, fire, steel and electricity. Among them, the Rock skill can deal 4 damage to it, and the Fire Steel Power is double the damage.

Of course, after discovering that his first elf was a fire-breathing dragon, Zhao Xi did not mess around, but chose to change the elf.

No way, Charizard is now level 67, while the level of wild frozen birds is level 50. According to the standards in the game, the devil knows if the frozen bird can hold out after the fire-breathing dragon sprays flames with one move.

In case this trick of spraying flame also brings a hit effect, in case the frozen bird is killed in seconds, then Zhao Xike has no place to cry.

Recalling Charizard, Zhao Xi released the electric shock beast.

Although the electric system, like the fire system, can deal double damage to frozen birds, the level of electric shock beasts is not as high as that of Charizard. The electric shock beast that did not have a high appearance rate in Zhao Xi’s team has only reached level 54 now, and an ordinary 100,000 volt should not be able to kill a frozen bird.

However, to be on the safe side, Zhao Xi still let the electric shock beast use an electric shock.

Because Zhao Xi changed the elf, when the electric shock beast came out, the frozen bird took the lead and used the skill. Freeze light, one of the best skills of the ice system.

The shock beast’s blood bar fell in half.

【Electric shock】

A quarter of the frozen bird’s blood streaked off.

“Alas, it is also possible to play such an effect in the game.”

An ordinary electric shock beast can cut the blood bar of a frozen bird so much with a single electric shock. If in the real world, the electric shock beast was rushed by the air pressure of the frozen bird divine beast, it was estimated that it would have been scared half to death.

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