Pirates’ Demon Hunter Dante

Chapter 080

Just as Dante travels to Rischiled, one of the three starting islands of the New World, to prepare to join Nami and Robin.

Countless news birds flew out of the branches of the World Economic Newspaper in the Great Voyage and in the major cities around the world, sprinkling the latest newspapers everywhere.

Pirate ships sailing on the sea, bustling towns, villages inhabited by only a few …

This kind of behavior of directly spreading it without collecting money is also one of the marketing methods used by the world economic newspaper.

And seeing the behavior of the news birds, people also know that there must be a big incident, otherwise the World Economic News would not do this.

Open the newspaper in public.

The first page is occupied by the portrait photos of both people.

“VS The strongest man in the sea, Whitebeard is invincible! The strongest bounty hunter [Demon Hunter] Dante! 》

In addition to the photographs of Dante and Whitebeard, there is the current situation of Mistria, which has been destroyed by a third and almost turned into ruins.

and a shocking battle picture near the end of the battle, mixed with lightning and shockwaves.

Morgans, of course, couldn’t have sent newsbirds to film all the time.

He simply sent out news birds with surveillance phone bugs to approach the battle area near the end of the battle.

Images from surveillance footage are then used to be published in newspapers.


The word is very ambiguous.

So does he win or lose?

But at least it shows that he didn’t lose, and Klockdar was a miserable defeat!

Fighting with Whitebeard and being invincible is something I can’t believe.

What’s more, everyone knows what kind of horrific consequences they will face once they hurt their white-bearded son.

That will definitely be Whitebeard’s all-out shot!

In the face of the furious Whitebeard, he could actually leave alive.

Since Roger’s death, this is probably the first!

And Morgans wrote in the newspaper that he seemed to be standing on the sidelines.

It’s almost like the original, blowing Dante as the fifth emperor of the new world.

Of course, it is a little too much to say that it is the fifth emperor.

First, what Dante is doing so far is not as exaggerated as Luffy in the original book.

Secondly, Dante is not a pirate.

But the title of “the strongest bounty hunter” is fully deserved.

Before that, bounty hunters, pirate hunters and the like, in the eyes of the navy or pirate forces, were all small characters who were not in the flow.

It’s just a third-rate product that sees money catching up like a hyena.

With Dante’s appearance, it’s time for someone to change that mind.

A bounty hunter who can be invincible against Whitebeard.

How many people have been able to do it throughout the ages?

With the name of Dante, the name of [Devil.May.Cry] began to gradually spread.

Its contact information, like the name of Doflamingo Joker, began to be familiar to the big men of the dark world.

Of course, there are positive and negative events in everything.

The Navy, for example, began to pay attention to Dante’s existence.

To be honest, after Sengoku previously pushed the attention of Sriby’s incident to Dante, he felt that Dante, the kid, would definitely be killed by Whitebeard.

But he also doesn’t feel guilty.

Although the Warring States such as the later generation of marshal Akainu want to have some humanity, he is also merciless when it is time to sacrifice.

A bounty hunter who does not know when he will stand against the Navy.

If you can use it to attract the hatred of Whitebeard, then there is nothing to pity.

And what Warring States never expected was that in the face of Whitebeard, Dante actually survived.

The evaluation of this kid has to be redefined.

Sengoku did not hold a military conference, but called his old partner, Tsuru, who was the chief of staff of the Navy and vice admiral of the Navy headquarters.

After discussing for a while, the two decided to remain neutral for the time being and observe each other’s next move before making a conclusion.

What the two didn’t know was that the green pheasant, one of the admirals, rode his bicycle to the new world after reading this report.

In this regard, the people of the Navy headquarters are not surprised.

But they didn’t know that the green pheasant had his own purpose in going to the New World this time.

The pheasant once again receives intelligence from Dante from the Department of Naval Intelligence.

He always felt that one of the two women who were now with Dante was really very similar to Nicole Robin, who he had been secretly observing all these years.

As for why go?

I’m afraid that only the pheasant himself knows.



A few days later.

A three-masted sailing ship with neon lights on the side of the ship slowly approached Rischiled, one of the three starting islands of the New World.

Although more than a third of Mistria has been destroyed, according to the latest news, reconstruction has begun under the command of the navy.

As the most dangerous island in the three islands, Thor Island naturally has no one looking for death and wants to land on that island.

And Mistria is now full of pirates.

All the pirates who had just entered the new world naturally gathered on this island.

As Dante’s ship slowly approached the dock of Milk Harbor, the pirates docked on the surrounding pirate ships screamed in horror or surprise.

“Hey! That one! That one! ”

“【Devil.May.Cry】…… It’s [Demon Hunter] Dante! ”

“The guy who fought Whitebeard and didn’t die yet?”

“To be honest, I really thought he would die at the hands of Whitebeard, what an amazing guy.”

“Hehe, it’s nothing remarkable about whitebeard.”

Of course, there are fools everywhere, and Dante who comes out of the ship doesn’t look as scary as Kaido or BIG.MOM.

I subconsciously thought that Whitebeard should be nothing remarkable.

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