Pirates: Check In From Mariejo

Chapter 24: The Heavenly Tribulation And The Gold

"This Devil Fruit is so powerful, but it costs too much gold," Tezzolo said with regret.

"Where can I get some gold?" Levi was also thinking about this question.

"Boss, let's go rob the gold mine!" Tezzolo's eyes lit up, and he put forward a very constructive suggestion to Levi.

"Can your Golden Fruit Card extract gold directly from the ore?" Levi asked Tezzolo with a sideways glance.

"It should be possible, but my current ability is not enough..." Tezzolo scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Then you go dig the gold mine we grabbed!" Levi said angrily.

"What should we do? We can't rob a gold store! The profit is too low," Tezzolo complained. "It would be nice if there was a ship full of gold for us to rob."

The speaker has no intention; the listener has intention.

Levi's eyes suddenly lit up. Tezzolo's words reminded him that he knew where to get gold.

"It's not like there's no place. Have you heard of Heavenly Gold?" Levi said quietly.

"Heavenly gold?"

Tezzolo was startled for a moment. How could he not know what the heavenly gold was?

Heavenly Gold means that the participating countries must pay tribute to Celestial Dragons every year with a portion of their treasure. The 170 participating nations will deliver their treasures to Marine's escort ships to Mariejois for the Celestial Dragons to spend.

When you think about it, 170 countries make offerings for one year, which is a huge amount of money. Moreover, there are a lot of gold and silver treasures among the gold in the sky. If you can get the gold in the sky, Tezzolo will no longer have to worry about gold.

Celestial Dragons are the supreme beings in this world, and if anyone offends them, they will suffer crazy revenge from Marine. Therefore, no brave pirate has dared to do it in Tianshangjin for so many years.

But Levi and Tezolo are not ordinary people. Levi is a time traveler, and he has no respect for the Celestial Dragons at all.

As for Tezzolo, he has a blood feud with the Celestial Dragons, and Stella was tortured to death by the Celestial Dragons.

Levi's words immediately gained Tezolo's approval, and the two began to study the starting point with great interest.


On the blue sea, there are more than ten warships sailing on the sea. They are Marine's troops transporting gold from the sky.

Because no pirate can bear the wrath of offending the Celestial Dragons, escorting heavenly gold is a rare job among Marines. Countless officers of Second Generation want to perform this task.

"Cheer up Laozi!" Bastille Vice Admiral shouted at the loose army in front of him.

Bastille Vice Admiral is a famous Iron-Blooded faction. He is a subordinate of Akainu Sakazuki. He knew that the way to transport heavenly gold was very safe, but he just couldn't stand the laxity of these noble children.

These guys only perform one mission a year, and their salary is higher than the Captain at Naval Headquarters. The most annoying thing is that these guys have no less military merit than the Marines who fight life and death on the front line.

"Report to the general, there is a small boat ahead!" The lookout on the top of the boat reported to Bastille Vice Admiral.

The soldiers on this ship are all direct descendants brought from Naval Headquarters by Bastille Vice Admiral. Not only are they rich in combat experience, but each one of them has extraordinary strength.

"Small boat? It looks like it's looking for trouble." Bastille Vice Admiral felt a hint of gloom in his heart. He carefully looked at the transportation route map. This was the easiest place to be ambushed.

Moreover, this place is located in the deep sea, so it is impossible for fishermen to be washed over by the waves.

"Accelerate and crush him directly!" Bastille Vice Admiral put his horn helmet on his head, his shark-killing knife was already in his hands, and he was already in combat mode.

"Boss Levi, it seems that we have been discovered." Tezzolo saw that the warship had no intention of slowing down, so they also tore off the disguise.


Levi and Tezolo landed on the deck, and before they could say anything, they found themselves surrounded by Marines with guns.


Bastille Vice Admiral gave an order, and the Marines' spears shot at the Levis.

When the Marine soldiers were shooting, a pair of golden wings suddenly spread out behind Tezzolo, and the wings turned into several shields that kept rotating. All the bullets of the soldiers were blocked by the shields.

"Demon fruit power?" Bastille Vice Admiral whispered.

"Be careful!" Bastille Vice Admiral shouted, and then his shark-cutting sword turned completely black. He had attached Armament Haki to his broadsword.

"You're done fighting, it's my turn!"

Behind Tezzolo, his several golden shields suddenly turned into hundreds of spears.

"Call out!"

The spears broke through the air and made a roar. Although the Bastille Vice Admiral blocked several spears, the Marine soldiers still suffered heavy losses.


Tezoro pointed his finger, and all the golden spears converged on him like birds flying into the forest, and a golden armor wrapped his whole body.

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