Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 34 - Belated support

The pirates of the Klick Pirates who had fled to the distance still had hopes for Klick. They had all seen the strength of Klick. Although Ron was also terrible, he might not be able to win Klick.

But the scene before them made them as unbelievable as a dream.

“It’s impossible … it’s impossible …”

A pirate stumbled back, his eyes widened and shook his head constantly, he could not believe the facts in front of him.

Some other pirates looked at Ron’s eyes, and they all showed their fears as if they were looking at demons. They just felt trembling all over their bodies, just like facing ghosts and gods.

Kills Klick with a single blow, but Ron’s expression doesn’t change much.

He was not surprised.

Wujin armor may be able to withstand the ordinary wind blade, but the strong wind can not be blocked, even if it can be blocked, the head that is not covered by the armor will also be split into pieces.

If Klick came up and fired at him, all the firearms were activated, and it would be a little more troublesome, but standing in front of the magician would be suicide.

“I said, what else is the Navy over there?”

Looked at the remaining pirates with nearly a thousand people. Ron did not immediately kill him, but turned his head and glanced at the navy not far away, saying: “What are your duties?”

The pirates who fell under him had more than a thousand people. The achievements had been reached. The rest of the hundreds were irrelevant, but the navy had a few people. It seemed that he still had to continue.

“Ah … yes …”

Ron ’s voice made the navy navy finally recover, and the navy captain led by swallowed a spit, took a deep breath, looked at the pirates not far away, sinking his face and snorted: ” Everyone, attack! Destroy the Klick Pirates! “

The navies that had almost lost their war intentions were recovered one by one at this time, although the number is still very different, but looking at the pirates shivering with fear in front and the Ron next to them, every navy has The fighting intention was restored.


The remaining nearly a hundred navies raised their weapons and stormed towards the pirates.

The number of pirates still far exceeds that of the navy. It can be seen that Ron is also approaching them. Few people have the courage to fight, and they will flee directly.


“When will the support for the 6th branch base be available?”

Not far from Hammer Island, a medium-sized warship was rushing towards Hammer Island at full speed. A naval colonel stood on the deck, holding the railing, and he was very nervous.

Was next to a captain who also had sweat on his forehead and said, “It takes about three or four days to reach full speed.”

“Damn … it’s too late …”

The captain of the captain was cold and sweaty, looking at the direction of the Hammer Island, his fists clenched tightly.

When he received the information, he was shocked as a whole, but he did not expect that the Krick Pirates would gather a fleet to initiate a siege, and the navy would be outnumbered.

Know that they have seven warships in the two naval branches here, two medium-sized warships and five small warships, but there are more than half of the troops there!

And the latest news is that the navy is outnumbered and has been forced to abandon the warship and retreat to the island.

“Colonel, we only have a medium-sized warship and a small warship here. According to information, the Klick Pirates may have gathered a fleet of more than 2,000 people. If the other party chooses to attack the Hammer Island, it may be that the 171 branch has all Went out……”

The voice of a lieutenant colonel next to slightly shuddered.

If that is the case, then they will not help to rush past now, maybe they will also be in danger and be wiped out by the Klik Pirates together.

“To shut up!”

The colonel couldn’t help but screamed. He actually thought of the worst result, but no matter what, they had to go by. This is also the order issued by the headquarters.

Even if they fall into a huge disadvantage and they are irreparable, they must also deal with the talent line of 171 branches, otherwise the losses will be too heavy.


The warship approached the chain pier of Hammer Island. Looking at the pier burning in the fire, the atmosphere on the entire deck was depressed.

“… Is it late?”

Looking at the island with a telescope, the colonel saw that many buildings on the island had become ruins, but he didn’t hear the fighting and the battlefield.

The lieutenant colonel next to him took a breath and said, “Colonel, we can’t go ashore now. Let’s send someone to investigate the situation first. If it’s the worst situation, we can only evacuate here and report to the headquarters. . “

Nodded ugly.

Soon, a reconnaissance team was sent out and landed nervously on the island.

“Be careful, don’t make any movements, retreat immediately if there is a situation.”

As a naval sergeant, he also carried a trace of sweat on his forehead, knowing that the island is likely to be completely occupied by pirates, but they must confirm this, and they must know whether the 171 branch has survived. By. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

The team of six carefully climbed onto the island and walked towards the town that had been ruined. After a while, they suddenly heard several gunshots.


‘S navy sergeant suddenly changed his face, waved everyone to hide, and then looked carefully in the direction of the gunshot, whispering: “Ready to save people!”

There are still battles indicating that there are still survivors on this island. As long as you can save the next survivor and go back, you can all know what happened here.


As several navies clenched their guns and were about to shoot at the people who appeared, they were all stunned.

Is not imagined, many pirates are chasing down blood-stained civilians and seamen, but four seamen are chasing down a blood-stained strong man.

boom! boom!

Two gunshots sounded, and the strong man was finally shot, and fell into the pool of blood.

How could the navy chase the pirates? !

Looking at this scene, the reconnaissance squads hiding in secret are all a little suspicious. Is it because the pirates put on the navy uniform?

While all of them looked nervous, the naval sergeant headed looked at one of those navy for a moment, and couldn’t help saying, “Sergeant Moss ?!”


The four navy who chased the pirates suddenly heard the sound, and they were tense at once, but the person called was stunned a little, feeling the sound a little familiar.

Seeing this, the sergeant of the investigative squad came out of the dark, looking at the sergeant Mos in front of him with a certain amount of consternation and consternation.

Is Sergeant Moss enemies?

Is also wrong.

If you have voted for the enemy, how can you chase a guy who is obviously a pirate?

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