Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 336 - The practice to level 5 magic

Empty island.

Somewhere over the White Sea, Ron was floating there quietly.

Almost a month has passed since breaking through the fifth order. On the way back from Qur’an, he flew all the way to the empty island to explore the fifth order magic.

The complexity of the fifth-order magic is higher than he expected. After all, it represents the ultimate magic, which represents the power enough to destroy the world.

Eighty-one magic runes are combined.

Even if Ron can determine its core and most of its composition, the remaining numbers that need to be verified one by one are too large to be scrutinized at all.

Exploring fifth-order magic is not feasible with the previous methods. It is necessary to truly understand the ultimate connotation of that line of magic, so that we can understand the true composition of this ultimate magic.

Now Ron, the total spiritual attributes have reached 565 points.

Among them, 190 points are derived from achievement points. After seizing the wealth of Tezolo, he achieved two achievements, one is the highest achievement of the money department, and the other is the “trample of the world”. The condition is to kill a dragon. people.

Due to the existence of this achievement, the Dragons of the Qur’an City were directly destroyed by Ron, and they were not used to do some hostage transactions with the government. Otherwise, they might get some more Tezolo assets from the government .

of course.

The change brought about by this is not only an achievement, but also the admiration of the Emperor Han Cook … at least the achievement of “Nine Snake Island Lord” is easy to achieve.

If you become the King of Nine Snake Island, you can achieve both the King’s Scepter and the Nine Snake Island Lord’s achievements. In addition, Hankook will be counted under his command, so the achievement of a “ Night Night Shengge ” is basically nearing completion.

[Night and Night: Everyone has at least ten women with charm values ​​above 90 points]

Ron has always been unclear about this achievement. He is not sure whether a pure subordinate relationship can achieve this achievement, or whether it can be achieved by an impure relationship.

In short, in terms of quantity, Nami, Robin, Wei Wei, Bai Xing, Karina, and Rebecca counted the Empress … The former condition is basically the same.

If it is the latter, Ron has a headache.

He spends most of his time in cultivation, at least before he truly lands in the world, he does not have so much mind to allocate so much time to deal with the relationship between Nami and others.

Ron has also read many novels before, the main character bulldozer has become stronger all the way to the peak … Actually playing like this, unless you have a bulldozer system, otherwise you will devote so much energy to the woman. questionable.

Ron did n’t think he was the kind of destined protagonist, even if he lay down to sleep, he could sleep to the apex of the world. From the moment he reached this world, he almost walked around the life and death line. If it ’s not Nami, he Even if there is no chance to become stronger with the help of the system, he will die in the hands of Aaron.

Reality is reality after all.

So this achievement, Ron, will be placed first for the time being. If this point is really missing in the end, to break through the 200 achievement point level … then they can only take advantage of them.

If male characters also have personality charm statistics, Ron thinks he has about ninety-nine points, which is not too narcissistic, but is attributed to peers.

Look at the whole sea.

The white beard, the beast Kaido, the black beard … the value of the face gradually became terrible.

Among the four emperors, the red-haired Shanks are okay. The three generals in the navy are all steel plates. The head shape of the old women in the Warring States period is not mentioned. Kapu ’s domineering is enough, but the image directly lowers the entire standard .

After a round of comparison, among the top characters of the sea, even if he does not add anything to his image, he is probably sitting in the top two.

Other people will not talk about it.

Without real strength, everything is empty talk. In the world of One Piece, for men, strength itself is a standard of charm.

In addition to the achievement of 190 achievement points, Ron has gained 125 spiritual attributes through the Devil Fruit, and with the funds of Tezolo, the Devil Fruit will be continuously collected by him, maybe very short Within 200 hours.

In addition, there are 100 points from the magic mark, 49 points from the spiritual resonance, and the last 101 points are from the self-cultivation, which can be regarded as the absolute core.

After the spiritual attribute broke through 500 points, Ron also roughly understood that there will be no more steps on the subsequent road to 1000 points, and there will be no more transformation.

Only when it exceeds 1,000 points will the sixth-order transformation be ushered in.

Ron still does not know how powerful the fifth-order magic is, but he is more sure that the fifth-order strength alone cannot reach the top of the world.

Maybe no one is stronger than him, but there is still an “ancient weapon” in this world. The destructive power of Pluto, destroying an island by a blow, and surpassing the thunderstorm, Neptune will not talk, as for the most mysterious king … Mostly in the hands of the world government.

That may be that the world government can rule the world for 800 years, and the Tianlong people can act arrogantly and even claim to be the foundation of God.

Perhaps there are restrictions on its use, such as how many years can it be used, and so on, but in any case, it must be a huge threat, and the threat is much higher than that of Kaido.

of course.

It’s a little too far to think about it, because Ron Shang still hasn’t planned any decisive battle with the world government. The other six emperors and the navy are before him.

After mastering the fifth-order magic, Ron will step into the new world, wipe out the Six Emperors, fight the disabled navy, and further enhance his own strength until the final decisive battle with the world government!

“Fifth …”

After a short break, Ron began to devote himself to practice again.

The exercise of the fifth-order magic is no longer one by one to try indiscriminately ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ but the final power of the elements of that series, through a near meditation method, to achieve the final realization.

After breaking through the fifth order, the elemental affinity reached 100%, and Ron could feel as if he were integrated with the element, as if he were a fish swimming in the water, free.

And what he has to do now is to find the deepest place in this elemental river … where it represents the ultimate magic, fifth-order magic!

Time passed silently.

Ron was so quietly suspended there, as if entering the deepest meditation.

Occasionally, fish in the White and White Sea swim through, and they are completely unaware of Ron’s existence. For these creatures, in their perception, Ron is like being integrated with the world.

This time the practice was longer than before. It was almost seven days before Ron finally opened his eyes slowly.

In his eyes.

A red light like a ruin flashes!

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