Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 30 - war!

Zell sea area.

Hammer Island

This is a medium-sized island. The shape is like a hammer. It extends a long strip of land, but it is not wide. It is only about ten meters or so. There are not many buildings, but it is arranged as an extremely long strip pier.

At this time, the entire chain dock was burning, the fire was flying in the sky, and a large number of ship wrecks could be seen along the coast.

“Is it late?”

Not far from Hammer Island, Ron took a telescope and looked at Hammer Island far away. After seeing this scene, he frowned slightly and shook his head slightly.

Although it looks like a ruined scene after the war, but depending on the burning status of the building, it should last less than a full day, and at most only half a day.

And as the distance approached, Ron could also vaguely hear the sound of artillery fire from time to time on the island. The closer it was, the clearer the sound.

“It has completely become a battlefield …”

Nami stood beside Ron and looked at Hammer Island far away, his expression also looked a little solemn, because just looking at the destruction, he knew that it was definitely not a small-scale conflict.

Nami steered the boat, bypassed the burning chain pier, and turned a little around the island, and soon saw the beach on the other side of the island. There were twenty or thirty ships scattered in the sea. There.

Many sea ships are badly damaged, and there are even several naval warships!

“It seems that the naval battle has just ended, and it has been transferred to a land battle.”

Ron narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth, because the distance was very close. At this location, he could vaguely hear the sound of war fighting and the symphony of guns and guns from the island.

Nami looked at the sea boats scattered on the side of the island, blinked, and said: “It looks very good luck, and you can get the treasure of the pirates without any effort.”

Ron smiled.

After finding a place to stop the boat, the two headed towards the warring beach.

The naval warships were indeed destroyed. Ron looked at it. It should be the result of four small warships and a medium-sized warship, against two dozen pirate ships.

However, there are not many corpses on the warship. It seems that they should retreat while fighting, all withdrawn to the island, and the pirates should be in pursuit of victory.


There are still a few remaining pirates on the pirate ship. There are about a dozen people. After discovering the nearby Ron and Nami, someone immediately asked.

However, Ron did not intend to communicate with them. The left hand scrabbled, the elf wand suspended behind him fell to his hand, and the wind blade flew out, killing several nearest pirates directly.

With Ron ’s current reaction speed and casting speed, he is fearless even if he is aimed by a gun and a cannon. With the near-instant wind blade, he can completely shoot before the opponent, even if it is slow, it does not matter, in a straight line with the gun The wind blade technique above can directly cut bullets or shells in mid-air.

The powerful spirit not only has extremely fast thinking speed and reaction speed, but also possesses the precise control of distance and position.


Ron killed all the way, wiped out more than ten pirates.

After confirming that there were no pirates on the nearby ship, Ron did not go to search for treasure with Nami, but looked in the direction of the island and said, “Nami, stay here and find the treasure slowly. If there is If the pirates are here, you should hide. I will go to the island and see. “

Compared to the treasures here, the war on the island attracted Ron’s attention more.

“To understanding.”

Nami gestured to Ron with a ‘no problem’ gesture and said: “It should be dangerous over there, be careful.”

“do not worry.”

Ron showed Nami a “reassuring” gaze, and went towards the island.


On the island.

Part of the town has become a battlefield filled with smoke.

“Are you still going to resist?”

The leader of the Klick Pirates, Admiral Klick, is now wearing gold armor, looking overbearingly and arrogantly at the chaotic street ahead.

Opposite him, a navy of about three or four hundred people is joining together with some people who seem to be the guards of a certain kingdom, with a total of about five hundred people.

At the moment, these five hundred people were facing a fierce attack by nearly two thousand people under Klick.

“Damn … Damn Krick Pirates!”

A guard-like general, whose armor was covered with blood stains, watching the pirates kill fiercely, could not help biting their teeth.

They are a team of **** troops in the Kingdom of Gert. In order to enhance the strength of the army to deter the surrounding countries, they purchased a batch of weapons from the Don Quixote family, an underground dark force that sells weapons, and intends to upgrade the army’s armed forces by one level .

In order to ensure that the transaction did not go wrong, even secretly bribed many officers of the two naval branches here to let them send the navy to protect them.

Unexpectedly, it still caused a big trouble!

Don Quixote’s side had just left ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Before the goods could be sorted out, the Krick Pirates attacked and blocked them on the coast.

Despite the presence of naval warships, after a fierce battle, they were defeated and forced to retreat to the island. However, the Klik Pirates did not intend to give up, and directly attacked the island.

“Damn …”

The navy side, a naval captain who commanded the army, was also very ugly at the moment, wishing to wipe out the Klick Pirates and the nearby Gelt Kingdom Army.

In fact, he wanted to withdraw when the naval battle was defeated, but he did not expect that the people in the Gelt Kingdom traded arms and weapons. Once the matter was exposed, his colonel would have come to an end, so he would have to work hard Hold this matter down.

But now the situation is completely out of control!

Even if he withdrew, this matter will be miserable when he is known by the headquarters, but even if he does not withdraw, he will obviously not win if he continues to fight.

Compared to the navy and the Gelt Kingdom Army, the civilians on this island are more terrified. They do n’t know the transaction, only know that the pirates have attacked the island and the navy is defeated!

The side of the pier has been destroyed. Even if you want to escape from this island, there is no boat to sit on. Seeing the gradual defeat of the navy, thinking of the ending after the pirates killed the navy, everyone is a bit pale!

Even the best situation is completely wiped out by the pirates. In the worst case, people in the entire town may even be killed by the pirates!

While countless civilians were frightened and prayed, praying for the victory of the navy, the pirate side launched another fierce attack under the command of Klik, and finally it was a strong line of defense that broke down the navy and the Kingdom of Gert.

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