Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 28 - Target Klick Fleet

Knowing that a large battle might occur in a certain sea area in the west, Ron felt a little moved, but on the one hand, Nami was not, on the one hand, he wanted to continue to study derivative runes, so after thinking about it, he decided Let it go temporarily.

Listening to the messages that the other party unintentionally chatted about, there was no accurate who made the transaction, and there was no accurate transaction time. Most of the time was not yet settled.

Moreover, a large group of pirates scattered in various waters of the East China Sea will not be able to be completed in an instant. It will take at least a few days, plus subsequent operations, etc., not to say that it will immediately fight. of.

Ron wondered that if Nami had n’t made any news about Klick after he came, he could go with Nami. If it broke, it did n’t matter. Anyway, Klick Pirates also Already stared.

It doesn’t matter if you let the Klick Pirates get stronger.

Made such a decision, Ron put the matter of the Klick Pirates temporarily behind his head, and continued to explore the practice of exploring the derived runes.

The fifth day …

The sixth day …

The seventh day …

On the morning of the seventh day, Ron got a second derivative rune.

So far, he has mastered three of the nine runes of the wind system, which is a third of the mastery of the magic of the wind system.

With a basic rune and two different derived runes, Ron wondered if it should be able to form a second-order wind magic, but the combination of three different runes is also very diverse, and still needs one A try.


Just when Ron planned to explore the second order magic of the wind system for the second time, Nami came.

Is much faster than expected, it seems that after returning to the windmill village, there is hardly any stay, so he went to the sea again and hurried again.

“Got you.”

As Ron stood on the reef, waved his wand at the rock wall washed by the waves, and tried to combine the second order magic of the wind system, Nami’s voice grinned from the beginning.

Above Ron, I saw that Nami had somehow appeared above the huge reef behind him. He was sitting there now, tilting his calf and looking down with a smile.

“I’m back.”

Ron had actually discovered Nami’s approach, but he didn’t break it. He heard Nami’s opening and then stopped his movements. He looked over the reef and looked strange.

Nami also gave a slap at this time, but his eyes fell on the wand in Ron’s hand. After being surprised, he jumped off the reef and said, “What is this?”

“Magic wand.”

Ron smiled, suddenly thought of something, handed his wand to Nami, said: “You can use it to use magic.”


Nami was a little surprised, still took the elf wand, recalling the magic rune that Ron had taught her, closed her eyes and waved the elf wand in her hand.

However, with a wave of her, the air remained silent.

“It doesn’t look good.”

Ron touched his chin, revealing a thoughtful look. A person who does n’t seem to have a magical mark ca n’t use magic even if he has a magic wand.

Nami has experienced it several times, so she was not disappointed if she did n’t succeed, but looked at the magic wand in her hands with interest, and said, “What is this made of? Would n’t it be a diamond? Is it strange? Material. “

“Magic material.”

Ron explained casually. In fact, he didn’t know what the branch of the world was. After reaching out, Nami’s wand flew up and fell back into his hand.

The elf wand comes with a magic core. Although there is no way to fly with this elf wand, it can be done by keeping it suspended or flying in the air.

Nami looked at the elf wand in his hand and flew back to Ron’s hand. After blinking, she suddenly narrowed her eyes and bent into a crescent shape. She said: “The day before yesterday was my birthday, Ron Sang …”


Ron glanced at Nami, tapped on Nami ’s little head with an elf wand, and said, “It’s past, I won’t make up for my birthday gift.”

Nami grunted her cheeks and said, “Little sting.”

Ron couldn’t help but smile, he knew Nami was joking, but if Nami could use magic, he got a higher level wand, this elf wand was nothing to give Nami.

“After all, you came at the right time. I heard a message a few days ago.”

Ron jumped off the reef, spoke to Nami, and briefly stated the news about the Klick Pirates.

Hearing Ron ’s words, Nami could n’t help frowning, saying, “Crick Pirates? If it ’s that Pirates’ group, then I ’m afraid it would be dangerous … I heard that the Pirates Group had more than one A fleet of more than 1,000 people. “

“I hope they have more people.”

Ron smiled and said: “A so many people in a pirate group may have far more wealth than ordinary pirate groups, more than 50 million Bailey.”

“It’s awful.”

Nami tilted her head and quickly made a decision.

go with!

If you can succeed, you can gather 100 million Bailey in one go.

What’s more, the Pirates that sound more than a thousand people is terrifying, but for her, the more the number is, the more chaotic it is.

It’s the kind of elite, and every strength is not trivial. They are all pirate pirates who are rewarded, but it is very troublesome.

“Let’s go.”

Ron turned his wand in his right hand and slapped it in the palm of his left hand.

Took advantage of this time to delve into the second-order magic of the wind system, and then make up 100 million Bailey to go to Cocoa with Nami.

“Zell sea area? Leave it to me.”

Nami gestured to Ron, and then walked with Ron towards the place where the boat stopped, and returned to the boat.

The boat left the coast and headed deep into the sea.

It is about five days away from the sea of ​​Zell. During these five days, Ron naturally continued to study the second-order magic of the wind system according to the decided route.

Because it is three different magic runes, the way of combining them two by two is also completely different from the combination of two basic runes.

Ron tried the three runes to extend and merge from the middle several times, and all failed. Then he judged that the correct way should be to form a triangle and combine them in pairs.

He has mastered the combination of basic runes and basic runes. He has also mastered the combination of basic runes and No. 1 runes, including two No. 1 rune combinations.

The rest of them have only three combinations, two No. 2 runes, No. 2 runes and basic runes, No. 2 runes and No. 1 runes.

The combination of the two basic runes cost Ron more than three days, but now he only used one day to successfully study all the three combinations that he has not mastered.

the next day.

Ron continued to advance to the second order magic of the wind system. First, the basic runes were combined with No. 1 and No. 2. After more than ten attempts, it was judged that the second order magic could not be generated, and then the combination of the basic runes and the two No. 2 runes , Still fail.

No.1, No.2, No.2 … Failed.

No.1, No.1, No.2 … Failed.

After four consecutive failures, Ron ’s attempt came to the last combination, two basic runes combined with a No. 2 rune.

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