Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 20 - Ron\\\'s strength

On a desert island.

“That flag should be … Hammer Pirates.”

Nami looked at the gradually approaching pirate ship, carefully looked at the pirate flag that was gradually clearing, and said to Ron.

The Pirate Banner is a two-handed hammer placed next to the skull, which is easy to recognize.

“Do you understand.”

Ron asked Nami while looking at the direction of the ship.

Nami put a finger on her chin, revealing a thoughtful look, and said, “It’s a bit of an impression. I saw it in the newspaper before. The captain’s bounty seems to be 8 million Baileys. It should be the reason for fear of Along , Did not come to Along ’s sea to plunder. “

“This way.”

Hearing Nami’s words, Ron nodded.

Although the bounty does not represent absolute strength, but 8 million bounty, but also fear Along, then the strength may not reach the level of the original captain Crow and Admiral Klick.

If it is against the top pirates of the East China Sea, such as Shangluo and Klick, there should be some danger in fighting, but there is no problem with the 8 million bounty level.

It’s a pity to Ron that it would be nice if the bounty was 10 million.

In the achievement system, defeating the Pirates with a reward of 10 million Baileys for the first time is also a condition for achievement. If there are only 8 million, then you can only try to complete the killing achievements, killing more than ten in a battle. enemy.

“about there.”

Nami judged the distance of the pirate ship, and made an eye at Ron. The two quickly lifted the box, pretending to be just digging out the treasure chest, and quickly ran towards the direction of the boat, turning the wood The box was placed on the boat.

The Hammer Pirate Group’s ship is also a medium-sized brigantine, which can accommodate no more than a hundred people. This number is within the range of Ron’s sufficient elimination, but only needs a suitable battlefield.

far away.

On the ship of the Iron Hammer Pirates, many pirates have already seen the actions of Ron and Nami. Someone immediately shouted, “Captain, they are about to escape!”

“Isn’t it a bit late to try to escape at this time?”

The hammer Hammer sneered with the hammer and said, “Rush over, don’t shoot, just crash their boat.”

The boat in front is just a very ordinary boat, and here they are a specially modified medium-sized brigantine, the speed of the boat is faster than that of the warship, and it has been rushed all the way, and the speed has been increased to extremely fast.

And now the wind is not strong, the boat has no possibility of escape.

Under Love’s order, the whole ship advanced at full speed and rammed directly towards Ron and Nami’s boat. In a burst of wry whistle, Ron and Nami’s boat crashed apart.

“Ha ha ha ha!”

All the pirates felt the vibration of the ship and laughed.

Love also grinned and said, “Okay, stop the boat, go down and salvage, and see if the person is still alive. If you are alive, make up a knife.”


Many pirates responded, grinning, and walked to the side of the ship.

However, at this moment, a pirate who always frowned and did not laugh suddenly said in a low voice: “That, Captain Love, when I just smashed the boat, I saw that there was no one on the ship.”


Love raised his eyebrows and said, “No one? Where can people go, can they get to the bottom of the sea?”

When Love was a little puzzled and unbelieving, the ship had gradually stopped, and when some pirates were about to jump into the sea, a crisp, silvery bell-like sound came from the stern.

“That captain, are you looking for me?”

Many pirates turned their heads and saw that Nami was on the pirate ship somehow, sitting on the top of the cabin, sitting on her lower legs, smiling at the pirates below.

Seeing Nami’s appearance, all the pirates were stunned for a moment, first wondering how Nami ran onto the boat, but then they all relaxed.

“What, it turned out to be a child.”

“It looks pretty cute, hello, I said the captain, if he was escorted to the rich area as a slave and sold, he should be able to sell a lot of money.”

A pirate smiled in the direction of Love.

The other pirates smiled at each other without any nervousness either. One of them looked at Nami and asked, “Hey, I said, where is your companion?”

“He …”

Nami sat on the top of the cabin and shook his little white feet, deliberately lengthened his tone, and said, “Isn’t it over there?”

Hearing Nami’s words, many pirates looked subconsciously in the direction indicated by Nami.

“It’s tiring to climb up.”

Saw Ron turned over from the side of the ship’s side, and boarded the ship with a wet answer, spitting at Nami with a complaint.

He and Nami jumped into the sea from an angle that the pirates couldn’t see very early, and swam a distance to the side. After the pirate ship collided and stopped slowly, they leaned over.

Nami got on the boat with the flexibility of the rope. Ron had no experience with Nami. Fortunately, he was n’t a dead man ’s house with no power. Climbing up on the rope could still do it, Nami. He came out deliberately and delayed for a while, just waiting for him to come up.

“Then … it’s time to get started.”

After Ron vomited Nami, he looked back at the many pirates in the front, his eyes were plain, and he spoke casually.

Hearing Ron ’s words, many pirates were stunned for a while. Then UU read www.uukanshu.com, and then someone could not help but chuckled and laughed, showing Rong looking at the idiot.

Do it?

Is it you who finally got on the boat? !

“This kid is afraid that he still doesn’t know whose boat is here. Forget it. The silly slave can’t be sold in the rich area. It can be thrown into the sea to feed the fish.”

A pirate opened his mouth like a joke, picked up the knife in his hand, and walked towards Ron. The other pirates laughed and watched casually.

Saw this scene, Ron smiled lightly.

Raised his hands as a slash, and waved toward the front, the two runes in the spiritual world were instantly interwoven and formed.


Three cyan wind blades suddenly appeared, just like the three sword qi, swept over in an instant, and the leading pirates didn’t even react, but were penetrated by the wind blade.

The other pirates immediately opened their eyes and felt that they were desperately trying to wield their weapons to resist under the life and death crisis, but they were too late to react.

Three wind blades swept across the deck, disappearing behind the figure of many pirates in an instant, splitting the ship’s plates on both sides of the shipboard into three cracks.


Many pirates passing through by the wind blade are glaring blindly, revealing an incredible look, and bowing their heads hard, trying to see where they have penetrated.

That is, at the next moment, blood was sprayed like raindrops, impregnating the entire deck, and the corpse was like a domino, and a piece of clatter fell.

The scene was silent.

All the remaining body of the pirates is like a petrified body, stiff in place, with a horrified and unbelievable look in his eyes, looking at the face calmly, as if it was just Ron who made a trivial action.

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