Pirates Achievements System

Chapter 10 - The Power of Wind Blade Magic

no solution anymore.

Seeing the pirates getting closer and closer, Nami could only helplessly throw the wooden box to the side, threw it on the ground and slammed it into pieces, and countless gold and silver coins were scattered.

She grabbed a little bit of the most valuable, and then accelerated like a liberation of her power, and suddenly opened the distance to the pirates with a swish.

“It’s easier to escape like this …”

Nami exhaled while running, but soon blinked.

Did you forget something?

Turning her head hard, she saw that Ron in the rear had been dropped by her. Several pirates ran to the broken treasure chest, and dozens of others chased after her, getting closer and closer. The captain wearing the captain’s cap, the captain of the pirate, was holding the knife in his hand with a vicious face, and he was murderous. Obviously, he had to kill Ron before he could be relieved.


Nami’s footsteps slowed down in an instant, revealing a gaze that hates iron and steel, and she shouldn’t bring Ron together!

The thought turned quickly, Nami desperately thinking about the way to save Ron.

And at this time, Ron, who had been running behind Nami, stopped and showed a helplessness in his eyes. Sure enough, he still had to do it.

In desperation, with a trace of excitement, he was already a little crazy to practice magic in the air, and he wanted to really try it.

And Nami’s eyes widened when she saw Ron stopped.

Not running?

Why? !

There is a navy stationed on this island. The pirates did not dare to alarm the navy with a gun. When she came to her, she could help Ron climb to the roof. Although it is not guaranteed to escape, there is hope. !

“Don’t you run? Boy.”

The captain of the pirate chasing behind Ron saw that Ron stopped and slowed down. There was a ferocious sneer on his face, he weighed the knife in his hand and said, “Dare to come to Laozi’s ship It’s really not a guts to steal things. “

“Do you know who Lao Tzu is? Lao Tzu is” Captain Crew “, a pirate with a reward of 5 million Bailey! Pay for your ignorance and offense!”

Kruo opened his mouth while raising his broad blade serrated knife.

In the weakest sea in the East China Sea, the bounty can reach 5 million Bailey, which is indeed enough to be called a party character, but Ron’s expression has not changed after hearing the other party’s self-reported reward.

Although physical strength and strength seem to be different from ordinary people, and the bounty does not accurately measure the strength of a pirate, but the pirate in front of it … it should be just suitable for the first combat practice.

Although he was out of breath because of running, Ron ’s eyes were steady, and there was no trace of disorder in his spirit. He looked at Crewe, and the glimmer in his eyes flashed in the deepest part of the pupil, as if there were countless Light green lines are intertwined quickly.

The wind is the first order magic.


The serrated knife in Kruh’s hand severely cut it down, and Nami, not far away, panicked, couldn’t help closing her eyes, and in front of Ron, the airflow surged rapidly and formed in a flash A touch of blue blade was cut off suddenly.

The wind blade formed by the pressure of the wind collided with the serrated knife in Kruh’s hand, making a clang, and sparks splashed everywhere.


I saw that in the splash of sparks, the two serrations of the serrated knife in Kruh’s hands were crushed and flung away. The whole person shook his arms and staggered back towards the back. The clothes on the shoulders and under the left belly were broken Two blood marks on a straight line!

Not far away, many pirate sneers watching the drama, looking at this scene, are all stunned there, revealing a stunned and unbelievable look.


what happened? !

Nami, who closed her eyes over there, noticed that the atmosphere seemed to be a bit wrong. She opened her eyes again and opened a gap. When she saw the scene in front of her, she was still there.

Compared to the spectacle of many pirates who watched, and the consternation of Nami who didn’t see what happened, the shock in Kruh’s heart was like an upturn.

He touched the wound on his shoulder and looked at Ron, who was standing still, still breathing, but his expression was calm, and his eyes were unbelievable.

What was that just now? !

Magic? witchcraft?

He was quite sure that Ron had not moved, even did not make any moves, nor saw any weapons, but he actually suffered some inexplicable attack and almost fell to the spot.

Krue was a little shocked and inexplicable in his heart, but Ron took a deep breath and did not pause. Instead, while Krue had n’t reacted, he resurrected his spirits, and condensed a wind blade again. Cut towards Kru.

“Oops …”

Krue saw a blue wind blade once again condensing in the void in front of him, and his face suddenly changed abruptly, but the wind blade formed instantly, and the flight speed exceeded his reaction time. Under instinct, he tried to hold his hand. The serrated knife tried to block the blow.

Last time resisted the attack, but this time it was not spared.

Was originally broken by the wind blade, and the severely damaged saw blade was hit by the wind blade again. After only a moment, it broke up and down in the sparks.


The cyan wind blade cut off the sawtooth knife, flashed past Kruh, flew about two or three meters, and disappeared into a ray of breeze behind Kruh. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Cruise’s body stiffened in place, and the look on his face also solidified. Looking in Ron’s eyes, there was a trace of horror and unbelief.


The blood splattered, and Crewe’s body fell backwards.

Looking at this scene, Nami, who was not far away, had already widened her eyes, and her bright brown eyes showed incredible eyes.

Ron ’s breathing gradually calmed down, and the use of two wind blades in a row did not put much pressure on him now, but he felt a little mentally exhausted, but he did not show it, but looked calmly not far away Other pirates.

Other pirates are still sluggish and unbelievable.

Ron took such a step and walked forward, like a black magician wearing a magic robe and holding a staff. Although he did not have any fierce eyes and expressions, he gave people a kind of temperament. Strong sense of oppression.


Ron’s eyes fell on the two nearest pirates, his right hand lifted up, and he made a gesture of chopping down towards the two. A blue wind blade condensed and formed again, passing by in an instant, before the two had no time to react. Just pass it through continuously.

There was a horrified look on their faces, trying to reverse their bodies and escape, but in the flash of turning around, they fell to the ground in the splash of blood.

“Escape … Quick escape …”

Seeing this scene, there was finally a pirate who reacted, and a terrified look had already appeared in Ron’s eyes. While shaking his mouth, he turned and fled towards the distance.

Someone fled in panic, and everyone else reacted. No one dared to pick up the box of treasure scattered on the side of the road. They all fled desperately into the distance, lest that blue strange thing would fly over and fly them. His body was also cut in two.

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