Pirate? No, I want to be the Sea King!

Chapter 23

The old man was very angry.

"Tiantian... Celestial Dragons——!!"

Violet was completely stunned when she entered the Nine Snakes Pirate Ship.

She actually saw Celestial Dragons tied to the head of the bed? ? ?

The head of the bed! !

Doesn't that mean——

At this moment, her mind was full of Rockstar banned plots!

But in fact, she was right→_→

"Come sit down." Adolf held Violet's hand.

"Ah! No... Don't touch me, I will be obedient, don't tie me up!!" Violet was frightened.


"Hahahaha..." Aina and the others couldn't help laughing.

Xia Lulia Palace bit her lip and turned her head away. A noble of the world, what a shame!!

But she had taken the initiative to do something even more humiliating. What else could she do?

Violet reacted, "Sorry, I was too nervous."

"Let me introduce your ability first." Adolf didn't care.

"I am the user of the Staring Fruit, I can see through all lies and see through."

Violet said, with her hands clasped upside down in her eye sockets and looking at Adolf.

"Hmm!" Adolf frowned.

"Ah! You——" Violet's face suddenly turned red. She actually saw Adolf's crazy attack on her, too...

"I want you to help me, don't just look at my thoughts." Adolf's words were a little cold.

"Sorry..." Violet lowered her head in shock.

"Normally, it is in a state of clairvoyance, which allows vision to be used with itself as the center point, and to observe long distances within a radius of 4,000 kilometers."

"4,000 kilometers!" Hancock was surprised. This distance is too far!

No wonder a user of the Stare-Stare Fruit can ensure that the Nine Snake Island is safe!

"Look at where Doflamingo and his men are." Adolf said.

Violet looked around and soon found Doflamingo and his men "70 kilometers to the east, leaving the Kingdom of Dressrosa."

"Write down Doflamingo's phone number!" Adolf said.

Violet nodded and saw Doflamingo's Den Den Mushi number directly

Adolf nodded, "Let's go, to the island next to it."

"You are looking for the Dontada tribe!" Violet was nervous.

"I need their power! Don't worry, they won't mess around." Adolf did not hide it. Both the healing fruit and the dwarf tribe themselves were strategic.

The Donta tribe, or the dwarf tribe, has a body the size of a fist, but possesses extremely exaggerated strength and speed.

They are also good at plant cultivation and love nature. They cultivate the raw materials for Doflamingo's artificial devil fruit, which is enough to prove their ability.

But they are also extremely innocent and pure, like children who never grow up in fairy tales. They believe in nonsense and are very easy to be deceived.

"It's Princess Violet!"

"Princess Mansherry, Leo, Rambo!" Violet looked at them happily.

"Princess Violet, are they your friends? So magical, the lower body is a fish!" A group of dwarfs surrounded Adolf.

Because of the relationship brought by Violet, they were not wary of Adolf and completely regarded him as their own.

"Because I am a mermaid, a creature living in the sea, and a special race like you." Adolf's words made them feel like one of their own.

"Wow, mermaids, such beautiful scales, can I touch them." Princess Mansherry poked Adolf's tail scales curiously.

"Actually, I have something to ask of you!" Adolf began to tell a story.

"Just tell me what's going on. You are Princess Violet's friend, and we will definitely help you." Leo patted his chest and said.

This is not enough, and we can't just rely on the relationship of Violet's friend.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Adolf, and I am a mermaid from the deep-sea Fishman Island!"

"Because I am a rare mermaid, I was almost sold as a slave by the Celestial Dragons!!"

Adolf confessed that he did not cover up his shameful experience at all, but used it as a weapon!

After all, he successfully escaped by killing the Celestial Dragons and made Sengoku Akainu kneel down. It is also something worth boasting about when mentioning it to others.


"The Celestial Dragons are so hateful."

The little people hate evil like an enemy.

"I was lucky to escape before being sent to Marijoa, but in Marijoa, there are still countless people enslaved by the Celestial Dragons!"

"Humans, giants, mermaids, fishmen, fur people, long-legged people, long-handed people, snake-headed people, dwarf people, etc., and even many races that were cruelly exterminated!"


Adolf clenched his fists tightly, his chest burning with anger, even his domineering color "unconsciously" spread with the anger, making everyone feel his anger in a substantial way!

"Adolf." Hancock felt the same way.

"Adolf..." Violet looked at him, and now she suddenly felt a sense of recognition.

"Dwarfs!! Are there also enslaved people in the Dontada tribe?"

"There is even genocide, it's too scary!"

"They are so pitiful, the Celestial Dragons and those kings and nobles are so hateful..."

The Dwarfs became angry all of a sudden, and they wanted to knock all those people down right now.

In the crowd, the leader of the Dontada tribe, Ganjo, walked out with a cane, "In the past, our Dontada tribe was also enslaved, that was a dark and bloody history!"

"The Donquixote family, later became one of the 20 kings, and now the Celestial Dragons!"

"The Donquixote family!" Violet was shocked, she didn't expect Doflamingo to be a Celestial Dragon!

"What's wrong?" The dwarfs couldn't help but look.

"Just now, the Don Quixote family came to the Dressrosa Kingdom!" Violet said.

"Are those demons coming back?" The dwarfs panicked.

"Yes, that guy controlled my father and massacred the people. Adolf drove them away." Violet said complicatedly.

"Great, if the Don Quixote family comes back, we will be finished too!" Gan Qiao, the leader of the Dontata tribe, was afraid.

"Thank you, Adolf Lando!" The dwarfs thanked in unison.

"It's just a little effort, but there are still countless prisoners in Marijoa!"

"I want to end it all completely-"

"Punish all the Celestial Dragons, those cruel kings and nobles, including those garbage on the sea, and let the whole world return to peace and order!"

Adolf clenched his fist and shouted, swearing his ambition!

At this moment, he seemed to be fighting, fighting with people's sleeping hearts, awakening numb souls!

At this moment, the sun rose behind him...


All the little people held their hands, opened their mouths wide, and looked at him with admiration, like a great hero holding a banner high!

"My strength alone is not enough!"

Adolf lowered his head, looked at the little people, looked at Leo, looked at Princess Manshili and others, and stretched out his palm.

"I need you, the world needs you, and you also need you to make your own voices!!"

"Are you willing to fight for yourself?"

"Adolf Lando, let us fight for you!" Manshili mustered up the courage.

"No, you are fighting for yourself, not for me." Adolf transferred the sense of crisis to them, and suddenly felt the crisis of the storm.

"That's right, for our own sake, if the Don Quixote family comes back, we will all be finished!"

Leo believed it instantly, and all the little people also firmly believed it.

The fighting will is extremely high!

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