Pirate: I can draw all things in the dimension

Chapter 4 The lottery begins

Ron dragged the body to the first floor of the grocery store, returned to the original place and got some grass to cover up the blood.

When he entered the door again, a figure climbed up the stairs wobblingly, but it was a pale-faced Mond.

"Keya, help me,"

Mond coughed up blood and stood up, holding on to the wall. His red hand pointed at the bullet hole in his abdomen: "I was shot while searching for you. You can't give up on me like this."

He knew that his life was in Keya's hands, and he would be dead if the other party didn't heal him.

"You're still alive, you're lucky."

Ron glanced at him and shook his head: "Man, are we really friends? If so, why are you here with these guys?"

"Didn't I tell you? I didn't trust you, so I followed you."

Mond held on to the reason he had given in the first place.

Keya has changed, it's normal.

If he eats the devil fruit, he will become rampant, let alone the black boss.

How about just being a native of the motherland!

But he knew that even if Keya's temperament changed, it wouldn't change too much.

Even if a good person suffers all the hardships in the world, he will still hesitate to reach out for help.

They will not change their good intentions easily.

That’s why he’s so easy to bully!

But unfortunately, he didn't realize that the good man and good friend in front of him had been replaced.

The shell is still the same shell, but the inner core is different.

"It's boring. I really don't have the energy to debate with you."

Ron shook his head, took out the flintlock pistol and held it in the palm of his hand, and walked towards Mond: "Remember, you still owe me hundreds of thousands of beli. If it weren't for you not paying back, 'I' would be in trouble selling the house and land. It’s enough, why would you need to borrow usury?”

Yes, a big reason for the tragedy that happened to the predecessor was that more than one person owed debts and refused to repay them.

Maybe their predecessors thought they had a last resort, but Ron didn't think so.

"But I really couldn't pay you back at that time! And I'm not the only one who owes you money. Keya, you have to believe me, we are on the same team."

Mond leaned against the wall and smiled, his hands behind his back.

"what about now?"

Ron's footsteps were approaching, his eyes as cold as knives.

"I'm like this, how can I still have the ability? You save me first, and I will definitely return the favor later."

Mond's hand behind his back clenched the cold handle and stared at the approaching 'friend'

I don't know why, but he can't feel the pain now.

Ron's footsteps suddenly stopped and he smiled: "Actually, there is another way, that is - the debt will be canceled after death!"

The muzzle of the black hole was raised instantly, and fire burst out!


Mond, who had an extra eye between his eyebrows, fell to the ground, and a dagger fell to the ground from his loosened palm.

Ron remained silent and motionless, not because he was almost killed by Mond's counterattack.

But - 'I clearly aimed the gun at the chest, why did it hit the center of the eyebrow! ? ’

Ron, who was surprised to realize that he had the potential to be a master of human body contouring, fell into deep thought. It seemed that it was because he was not holding the gun in the correct posture with the muzzle raised?

"Forget it, let's clean up the battlefield first."

After thinking about it for a while, Ron still couldn't find a reason for himself, so he picked up Mond's dagger and went from upstairs to downstairs to kill him one by one.

Conveniently, he also plundered hundreds of thousands of beli from the thugs and Zhuo Wu.

‘It’s less, about a hundred thousand, don’t you carry it all with you? ’

Ron stuffed the last stack of clean Baileys into his arms, his eyes fell on the separated blood-red Baileys bills, and he hesitated for a moment.

At this time, rapid footsteps sounded outside the house.


at this time? !

Ron looked back suddenly and clutched the flintlock pistol with an ugly expression. He was now at the end of his rope.

The gas was clean, but the flintlock pistol was not loaded yet. In fact, he didn't know how to load it at all!

Tuk Tuk!

A knock on the door sounded at this time, accompanied by shouts of dissatisfaction.

"What the hell are you doing? How many times have gunshots been fired at night? Even if I am on night watch and can be invisible, how many civilians in the town can hear the gunshots? Can I go to the warehouse at your dock if I want to play games?

In your stronghold, do whatever you like, okay? ! "

The man carrying a flintlock musket complained to the door, but his words were restrained and there was no curse word at all.

'Naval soldier? ’

Ron also deduced the identity of the other party from those words, a naval soldier on night patrol.

It should be the person Zhi Wu bought using Colonel Mouse's relationship to help them cover up the criminal incidents at night!

‘.Trouble. ’

Although money is paramount in the Sixteenth Base, no matter how corrupt the naval soldiers are as combatants, they have received combat training.

After all, this is a world where pirates are rampant, and greedy money is just a cloud without the protection of force.

Then the risk of silence is very high.

Then take a gamble!

At that moment, Ron suddenly opened the door a little and stepped out sideways.

Standing in front of the navy soldier with an expressionless face, he slapped a thick stack of Pele on the other's astonished face.

"Mr. Godfather is still playing. Changing the place will make the smell of blood disperse a lot."

Ron stared coldly at the somewhat bewildered naval soldier, and patted the young and greedy face with a stack of baileys in his hand: "So what sir means is very simple, take the money, and then - get out! "

".For me?"

The navy soldier swallowed.

His eyes were fixed on the pile of Baileys slapped on his face, which was very clean.

So if you look closely, you can see that there are at least tens of thousands of Baileys.


How is this possible!

Who doesn’t like money?

If he had money, why would he do such drudgery as night patrol? If he didn't have money and money, he wouldn't work for that arrogant Zhuo Wu.

But Mr. Godfather is really generous, he can give hundreds of thousands of Baileys for one thing.

If I come here a few more times in the future


Ron adhered to the principle that too much words lead to mistakes, and directly stuffed a thick stack of Bailey's into the arms of the naval soldier.

Then he raised his foot and kicked him!

"Okay, okay, I'll leave right away. I won't disturb Mr. Godfather's enjoyment."

The navy soldier closed his clothes happily and left quickly.

Ron watched the other person go away with an expressionless face, and then returned to the grocery store.

He wasn't sure whether the navy soldier had seen through it or whether there would be other surprises, so he had to make a quick decision.

‘Dimensional Roulette, I want to recharge. ’

Ron walked straight to the pile of blood-stained Bailey's banknotes, raised the back of his right hand with the colorful roulette inscribed on it and pointed it at it.

{Instruction received, start recharging. }

The colorful roulette wheel on the back of the hand blooms with colorful light,

At that moment, Bailey's banknotes, which were smeared together with blood, moved towards the colorful light as if they were alive.

‘What form will it take? ’

Ron stared at this scene closely, and in the blink of an eye, all the Bailey bills worth about seventy or eighty thousand dollars disappeared.

But Ron, who was sharp-eyed, saw the process. Bailey seemed to be recharging at the same time regardless of the amount.

There was a slight pause during this period, so he saw the banknotes suddenly being smashed.

As the debris disappeared, something existed but could not be seen entered.

‘The concept of money? The origin of the Dimensional Roulette may be more terrifying than I imagined. ’

Ron was inevitably worried, but thinking that he was so weak, he gave up thinking about this issue.

As for his current strength, there is absolutely no use value at all. The dimensional roulette can still run without him and someone else.

But if Ron didn't have the dimensional roulette, he probably wouldn't have a chance to turn around in this life.

So he chose to seize the opportunity while also being willing to take possible risks.

The light screen pops up a message: {Recharge completed, current chip balance: 81,000 Baileys. }

(PS: You are considered rich, uncle, come and play. You can’t buy a hundred Baileys and you won’t be fooled, but you can buy the opportunity to get lucky!)

"Call the dimensional roulette, I want to draw a lottery."

Ron ignored PS's words and calmly observed the operation of the dimensional roulette.

Only now did he have time to look at the complete page of the dimensional roulette.

[Properties Panel] [Lottery Roulette] [Accessory Socket]

Very simple interface with only three options.

The first type needs no introduction at all, Ron has already seen it before.

The second is the most important function of dimensional roulette, the lottery that changes destiny.

The third type seems to be a reserved function socket?

‘Is there any possibility of adding new functions to this thing? ’

Ron thought about it and subconsciously glanced at the attribute panel.

After glancing at it, he suddenly froze, because the attribute panel changed again.





【Strength: G++/(G-)】

(PS: Wow, you look like you can beat a teenage bear.)

[Agility: H-(Even among humans, you are as slow as a turtle.)]

[Physique: G+/(G-)]

[Luck: I+ (?+) (You have escaped the destined death disaster. The footsteps of the god of death have temporarily left, but you are still in a dangerous environment that can cause sudden death at any time. However, due to the interference of time traveler factors, your fate seems to have changed again. There is a turning point.)]

[Charm: E (Mediocre Louis Koo)]

[Feature: Qi]


Changed, luck rating went up.

Ron mused, isn't luck absolute?

And what is the interference of the time traveler factor?

He keenly realized that something was wrong, because there were question marks and plus signs in the brackets after his luck.

Maybe this is the so-called 'turnaround?'

Is it similar to the inexplicable power he had to automatically heal the wounds on his chest when he resurrected from Keya's body?

It feels like a 'mother'.

But it seems to be an illusion.

'Attention is needed, but now is not the time. ’

Ron thought for a while, did not continue to dwell on this, and switched directly to the lottery roulette.

There are hundreds of grids in the roulette wheel, but they are all shrouded in color.

With just one glance, Ron remembered that this thing was gambling. To be honest, he really had nothing to do with gambling and drugs.


‘That happened in a previous life, and the world has changed, so it definitely doesn’t count. ’

Ron comforted himself in this way, and then started the first lottery without hesitation.

Of course, only once.

The colorful roulette wheel started spinning instantly, and a ray of light was thrown out in the blink of an eye.

{Drawed-old man’s underwear x1}

Wait, what is this? !

Ron was stunned when a pair of wrinkled underwear exuding a strange smell appeared in his hands.

[Dirty old man’s underwear]

[Origin: Wuyou Nursing Home]

[Effect: There is a certain probability of contracting diseases if worn for a long time. (PS: Bah! Scum! Scum! Steal the old man’s underwear!)]

"Depend on!"

Ron threw his underwear out like an electric shock, just covering Mond's face.

Then he helplessly put his hands on Zuo Wu's trouser legs and wiped them again and again.

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