Pirate commander in Qin Shi, his wife Yan Lingji

Page 83

The famous weapons of the King of Yue are well-known in the world. They are all peerless magic weapons. If they fall into the world, they will set off a bloodbath and make countless swordsmen flock to them and die for them.

Luo Wang spent a lot of money in order to obtain the Eight Swords of the King of Yue.

Lai Ai said coldly: "The bandit commander Li Xuanqing, sent a message to Benhou's residence."

"Since he provoked the six of you with arrogance and threw himself into a trap, then let him come and go, and cut Yingzheng's arm first."

Duan Shui, Zhen Gang, and Luan Shen clasped their fists together and said, "No."

"Don't worry, Lord Hou, I will definitely let Li Xuanqing come and go."


"Father, father...my queen scolded me, my queen scolded me, blah blah..." At this time, a five or six-year-old boy ran over quickly, crying.

Lai Ai waved her hand, and the slave of the six swords ordered her to dodge into a dark corner of the mansion and hide.

As for killers, they are best at lurking. If they miss a hit, they will immediately flee thousands of miles away, and when they are lurking, they will kill with one blow, like a thunderbolt.

Killers, killers, every shot will kill, their first strike is the most powerful.

Lao Ai waved her hands, and said impatiently: "I don't have time for my father, go play by myself."

"Where is Yunniang, why don't you take Long'er down?"

Lai Ai was very ambitious, she hoped that her son would become a dragon, and she thought her son could replace Ying Zheng on the grounds that her son was from Zhao Ji's bloodline, so she was extremely arrogant and stupid.

A beautiful woman with gentle appearance, kind demeanor, and plump figure walked into the hall quickly, hurriedly chased after her, bowed and said, "I'm sorry, Lord Hou, the servant accidentally let the eldest son run in."

"The servant girl will take the eldest son and leave now."

Yunniang picked up the child, and the child struggled and fought in her arms, crying loudly: "Nurse, I don't want to leave, I don't want to leave, I want to play here, play here."

Lao Ai's head was getting bigger, and she waved her hand and said, "Okay, let him play here."

Whether it's Lai Ai or Zhao Ji, having a child is just incidental and a product of enjoying the joy of bed. The two of them don't have the patience to coax and accompany the children all day long, and educate them to grow up and be human.

Yunniang bowed and said, "No."

Sure enough, the eldest son stopped crying, and started playing in the house on his own. He brought his own small wooden toys, and he could play very attentively by himself.

Yun Niang stood beside the eldest son, with her head lowered, a strange color flashed in the depths of her beautiful eyes.

Time passed, and the night grew deeper and deeper.

Great, great, great

Outside the mansion, the watchman was on watch, and it was midnight at midnight.

The eldest son had already fallen asleep on the desk, the corners of his mouth were saliva, talking in a low voice.

Lai Ai waved her hand to signal Yunniang.

Yun Niang bowed to accept the order, gently picked up the eldest son, and walked out of the hall softly and slowly.

As soon as Yun Niang left, the figure of Liu Dao flashed, it was the slave of Liu Jian.

The six members of Zhengang fully opened their ears and insight, and said in a low voice: "Zizheng has arrived to prevent Li Xuanqing from making a surprise attack."

"Hou Ye..." Outside the door of the hall, Yun Niang went and came back, pushed the door open and entered.

Yun Niang is Zhao Ji's confidant and the nanny of Lao Ai's two children, so she naturally knows something about Luo Wang and the existence of Liu Jian Nu.

Yunniang hugged the eldest son, went back and forth, and said in a low voice, "Master Hou, there is one more thing."

Lai Ai asked suspiciously, "What's the matter?"


All of a sudden, the eldest son from Yunniang's arms flew out, as fast as lightning, his tiny body exploded with bones, and he instantly changed back to his original appearance.

It was Li Xuanqing, and he shot in an instant.

Probing with two fingers, flicking the fingers with a burst of inner strength, hitting the delicate bodies of sisters Zhuanpo and Miehun, and immobilizing them.

At the moment when the sisters of Zhuanpo Miehun were frozen, Li Xuanqing was already in front of Zhengang, punched Zhengang, knocked him into the air, vomited blood, seized Zhengang's sword, and entered the dimensional space.

Too fast, too sudden, too unexpected, and too close.

And the moment Li Xuanqing made a move, Yun Niang also made a move, her coat was torn, and her disguised face was torn, revealing her true appearance—Concubine Dongjun Yan.

Concubine Yan almost followed Li Xuanqing to attack at the same time. The moment Li Xuanqing flicked her fingers to fix the sisters with magical powers, Concubine Yan flew over, snatched the Zhuanpo Sword and Miehun Sword, and injured the two sisters with the force of her palm.

The six sword slaves can solve the third in an instant, and get three of the six famous weapons of the king of Yue in an instant.

Lao Ai's complexion changed drastically: "Li Xuanqing!"

Six Swordsmen looked shocked, and said in disbelief: "Bandal Commander Li Xuanqing! How is that possible?"

"So fast, so strong..."

Duan Shui had the quickest reaction, immediately after Li Xuanqing knocked Zhengang into the air, Duan Shui sword gathered momentum and slashed suddenly, directly attacking the vital points of the heart.

Li Xuanqing pinched the middle finger of the index finger of his right hand, pinched it lightly, precisely and ingeniously, firmly imprisoned the Duanshui sword, and instantly pointed out with his left hand, knocking Duoshui flying.

Flying upside down without water, vomiting blood due to wound.

Li Xuanqing chuckled, the Water-Duan Sword disappeared, entering the dimensional space.

Chaos God has already slashed with a sword, the sword energy is violent, and the killing is astonishing. When the sword is swung out, the wind howls, the thunder flashes, and the sword energy wraps the power of wind and thunder to kill.

Not only that, but with the two swords in hand, the sword strikes instantly.

Concubine Yan collected the twin swords of turning soul and destroying soul, and circulated her true energy, kneading the formula with both hands, killing the sprite with both hands, and suppressing the sprite's Waigang master with half a step of top-notch cultivation.

Li Xuanqing concentrated on facing Chaoshen, sideways to avoid Chaoshen's sword, Lingxi pointed out, followed the same pattern, easily grasped Chaoshen, waved the big flag Fengyun Palm with his left hand, seriously injured Luanshen, and the sword was in his hand.

Concubine Yan is also very fast, defeating monsters with three moves, gathering energy to form a blade killer move is amazingly powerful, and she is a proud girl who has never met a genius in a century and can leapfrog a battle. Injure sprites and seize the double swords.


Turning soul and destroying soul, the two swords of monsters were thrown into the air and fell into the hands of Li Xuanqing.

Li Xuanqing brandished the sword, the sword light was dazzling, entering the dimensional space, clapped his hands and said: "It's nothing more than a trap of six sword slaves."

Six sword slaves, six in one, the combined attack technique of six people is naturally powerful, but unfortunately, the six of them cooperated to have the strength to kill the top masters, but when Li Xuanqing and Concubine Yan jointly attacked, the combined attack technique was fundamental. Unable to play, easily suppressed.

"Come on, escort, escort!"

Lao Ai got up quickly, stepped back step by step, and said with a frightened expression: "Li, Li Xuanqing, what do you want to do?"

Duan Shui, Zhen Gang, Luan Shen, Yao Yao, Zhuan Po Mie Hun, the seriously injured body of the six sword slaves stood in front of Lai Ai, the six of them breathed their strength, and started with the best weapons on the sword stand in the hall, and the six of them looked at it in a guarded posture Li Xuanqing and Concubine Yan did not dare to act rashly.

Around the hall, disciple warriors, snare killers, and armored warriors came after hearing the news.

Li Xuanqing smiled and said, "Lao Ai, I have already discovered your secret, a secret that is enough to make you the mortal enemy of Qin Guozong, and is regarded as a mortal enemy by the old Qin people."


Li Xuanqing swept across her body, pulled onto Concubine Yan's jade hand, and flew out like a kite, flew out of the courtyard, landed on a courtyard wall, and then tapped her toes lightly, using her strength to fly up.


A Li flew over, carried Li Xuanqing and Concubine Yan away on the wind and moon, and the fragrance of tulips fell, and the fragrance was overflowing, and they left laughing——

"The slave of six swords accompanied the flowers and lost his sword, Li Xuanqing stepped on the moon to leave a fragrance."


When the surrounding armor soldiers, retainers, and killers arrived, Li Xuanqing had already flown away with Concubine Yan, a crane, a young man in white, a stunning beauty, and flower petals scattered on the world, like a couple of gods and immortals.

Lao Ai had a gloomy face, exuding hostility.

Slave Six Swords looked slumped, deeply shocked.

PS: Ironies, ask for gifts, hehehe, the income is so low, give me some encouragement!

Chapter 127 Lai Ai Attacks and Sends Troops to Xianyang

In Changxinhou's Mansion, Lai Ai's face was gloomy and hostile, her eyes were burning with anger, and she cursed: "This damned Li Xuanqing, this damned thief."

"This Marquis, this Marquis wants to kill him and exterminate the nine clans, no, this Marquis wants to exterminate the three clans."

Lai Ai swept her cold eyes, looked around at Six Swordsmen, and snorted coldly: "Useless slaves, a bunch of waste, who keep saying that they can kill top experts, but they are vulnerable in front of Li Xuanqing."

Duan Shui, Zhen Gang, Luan Shen, Yao Yao, and Zhuan Po Mie Hun bowed their heads, looking depressed, and fell into self-doubt.

Li Xuanqing really has unpredictable means, he can change appearance, shape, bone, and breath, completely change his appearance, shape, bones, and breath, and turn himself into a child of a few years old, and there is no flaw.

The attack was extremely fast, the Zhuanpo and Miehun acupoints were tapped in a flash, and at the same time subdued Zhengang and seized the Zhengang sword with one move, it was too fast and unexpected.

Not only that, but Li Xuanqing's helper is also very powerful. He is half a step to the top at a young age, and he is so magnificent that even a real top player can defeat him in one fell swoop.

That woman's status is absolutely extraordinary, and her mastery must be astonishing.

In just two breaths, Li Xuanqing and Concubine Yan joined forces to attack, severely injuring the six slaves of the sword, and captured six famous weapons of the king of Yue, causing the six slaves to lose their combat power.

The six sword slaves who lost the famous weapon of the Yue King, the power of the joint attack is less than half of that of the peak period. The six people in the past were enough to hunt down the top masters, but now they can only fight with the top masters.

Lao Ai cursed angrily: "Trash, trash."

After swearing a few times in a row, Lao Ai turned around and left, leading a group of people straight to the harem of Yongcheng, and met Zhao Ji in a hurry.

Zhao Ji was sleeping when she was woken up by Lao Ai's urgent roar.

bang bang bang bang bang...

Lao Ai knocked on the door and said, "Queen Mother, Queen Mother, I have something urgent to report."

Inside the crimson bed curtain, a graceful, tall, coquettish, and sexy figure stood up slowly, with a lazy posture and a lazy voice, yawning: "What's the matter, can't we talk about it tomorrow?"


Lao Ai kicked open the door of the bedroom and walked into the curtain of the bed.

Zhao Ji is nearly forty years old, but she is naturally beautiful and charming. Her gestures and gestures seem to blend with charm. She is a charming dancer, and her every move is captivating.

Black lace pajamas with suspenders, outlines slender waist, long legs, buttocks and graceful clavicle shoulders, almond-shaped eyes, oval face is white and charming, surrounded by an enchanting aura of inulin, as if the reincarnation of a vixen.

Zhao Jiyu caressed her long legs, and said casually: "My friend, what's the matter with you? Do you want to break into my bedroom in the middle of the night and keep people from sleeping, or do you want to serve me?"

While speaking, Zhao Ji's hand stroking her long legs turned to stroking Lai Ai's face.

With an anxious expression on her face, Lai Ai said in a startling way: "The matter between you and me has been exposed, and the existence of the two children has been known by Ying Zheng's confidantes."

"What?" Zhao Ji looked shocked, shocked, angry and scared.

Zhao Ji questioned: "How is it possible? You take care of the whole city, tens of thousands of door boys, three thousand warriors, and thousands of guests, and there are snare killers and six sword slaves to help you secretly, unless the peerless master secretly Act, otherwise it is absolutely impossible for outsiders to discover the existence of Brother Long'er."

"How could Zheng'er have a peerless expert by his side? What would he use to recruit a peerless expert?"

Peerless masters are all top-notch masters, masters of various schools, everyone is famous all over the world, and on the battlefield, one person can form an army, and one can defeat ten thousand.

To recruit peerless masters, Yingzheng has no power and power now, and is only the king of Qin, what can he use to recruit?

Lao Ai shook her head and said: "It's not a peerless master, but Li Xuanqing, the bandit commander. This man's methods are unpredictable, and his lightness skills are the best in the world. The Korean blood-clothed Hou Bai Yifei, the general Ji Wuye died in his hands. , The night that has controlled South Korea for more than ten years is destroyed."

Zhao Ji was surprised and said: "The Bandit Commander Li Xuanqing, I have heard his name before, isn't he in Korea? How did he get to know Zheng'er and is willing to assist Zheng'er?"

Lai Ai explained: "Perhaps Ying Zheng met when he went to Korea?"

"Zhao Ji, now that the matter between you and me has been exposed, everything is irrelevant. The key is to save our lives."

"Do you think Yingzheng will let you and me go? Will the clan of the Qin royal family let you and me? Will the old Qin people who are loyal to the Qin royal family let you and me?"

"Not only us, but also Long Er and the others, will Ying Zheng let them go?"

Zhao Ji's face turned pale, she was obsessed with enjoyment, extravagant and lustful, but that doesn't mean she was stupid, and anyone with a little brains would know about such things, a dignified queen raising a face and having a child is definitely a royal scandal and unforgivable The kind of scandal that must kill everything and cleanse the filth.

Zhao Ji was confused: "Then tell me, what should we do?"

Lai Ai's eyes were stern and said: "If you don't do anything, I will not stop. I immediately summoned [-] warriors, soldiers from Yongcheng, and county soldiers along the way from Yongcheng to Xianyang, and went directly to Qinian Palace, killed Yingzheng, and supported Longer. rank throne."

Lai Ai also lost her mind and went insane. After all, she was born as a small farmer. Once she became successful, she became obsessed with power and lost her wisdom.

Even if he really killed Yingzheng, Lu Buwei would not agree to Lilao Ai and Zhao Ji's son inheriting the throne, nor would the Chu family headed by Lord Changping, let alone the Qin royal family and the old Qin soldiers.

Even if Lao Ai succeeded in killing Ying Zheng, he and Zhao Ji would surely die.

Zhao Ji's face changed in shock: "Ah, this, this, killing Zheng'er, this, this is not acceptable, Zheng'er is also my son."

Lao Ai shouted angrily: "If you don't kill Yingzheng, you and my family of four will die in Huangquan. Brother Long'er is young, how can you bear it?"

"But, me, Zheng'er, he..." Zhao Ji was already incoherent. As her eldest son, Ying Zheng, the mother and son lived a hard life in Handan and depended on each other. How could she make up her mind when they were about to kill each other?

Lai Ai's complexion darkened, she waved her hand and knocked out Zhao Ji, then quickly picked up the Queen Mother Zhao's jade seal and King Qin's jade seal, and walked out of the bedroom.

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