Pink Ranger Problems

Recovering, and Preparing

In case it wasn't clear these characters are adults. Final year of highschool, around the end of the year. Its clarified more later but there is sexual references and drinking.

…Our lips meet and my eyes snap open. Where do these nightmares keep coming from?

"She definitely is." Summer? She brought me back to base, that I remember. Am I in bed? I try to sit up, but the room starts spinning. Or maybe it was already spinning. What happened?

"I think you need to take this slow." I don't think he's talking to me. I'm probably not meant to be hearing their conversation.

"What's going on?" My voice is pretty. I must have been hurt, nothing seems out of the ordinary though. I try to remember.

"Filia! You're awake!" Not this again. Didn't I scream at her to stop calling me that. I yelled at her. Shit. I need to apologise. And I was crying. Then I told her not to call me that again. I turned back into a guy and Astrus morphed me. I must have passed out after he morphed me.  She seemed excited to see me awake, I must have been out for a while to make her worried. Still shouldn't she be at school?

"You can call me Ryan, Summer. You know who I am." Her face drops as I tell her that. Something is off but I can't focus on it. What's up with that look?

"Sorry, Fi but you told me to call you Filia. You need to get used to it." I did not say that. At least I don't remember saying it.

"When did I say that?"

"Before you passed out. You don't remember?"

"I remember Astrus morphing me and that's it."

"Dang. Okay. I need you to not freak out." She cautiously sits down next to me. Placing a hand on the bed. Am I dying or something? 


"Look at what you are wearing."

I immediately regret looking down. There is no spandex. Just fluffy pink pajamas. Really soft and comfortable frilly pink pajamas.

"Summer?" my voice quivers. Screw apologising. There are bigger fish to fry. Did someone change my clothes? Summer is seeing me wearing this. I'm wearing this. I look like a woman and I'm wearing frilly pink pajama's and my friend who should only know me as a man can see me. I try to breathe but it's not happening. What happened? I remember feeling sleepy and weird and oh. 

"Deep breaths, Filia."

"Did you say I need to get used to it?"

I don't like it enough to do that right? No. This body isn't mine, no matter how bad my old one is. They wouldn't let me near it, right? Fuck. I need to make sure.

"Yeah, but - oh. Wait, Filia."

"You didn't let me drink the Clownfish Orange, did you?" This can't be permanent. How could I explain it? It should wear off! But what if it doesn't!

"No, I didn't don't worry. I didn't change if that's your next question."

"Then who did?"

"You did."


"How about I give you your morpher and we can talk more?"

The transformation back to Ryan was uneventful aside from the pajamas appearing where the ranger suit had been left. It feels off, but at least I'm not retching. Summer started filling me in more on what happened. Memories of before I fell asleep were coming back. They are hazy, but there.

"I told Scott you went home after the attack." Summer explains, while I eat a sandwich someone left out. "And I've been with Filia organising girls night." Her voice is more monotone than it was earlier. Oddly, it did more to calm me down than her earlier attempts.

"You thought this through." The lies would work for now. 

"Well you were in no state to deal with something like this."

"What happened?"

The room lights up as Astrus makes his presence known. "What happened was you have not been eating enough. Your transformation is intensive but with a good diet it should not cause this kind of side effect. If you are planning on transforming between Ryan and Filia often you need to eat more," the floating head said. Who does he think he is? My dad? 

"What kind of side effects?"

"Your brain went into a kind of power saving mode." Summer explains. Is that why everything feels foggy. There has to be more to it though.  "It was like you were drunk. Do you seriously not remember anything?"

I remember seeing my body. My girl body, basically naked. Oh. And leaning on Summer. 

"What the heck?" Okay, step one: Indignation. I can't be embarrassed about that. I was drunk. It's not my body right? Step two: Apologise profusely for invading Summer's personal space. "Why does the power give me a bra?"

"That's what you're worried about? Not that drunk you wanted to become a girl?"

"You have to be shitting me?" What was I thinking? Girl me? She was pretty from what I can remember but that's no reason to throw away my manhood.

"I'm so sorry, Summer. I don't know what was wrong with me."

"You weren't that bad, I've dealt with worse drunks." Why is she being so nice? We aren't even close. If I was in her position I'd tell me to get fucked. 

"I was all over you. I'm sorry you had to unzip me." I feel like I'm going to pass out from all the blood rushing to my face. She's being way to graceful about this. At least she didn't see my body and I didn't ask for help removing my bra. Gosh, my bra. That's a gross thing to think about.

"It wasn't that bad. Drunk girls are like that." But I'm not a girl and I wasn't drunk. If she's gonna let me forget it though, I shouldn't question it. Everything before this didn't seem like a good idea to remember. "Speaking of drunk girls. You are coming to girls' night."


"You heard me. It will be a good experience for you. Don't you wanna know what girls like?"

"I'm not sure I do…" Wow, I sound like a wimp. Shouldn't I be excited to go to a girls house?

"How about keeping your friend company since she's the only girl on the team?" She's trying to make me feel bad. I refuse to give in. "Besides, don't you want to do some girly stuff as a girl? I know you want to be a manly man, but it must be exhausting. Wouldn't it be good to let go for a bit." She's trying to trick me or something. I mean. Yeah. Being a guy is exhausting. And dealing with everyone for a night sounds tiring. But why should I join a girls night to avoid it? I could just not go to either. 

"Alright, fine. I'll do girls' night." I huff. I want her to know I'd rather be alone. Something tells me no isn't an option.

"You don't have to if you don't want to."

"No, no it's fine. It wouldn't be right for a guy to leave a girl lonely." Hopefully by appeasing her she won't tell anyone. 

"Okay, hopefully you'll be feeling just as pretty as you were earlier." She is definitely messing with me. 

"Piss off." I hiss.

"I need to be going. See ya later, Filia."

"It's Ryan." I shout as she disappears. God damn it.


Sticking around until the end of the day was a good idea. Kepler being the best robot decided to make Filia some outfits so that I wasn’t left wearing undersized jeans and oversized hoodies. Or just my ranger uniform. It sucks that most of what they made for me is dresses, but it does help alleviate any suspicions the others might have. Ryan wouldn’t wear a dress after all. 

It also meant that I got a warning about the team meeting before all the others. Kepler shows me to a place where I can change that the others can’t access. The room has no mirror, a small blessing. I morph and strip off my clothes, taking every precaution to avoid looking at my naked body, thank the power I've practised this dance before. Kepler selected a gorgeous dress and leggings combo. The dress itself isn’t too intricate, a simple yet pretty pattern of pink galahs. Kepler isn’t one for subtlety, not that I mind. I slip it on over the underwear that morphing gave me. At least I don’t have to get measured for my bust size. I shimmy the leggings on and get the urge to look in the mirror. Just to see if I look okay. That would be okay right? It wouldn't be a repeat of last time. I am in full control my brain right now.

I try to put my shoes on and realise quickly that they don’t fit. I look like a clown. This outfit needs shoes. It would be weird if I wasn’t wearing shoes. I’ll have to ask. Dang it. 

“Kepler! I need some help!”

“How can I assist you, Filia?” The robot chirps. I think I need to rely on Kepler. Astrus is cryptic but Kepler seems to keep things straightforward.

“I need some shoes. Do you have any?”

“Oh yes sorry! They are just boots but they should be in your size. I can prepare you some more if you’d like. I think I enjoy making clothes.” Kepler hands me some tough looking boots. I didn’t plan on asking for more clothes, but if Kepler enjoys it, maybe it would be okay. Maybe some sneakers would be nice?

“Thank you, Kepler. I left my uniform in the other room.”

“Okay! I’ll let Astrus know you are almost ready.”

I tug the boot on and head to the bathroom. This is my first time wearing a dress. I have to make sure it looks good. It needs to look like I've been wearing them my whole life.

I stand in front of the sink  with my eyes clenched shut. I need to prepare. Deep breaths. In and out. In and out. And open. I see what exhausted me was talking about. I am pretty. I mean Filia is pretty. The dress looks perfect aside from where it got stuck in my leggings. I'd go as far to say I'm gorgeous. The dress hugs my waist and accentuates my curves. If I was a girl, guys would be all over me. My short hair and owlish eyes make me look like a sweet girl next door type, definitely someone's type. Not mine, but I guess that’s fine. I don’t think most girls are attracted to their own body. Still I can't help but smile. The girl in the mirror is beautiful. 

Maybe I could mess with Scott a little bit. He seemed to think Filia was cute and I can see why now. I mean just hugging him might be able to make him blush. It would be good payback for heading into the classroom alone  and for picking me up. 

Filia being huggy also just suits how she looks.  She looks like the kind of girl that gives great hugs. And it would make her different from me. Standoffish loner to a cute girl is an unbelievable transformation. Maybe I could hug Summer as well so no one gets suspicious. Ugh. First things first. Bully Scott. 

“Knock knock.” The sound of metal banging on the door accompanied the robotic voice. “The other’s are coming.”

“I’ll be out soon.” I tear myself away from the mirror. I need a plan. Maybe I could--

“They are here.” Right teleportation. 

I pull the door open and head down the hall towards the main command room. In there stands the others. Ziggy and Leo are bantering about something. 

“I took more down.” Leo argues.

“Why were you counting?” Ziggy counters. It’s good to know they were unharmed. These suits can take a beating but I still don’t like the idea of people getting hurt. Especially not Leo. The only person who should be hitting him is me. 

Summer looked as tired with everyone, as ever. She was really gentle earlier. Maybe it’s just resting bitch face? She flashes me a smile and I awkwardly smile back. 

Then there was Scott. Standing there proudly between Ziggy and Leo with a big white patch on his face. What did he do? I run over to him while he stands there stunned. Did something happen? I look up at his face while he does his best to look away. Did he get hurt?

“Scott, what happened to your face?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” Ah yes. Scott the amazing liar. 

“Look at me, Scott.” Goodness I sound like his mum sometimes. How did he get a face injury if he was morphed? He looks down at me and I touch his face. There is definitely some swelling and his face is oddly hot. Did he get into a fight with our classmates or something? “What happened?” 

“Oh this? It’s nothing. I just took a hit from one of the Anemobots before I morphed. It’s fine.”

“You shouldn’t fight when you're unmorphed!”

“I was trying to take the heat off Summer and Ryan.” He protests. Summer rolls her eyes at his dumb idea.

“Kepler can we get some ice for his cheek?” 

“No, don’t worry about it. I went to the nurses.”

I look over to Ziggy. They wouldn’t lie about this, unlike someone who had repeatedly ignored my advice before. “Did he, Ziggy?”

Ziggy turns their head away from their conversation with Leo “Yeah. I made sure. No concussion or anything.” It sucks that I wasn’t able to help but thank goodness for Ziggy’s reliability.

“Good.” Now that he’s okay I can embarrass him more. My arms wrap around his broad frame and I press my chest into him. This will mess with him for sure. “Don’t hide stuff like that, we are a team, dumbass.” 

“O-o-okay.” He stutters. 

I didn’t know a guy as big as him could be cute. Like not in an attractive way, I swear. But I want to make him more flustered. I look up at his face again. Red as a tomato, perfect. It wasn’t fair that he was this good looking while flustered and wow. Okay. He smells good. Why does he smell good? Why doesn’t he smell like gross man sweat? Does he smell better than me too? He is way too powerful. His arms are so comfortable. Wait no. I need to remember my objective. 

“Good boy.” I purr. Okay that is too far. I realise that’s too far, in fact hugging him may have been too much. And the thing poking me in the hips definitely confirms that. Down boy. I quickly let go. I need to calm down. What’s gotten into me? This girl form is weird. 

Distancing myself quickly from Scott, I head directly for Summer. I try to control my blushing. “Thanks for helping me out after I hurt myself.” I say, remembering her lie from earlier. I open my arms. Hopefully this might help make others think Filia is just a huggy person.  

She accepts my offer, thank the Power. I feel her breath against my ear. “What did you do to him, Fi?” She whispers. I don’t know how to explain. Damn it.

“I just wanted to make him blush as payback for picking me up and calling me cute. I think I might have gone too far.” I hiss. 

“What tipped you off?” Scott joined Leo and Ziggy, their conversation would drown out our whispers hopefully.

“I don’t think that was his phone in his pocket.” I want to laugh. I want to cry.

“By the Power, girl. You need to be more careful. You don’t want him falling for you do you?” Of course not. No. Never. 

“Oh no.”

“Filia? You okay?” Summer asks. I’m so screwed. 

A light appears behind us? What’s going on?

“Welcome back rangers.” Astrus spoke, scaring the bejesus out of us. We turn to look at him. “Good work dispatching the Anemobots, but we cannot relax. He’s preparing for something bigger. The monsters, the actual monsters, will be coming soon. Loch is likely observing you.” 

“Is there anything we can do?” Ziggy asks.

“I would like to introduce you to your mechs.” Astrus responds. Hell yeah!

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