Pieces of Sonder

Chapter 18: Finding Water by the Ocean Part 1


Freya jumped out of bed.

Something bright blinded her vision. After a minute of panicked fumbling, Freya realized it was notifications from the game. 


[Congratulations you won an item from the auction!]

[Item received: Hit Redirect]

[-45 silver from your inventory]


[Your item Wind Healing sold for 20 silver]

[+20 silver has been transferred to your inventory]


[Your item Slick Surface sold for 70 silver]

[+70 silver has been transferred to your inventory]

Jeez, couldn’t this wait till morning?

Heartbeat still thumping in her chest from the sudden wake-up call, she went to drink some water. After calming down a bit, she laid back down in bed. 

Slowly her irritation turned into excitement, I can’t wait to read it and try it out.

Then her rising heartbeat made her annoyed again. They had a story dungeon tomorrow, she needed to sleep, but now her mind was racing.

After lots of tossing and turning, Freya finally fell asleep.

Only to be immediately woken by sunlight.


[Heilong shared their location!]

[Would you like to fast-travel?]

[Daily fast-travel limit: 0/2]

[Yes] [No]

Freya rubbed her eyes and pressed [Yes].

Hot air hit her face. 

She blinked at the rising sun. To her left, sand stretched as far as the eye could see. On the right sat a small town before a giant blue ocean.

Freya found it difficult to breathe. Like there was something in the air preventing her from inhaling properly.

“It’s too hot,” Infamous Biscuit complained behind her.

He leaned against his staff, looking like a wilted plant with his green clothes. Next to him, Heilong was somehow still wearing her high-collared red long sleeve shirt and long black skirt.

“Come on, it’s not that bad,” she said, adjusting her quiver of arrows.

Infamous Biscuit huffed, “So where is this story dungeon?”

“It’s in the town up ahead. All I know so far is an old man asked for my help finding a pet he lost. He told me to find him in the village when I’m ready.”

“What were you doing in this desert in the first place?”

“It’s a good place to hunt goshawk hawks. They drop nice feathers for arrows.”

Heilong led the way down into the town. A warm sea breeze hit them. Freya wasn’t sure if the hot wind felt better or worse.

The town ahead mostly consisted of small brick houses that almost blended into the cream-colored sand around them. A herd of goats roamed one side of town in an enclosed pen. Freya wondered what the goats could eat out in this desert. 

Just outside town, a weathered signpost greeted them.

{Welcome to Tharvan}

{Population: 2,643}

As they entered the town limits, a familiar beep sounded.

[Water by the Ocean Dungeon]

[Story Dungeon] [Suggested Team Lvl: 5]

[Main Objective: Find and return Mr. Anuji’s pet within one week]

“Let’s ask around to see where Mr. Anuji lives.” Infamous Biscuit said.

Freya nodded. It was a small town; it shouldn’t take long to find out. The only hurdle was finding someone to ask. The streets of Tharvan looked like a ghost town. 

After a few minutes of wandering the streets, they ran into a townsperson. Luckily, he knew just what they needed.

“Mr. Anuji lives in the west dunes far from here, but right now he is staying at the inn just down the street.”

After thanking the man, they quickly found the inn. As soon as they walked in, Freya sighed in relief. Cool air greeted them. It wasn’t the same temperature as back in Safka, but it was certainly better than outside.

“How can I help you?” a woman asked from behind a counter.

“We’re looking for Mr. Anuji,” Heilong responded.

“Ah, I’ll get him for you. Please have a seat in our saloon.”

As the woman left to go upstairs, she touched a device connected to a large mana stone.

The three sat at one of the old wooden tables. 

“I could never live in a desert,” Infamous Biscuit commented. “At least it’s a little cooler in here, less humid too.”

Freya agreed. Although Tharvan was a small town, she was surprised any amount of people could live here.

“Oh, young girl. You came!” a man said from the top of the stairs.

Heilong stood, “Mr. Anuji, I promised I would be back with some friends.”

“Good, good,” he said, slowly coming down the stairs. He leaned heavily on the banister for support.

[Sial Anuji]

[Lvl 3 Retired Citizen]

Heilong helped him to a seat at the table.

“Thank you all for coming. May I know your names?”


“Infamous Biscuit.”

Freya glanced at him, surprised he could say his name so seriously.


“Heilong, Infamous Biscuit, Freya. Thank you for listening to this old man’s request. You see, I lost my pet gathering mouse a week ago. I brought him with me to get some supplies in town, but somehow I lost him!”

Mr. Anuji rubbed his thin hands together, “He really means a lot to me. I really hope he is okay.”

“When did you last see him?” Infamous Biscuit asked.

“I was buying some bread four days ago at Thanes, on third street. Squeak was in my pack, but I set it down. When I picked it up again and came back to the inn, he was gone!”

“What does Squeak look like? Sorry, I’m not familiar with gathering mice.” Infamous Biscuit said.

That was going to be Freya’s next question; she had never heard of them either.

“Oh, yes. Most people outside the desert don’t know gathering mice. They look like normal small black mice, but they have a glowing symbol on their head.”

Mr. Anuji drew with his finger on the table, but Freya wasn’t sure what he was trying to describe. However, if the mouse had any kind of glow, it probably had magical capabilities.

“Are they skittish?” Heilong asked.

“Oh no, they like people. They would never run away on their own. He might have fallen out of my pack and tried to find me but got lost. Or, well I don’t want to make accusations, but maybe someone stole him.”

“Does anyone in town dislike you?” Heilong asked.

“Oh no, I don’t think so.”

“We’ll find Squeak,” Infamous Biscuit promised. 

“Yes,” Heilong echoed. “It’s best we start now. The fresher the clues, the better.”

“Thank you! It means a lot to me. If you can find him, I promise the reward will be worth it!”

Mr. Anuji smiled at them, his old eyes creasing into fine lines. The three bid goodbye to Mr. Anuji and headed over to third street. The air outside felt even hotter than before.

“How are your tracking skills?” Infamous Biscuit asked.

Heilong grinned, “Don’t worry, I am a marksman.”

~Info Corner~

Class Descriptions:



[Suitability: DPS]

[Mastering the art of marksmanship can bring unparalleled aim and precision. Marksmen are also excellent trackers and can find almost anything if they put their minds to it!]

[Innate Skills: Tracking, Precision Aim, Stun Trap]

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