Picking Up Attributes From Today (From Now On, I’ll Pick Up Attributes)

Chapter 30 - All failed, face smashing on the spot

训练 No. 11 training ground is dead!

Listening to the indifference of the class teacher, and then look at the dejected Larry Billy, all the students seemed to be crushed by a big rock, heavy!

In the original mid-term examination, not only the three attributes were examined, but also the progress made in the three months after enrollment!

This is sad!

Even if you have a foundation, even if you have good strength before entering school, as long as you have not progressed in these three months, you are also considered unqualified!

“Really tough!”

Menglei secretly tongued out!

“Next: Monty Dunbar!”

“67 times the mental power of peers!”

“At the time of the entrance test, your mental strength was 62, now 67, and it has only increased by 5 points. It can be seen that you have completely slacked off in the past three months and failed!

“Next: Abbot Akreit!”


“Gabriel Broad!”


“Annelin Boweswell!”



“My mother-in-law came, but all failed!”

The fat man was so scared: “17 people, all died of mental power. Damn, what can I do?”

“It’s too strict! It’s too strict!”

Daniel also turned pale: “Boris’ mental strength has improved by 12 points, but he is still unqualified. How much can he improve to pass?”

“do not know!”

Menglei shook his head, this test mechanism is really too painful!

“It’s so severe, I’m afraid there aren’t many that meet the standards!”

The fat man turned pale, “If I fail, I will be scrapped by the old man!”

Testing continues!

But as the fat man said, with such a rigorous assessment mechanism, few people can reach the standard. In the next time, 37 people were tested in succession, without exception, all … unqualified!

结果 This result made a class of students trembled, and also made class teacher Dirk Nowy’s face more and more ugly!

Finally, he is soaring!

“What do you eat?”

Dirk Nowe thundered wildly: “Three months! What are you doing for three months?

So many people, none of them qualified, tell me aloud, what have you done since entering school? “

安静 The quiet and scary place in the training ground, all the students in a class lowered their heads, did not dare to look at the head teacher, and let him be bombarded and angry.

The other teachers just watched quietly and seemed to get used to it!

I scolded for nearly ten minutes, maybe tired of scolding, Dirk Nowy exhaled a spit and pointed at a group of students and snarled: “I don’t have much more nonsense, just leave you a piece of advice!

Magic practice depends on consciousness!

With your current attitude, even if you have superhuman first-class talent, even if you have the best learning resources, it will not be a great climate! “

After speaking, he returned to his seat, and was too lazy to say a word. For a while, he became silent all around!

Jenny Jie coughed, and whispered, “Mr. Dirk, do you want to continue the exam?”

“carry on!”

Dirk Nowy sneered: “I’d like to see, to what extent your class can rot!”


Jenny Xuexue answered, “Next: Monty!”


怎么 Why is this name familiar?

Teachers 纷纷 looked at the list in their hands, and then they suddenly realized that the second class teacher, Buddy Tyrone, laughed and teased: “Meng Lei is the best talent among the freshmen in the college this year. I wonder how he progressed?”

“Hum! I hope he is not slack!”

Dirk Nowy grunted!

听说 “I heard that this child has a very personality, class in the morning, walk in the afternoon, work and rest, very thoughtful!” Buddy Tyrone said meaningfully!

“Walk in the afternoon?”

Dirk Nowy’s face sank, a little unsightly!

“I heard it too!”

A teacher in the second class laughed and said, “There is a rumor on campus that this year’s chief genius is a freak. Every afternoon, he doesn’t go to class, doesn’t meditate, and doesn’t go to the library. He likes to walk around the campus. Student apartments, cafeterias, training On the field, he can be seen everywhere, March as a day, never interrupted! “

“Yeah, I also heard that it was very serious in class, it was afternoon … oh, such a good talent is a shame …”

Teachers 开口 have spoken one after another, with some regrets and regrets. A talented person such as Meng Lei has a much higher practice efficiency than ordinary people. As long as he can calm down and work hard, the future achievements are unimaginable!

However, such a combination of work and rest is a waste of talent, so how can one not sigh?

“This shit!”

Dirk Nowy’s somber face drips water!

The teachers’ voices are not small. The students listen in their ears and have different minds. Some people sneer and wait for the joke of Monterrey;

Some people are angry, blaming Menglei for wasting talent;

Some people also watched indifferently, waiting for the play of Menglei!

“Wander around? Wasting talent?”

Meng Lei’s mouth slightly tilted, walked in front of the precision meter, and then released his mental strength in the eyes of everyone!

After a while, the red line in the seismometer rises like a rocket, and then rises in a rush!




“I’m going! So fast!”

Everyone was surprised ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Scared by this climbing speed!

Finally, after climbing to a certain height, the red line stopped!

Sister Jenny Xue immediately went to the **** meter and read out the test result: “Mental power: 230 times of his peers!”


When he said this, the audience was shocked!

“More … how much?”

“2 … 230 times!”

“Dragon **** is on, am I wrong?”


The sound of air-conditioning was heard in the audience. Everyone couldn’t help looking at Meng Lei, with shocking, incredible and incredible colors in their eyes!

“230 times? How is this possible?”

“Is the seismometer broken? How could his mental strength be so high?”

如果 “If I remember correctly, at the entrance test, his mental strength was only 100 times that of his peers? This has only improved in the past three months?”

“Pervert! Really a pervert!”

“230 times the mental power?”

The teachers on the test bench looked at each other, all of them were a little aggressive!

“In just three months, my mental strength has improved so much?”

“is it possible?”

“The average person is impossible, but genius can’t use common sense!”

The head teacher, Dirk Nowy, was angry and happy, saying slowly: “In just three months, the mental strength has improved so much, which shows that Meng Lei has worked hard! Teacher Buddy, it should not be so easy to arrange a student ! “

I heard the words, the second class teacher Buddy Tyrone turned black, I made him?

But the fact is in front of him, he can’t justify it, he can only swallow Coptis dumbly, and swallow the bad breath!

“The second item: test the magic reserve!”

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