Philstar or Gaju’s Regression

Chapter 9

9. 3. Admission exam (4)

What is it?

What’s so fast?

Capelini was greatly embarrassed.

I didn’t even see Capelini right in front of me swinging her sword.

With the feeling of wanting to move something, he bounced off his black head, leaving only a clumsy feeling on his hands.

I would have unfortunately almost missed the sword if I hadn’t given it reflective force.

“Are you going to continue? Capelin.”

Loan, who had been laughing since before he struck the sword, asks with a strange laugh.


In fact, Capelini, who was choked and angry,

“You son of a bitch! ”

I raised my voice and set myself straight.

“I wonder if you need to make someone who’s going to be a knight soon. ”

Then, with a sneaky smile, Loan playfully twirls the sword.


Capelini will be here soon.

“I won’t stand still! ”

I grabbed the sword and initiated a counterattack again.

This can’t be happening!

You’re the one I’m talking to!

Excited Capelini pushes her toward Roan with all her strength this time.

Ka ‘ang!

But Loan, again, in a very concise and quick move, struck Capelini’s sword and changed its trajectory.

“What is this! ”


He said his neck brought back the sword too easily.

“…… Fast? ”

It was embarrassing.

Obviously, Roan was right, but I can’t see him wielding a sword.

When I wake up, one day the sword is in front of me again.

“Twice. ”

At that moment, Capelini’s heart choked down.

“This guy!”

How dare you make fun of me!

Capelini was blushing with shame.


He strikes Roan’s sword and swings it again.



And then Loan took a step back and avoided Capelini’s sword.


Once again, he aims his sword at his neck.

“Three times. ”

A clean move without a clump.

“…… what’s wrong. ”

Capelini also stiffens her head as if the sword of Roan turned white toward her third neck.

And there was static among those who watched.

“…. Why is Capelini doing this? ”

“What? Why are you so….. ”

People who are starting to grow up soon!

From a watchful standpoint, why would Capelini keep wanting to make that mistake, but that was the difference in level.

If Roan doesn’t accept it, there’s nothing Capelini can do!

To that extent, the skill difference between the two was significant.

Perhaps if Roan had decided, Capelini would have lost at least three lives, as he said.

So Capelini felt that moment too.

‘…. He’s strong! It’s really strong!’

Not only that.

“Obviously….. ”

Damos was also deeply impressed by the concise and precise gesture Loan had shown.

When I saw Capelini’s first attack, I thought it was a lake water, but Roan was far superior to him.

Literally speaking, the expression “play with” is a good match.

Knock, knock.

In fact, Damos started knocking on the sword with his fingers with an excited face.

“Loan Pilstein……. ”

I want to draw a sword and fight him right now!

An intense impulse and a thoughtful look at Loan.

“I see a level difference……. ”

And so was Alicia, who was exhausted and unconscious.

The difference between Roan and Capelini was significant, even though she was perceived to be underrepresented.

“…… That assassin, he’s a great man. ”

Jerome was also surprised.

How can you defeat Capelini so easily if you don’t have enough to enter the Imperial Knights?

So how strong is he?

It doesn’t even seem to be coming right.

“Is this Philstein’s power? ”

Most skilled people are amazed by Loan’s skills!

“I mean, I saw you so funny! ”

Now Capelini, who has become a really nervous face, is in position again.

Now, Capelini is bleeding all over her body.

The overwhelming majority can’t even do anything on the slate and get beat up!

“I’ll show you what I’m really good at! ”

And he breathes and regains calm.

As before, he was not trying to attack with emotion, but in a glimpse of prudence.

The right look with a solid foundation!

Then Loan sighs and looks at Capelini with a pitiful face.

“Why don’t you stop? ”


That’s the moment.

“I don’t want to harass the weak. ”

Ron shrugs like he has nothing to do with it.



Capelini’s body trembled again in anger.

“How dare you call me an underdog! ”

I was forced to get angry.

I can’t believe you ignored him like this, Linguini Academy Chief!

“I will never stand still! Never!”

Capelini, who barely regained his calm, grabbed the sword with both hands and quickly struck out!

That or not, Loan was still grave.


He swung his sword, avoiding Capelini’s sword with a brutal face.

Oh, shit!


One day, I lightly slapped the right neck of Roan’s black capelini.

To the side, not the day!


And then Ron’s counting started again.

“You son of a bitch! ”

I killed you four times.


In fact, Capelini went back to counter, feeling that the mentals were shattered.


Loan’s body was surprisingly light.

He avoided Capelini’s sword and quickly moved to the side like a ghost.


I stabbed myself in the sword like a flash.


Then a few strands of Capelini’s hair were scattered.


Again the counting rang.

It would not be an exaggeration if you were completely humiliated at this point.


Capelini, whose mentor collapsed, waves her sword back to Loan with a gruesome roar.

Ka ‘ang!

And this time, with a sharp stab, he shook Capelini’s sword.

Oh, shit!

Loan strikes Capelini’s left neck lightly with the sword face again.


Physically, there was no great damage, but the mental damage was different.

‘What the hell is going on so fast?! ’

What can I do?

As Capelini looked desperate with a crying face,

“Does it mean more? ”

Loan, with a strange smile, asked him a question.

Others seem to be laughing boldly, but it couldn’t be seen by Capelini.

‘You don’t become the opponent. ’

It must have felt like the laughter of that nuance.


Capelini turns to the end of humiliation.


That eye!

How dare an assassin from Thousand Mins look at me like that!

“It won’t end until you fall! It’s not over! It’s not over! ”

Capelini, who was furious to the end of her head, shook her sword again, shouting bitterly.

Even the crowd, who were no longer able to find the quality of the knight, frowned.

“I can’t believe Capelini was like that…. ”

If anyone sees it, it’s overwhelmingly different, but it’s not winning the outcome.

And you are.


Now that Capelini no longer has anything to do with it, Roan shakes his sword with a smile.


Soon, Roan’s sword hit Capelini’s essence.


Again, it was not a day, but the speed was still so fast that it was invisible.

And unlike hitting you in the neck, this time it’s full of power!


Loan, who knocked Capelini out in a single breath,


I pushed the sword into the sword in the static of all.

“Ah……. ”

The supervisor was also frozen.

I don’t know what to say right now.

Although Capelini is a wreck, her skill alone was a definite figure.

And then Capelini said,

“Gigi, do you faint? ”

I even fainted.

The test of admission was the first time that the examiner fainted in the entire history of the Empire 200 years ago.

“Defeating the Knight’s Black Opponent. ”

Roan smiled at the supervisor within minutes.

He seemed to say that he was the knight who didn’t kill Capelini.

Yeah, that must have been a lot of work too.

I only saw the opportunity seven times.

In fact, I’ve had the chance to kill Capelini over a dozen times, and I’ve avoided the critical hits!

If Roan had truly come, Capelini would certainly have lost his life.

“An absurd one came in and threw it away….. ”

While the supervisor was genuinely admired.


Someone applauded Loan.

Egbert again?

With that sound, Loan turns his head, but his hair is the first thing he sees.

If there was anything else, he was short hair, unlike Egbert, and much bigger in height and fitness.

And unlike Egbert, who is a neutral hairy boy, he must be a handsome man who looks pleasant to anyone.

“Excellent job! Awesome!”

He’s Brad von Rosesta!

The number one successor to the emperor of the current Rosesta Empire and the most promising leader of the future!


As people started applauding him,


At that moment, Loan’s heart beat loudly.

Prince Brad, like Egbert, came here to prepare his own hands.

“…… uh, how. ”

But it wasn’t about him.

The only thing that caught Roan’s eye was a bald girl clapping alongside Brad.


She nods as if she felt the gaze of Loan, staring at her with a dull mind.

“Emilia….. ”

Loan called her name after being reunited in an unexpected place.

It’s not something you can hear from other people.

“Hehe….. ”

Emilia reads his mouth.


Loan’s head turns white in a moment as she looks at herself smiling.

‘Why is Emilia here? ’

Since you said you were good with Brad, did you come to see him?


His heart was shaking like a burst, and he suffocated.

I was so distracted that I couldn’t even think about what to do.

How do I explain this feeling?

Seeing Emilia again, I was worried about what I would do if I didn’t have any feelings, but it seemed like nothing more than hunger.


Loan grabs the necklace with her hand, even without my knowledge, in the fluctuating heart.

I didn’t really know what to say about this buzzing emotion that I felt when I met Emilia again in my dream.

“How long will you stand there? Go back to your seats! ”

And it was the voice of the supervisor who summoned him to reality.

“…… Ah, I see. ”

Leaving Capelini unconscious, Loan nods at his words and returns to his place.

“That was amazing.”

Soon, Damos looked at Loan with curious eyes.

“I saw him reading all the moves completely. I definitely want to mix you and the sword! ”

“Is that so?”

“Now speak comfortably. You and I will be motives anyway. ”

Despite his identity, Damos was delighted to meet a real sword-fighting opponent.

I don’t know if Damon Van Pandragan is an open-minded man.

Loan nods, thinking so.

“Let’s do that. ”

Everything was going as expected.

But only Emilia is still visible in his eyes right now.

Once again, I turned my head towards Emilia, and I saw Brad talking to her about something.

And soon after saying good-bye, Emilia left with her servants and knights.

“… Emilia. ”

Seeing her moving again felt like a fantasy.

“ ……. ”

Emilia turns around and looks at him once more, as if she still feels Roman staring at herself.

“Ah……. ”

Loan, who doesn’t know what to do when his eyes meet, stumbles upon me without knowing.

I wanted to make my 30-year reunion with my first love wonderful, but suddenly!


Soon she laughed again.

“… Emilia. ”

It was the brightest of her memories.

‘I want a hug! ’

I’d like to run and hold on to it right now, but I can’t do that.

And I turned around and saw Emilia leaving talking to her servants.

“….. You were doing well this time. ”

Loan cuts off his heart with regret.

But this was definitely a pleasure.

I think I was doing much better than I thought. Should I say I was relieved?

Unlike what he remembered, he seemed quite active.

Two years.

Is it because I met Emilia two years earlier?

So what the hell happened in those two years?

So did Egbert, and so did Emilia. What the hell made them go away?

Maybe the ugly fight for power drove them into ruin?

Loan breathes deeply as she naturally wonders.

“…… I need to find out what happened. ”




“Congratulations, Master! ”

It would not have been an exaggeration to say that Roman’s acceptance was already scheduled.

It was Loan who overwhelmed Chief Capelini, so it was strange if he fell.

Of course, by making the capelin de linguini look like that, your academy life might get pretty harsh in the future.

“Well, that’s enough. It’s natural. ”

Still, the signs weren’t bad.

Egbert has also shown great interest in Prince Brad, so in the future, if Loan becomes Brad’s person, he will be able to make a good enough position.

No matter how much the Linguini Academy belongs to the Linguini family, discrimination will not be a dream if you receive the blessing of Prince Brad!

“But it was amazing! I didn’t know you were that good! ”

In any case, it had to be a celebration.

Now, Ron is the first step to becoming a knight.

When Parviti celebrated with a dazzling face, Loan also laughed.

“That’s a little disappointing. I’m sure Parviti is the one who should know my skills best. ”

“Of course I thought you would win, but I still had no choice but to worry! ”

Farviti kept whispering,

“I think I can make a big noise now. ”

Loan looked around quietly.

Acceptance has already been decided, and they are leaving Linguini Academy and returning to the house of Bolonez Baker Street 6.

“You can relax, Parviti. ”

So it was less human than it was at the time of the test, and it didn’t seem to matter much to the passers-by.

“…… so be it. ”

He touches the necklace on his neck and looks unconscious.

While waiting for him in the queue, Parviti seemed to feel the walls of Parviti itself.

I don’t know if it’s because of Egbert’s intellect, but Loan feels frustrated at her appearance.

Barriers to identity.

If you think about how big Parviti feels, it’s buggy for you too.

“…… to me, Parvity is really a family person. He’s the next precious man after my father. So you don’t have to care about those sounds. Really.”

I didn’t want to upset Parviti.

Loan grasps his hand and talks about it. Parviti’s face quickly grows greasy.

“… so am I. The Master and the Gaju are like my family. ”

Soon she smiled brightly and said,

“So I don’t want to do any more harm! All you have to do is care about me! It’s not a big inconvenience! Don’t worry too much, we’ll adapt in no time! Just keep your voice down! You care too much! ”

Loan also burst into laughter at Parviti, who confidently says it’s not that much of a concern.

“Well, that sounds more like a lover. ”

When he answered with a single blunt face,

“… a lover? ”

Parvity was flawed by the unexpected words.

“Yeah. I thought it was like a honeymoon this morning. ”

“Ahahaha….. ”

Then she smiled awkwardly with a redder face and rolled her eyes.

“Oh, anyway, I have to tell this news to the Lord too! ”

Loan just laughed at Parviti, who was ashamed of what he looked like.

“Yes, we should. Let’s go back and have a look at Bolognese. ”

“Yes, Master! ”

While Parviti nodded with a dazzling face.

“Loan Pilstein! ”

Behind their backs, I heard a voice calling out to Loan.

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