Philstar or Gaju’s Regression

Chapter 17

Kill The Prince (2)

Boom! Boom!

The fireworks made by the wizards embroidered the clear skies of Ecliptic Bolognese.

“Come on, buy a mask before the festival starts! Come on! I’ll give you two for one price! ”

Before the parade of the Temple Priests of Pomodro, the last minute traders raised their fever.

“Buy me that! That!”

The kids who came out with their moms and dads’ hands became gods and asked them to buy some good food on the square.

“Oh, let’s get past this! ”

“Don’t push! ”


People gathered to the point where the square exploded.

And you are.

“What a lot! ”

Busha, who looks tired of the numbers of the crowd who don’t even know how to move.

“… I’ll do it! I think there’s a lot more to it than on the entrance exam! ”

Parvity with a tongue that still doesn’t seem to be adapted to the size of Bolognese.

“You wanted to watch at home, right? ”

Let’s just burst into laughter after Roan thought this was gonna happen.

“…… that might have been really wise. ”

Parviti also nods, bursting into laughter.

“Too many people are gross! ”

And Busha next to him threw a straightforward expression.

Despite the dense trees, the dense people burst into laughter after the cries of Busha, who had never seen them before.

“The festival hasn’t even opened yet, Busha. Soon the bell will ring in the Temple of Pomodro, and it will be fully open from then on, and there will be more people. Don’t get bored already. ”

The real thing hasn’t even started yet!

“Oh my God……. ”

Let’s just say that Busha looks terrible.

“If you let it go, you might get lost, Busha. You need to stay awake! ”

Parviti, who became quite close in a week, shook her hand and shouted.

“Well, it’s me who won’t get lost! Because Van is an elf! ”

It was that moment.


At the Temple of Pomorro, on Baker Street, a bell rang to announce the opening of the St. Orleans Festival.


At the same time, citizens of Bolognese, who filled the squares as well as the streets, cheered.


Busha, who had a much more sensitive hearing than the others, frowned at the sudden sound and blocked her ears.

“Don’t push! ”

Let’s swing by the crowd.

“Look! Don’t be careless! ”

Parviti smiles and takes care of Huhu Busha.

The appearance is different, but Busha, who has adapted to Parviti’s hand, who takes care of her like a sister, naturally followed her.

“… I suddenly heard a loud noise. But if you really get swept away, you’ll be lost. ”

I have never lost my way in the complex Southern Rainforest, but I may be really lost here.

Loan said with a serious face, looking at her, who had been distracted by the complexity of Ecliptic Bolognese.

“You really need to stay awake. Eight streets of pickpockets are still in the basket. Then something important might be stolen. ”

“Huh, who dares touch my stuff? That’s never gonna happen! ”

Loan smiles again when Busha shows Sabre the leaf decoration on her waist that is unacceptable.

“Then I’ll go to the academy. ”

Loan was stopping by the academy like every day.

To take good care of Alicia as promised, I used to meet her every day to check on her condition.

“Is Alicia still in the academy today? ”

Parvity, who wanted to do so until the same day, made a slightly regrettable voice.

It was a festival day, and the King wanted to be with Ron until he went to Brad’s party.

“Yes, I’m a nobleman and I went to a party….. ”

Busha also tried to add one more sound.

“…… Ah. ”

I look at Loan’s eyes and notice his footsteps.

Ron is not really going to see Alicia right now….

“… but what good would a festival do if you were looking for someone here! You have to run every day!”

And Busha, who quickly shifts her attitude and takes Loan’s side.

Basilisk has already completed the manufacturing and handed it over to Loan yesterday.

Perhaps he will leave Alicia as an excuse to punish someone.

I still don’t know who it is, but I don’t think I’m just going to kill a good man by looking at the eyes of Aux’s men.

This could not have been someone’s request, and it would have been an assassination by Ron’s will.

And since he was never a bad person, I thought he should go do what was necessary.

“If you feel like I’m going to be sold into marriage, you won’t lose your mind at the festival. ”

A week off the subway.

Now that Busha is building trust with Loan, let’s blow up the Assist again.

“Yes, if you don’t want to be sold out. ”

He nods with a thankful face.

“Oh, I guess so. Then tell him to work hard and say hi! I’ll cheer for you too! ”

Scheduled marriages.

Parviti nodded as if she had accepted Alicia’s circumstances, although her status was different as a woman.

“Yes, Parvity. I’m going to help him be here for sure. ”

I don’t want to deceive pure Alicia and Parviti, but it was inevitable for the good of the Egbert Brotherhood.

I only cheated until today.

And make Alicia here as sorry as possible.

“Then……. ”

Loan takes a deep breath again, making a vow.

“Anyway, go, Master! ”

“I’ll protect Parvity, so don’t worry! ”

Loan nods at Busha’s cry, which promptly relieves her anxiety.

Killing Egbert was not just for personal grudge and Emilia.

It was something we must do for everyone.

He has certainly done a terrible thing summoning monsters of the world against Sundry!

So I had to get rid of the original thorax that could threaten everyone.

Must be today!

“I’ll be back as soon as I can! ”

And he made a vow, and he hid himself in the crowd.

Loan, who digs into people with agile movements, heads straight for the alleyway next to the square.

Parviti and Busha already felt invisibly far away.

And you are.


Loan, who grabbed an old door that was sliding through the alleyway, looked around and rubbed himself into it at the right moment.

This is one of the secret entrances to the basement, which few people even know about within Bolognese.

“…… now. ”

Soon, Loan opens the bag that he hid in the corner next to the entrance.

It’s a bag that contains the ‘tools’ of Loan that will do the job today!

He had already prepared clothes and tools to change here at dawn.

Smoke bullets that attract people’s attention and flint bracelets that light up quickly.

8 Throwing knives in case of emergency and 3 iron beads, not for murder.

Most sold in Bolognese, even the most common outfit.

After a quick change of clothes and the wearing of tools, Loan finally takes the crude mask out of the bag.

In fact, it was one of the masks I stole when I met Alicia.

At that time, three were thrown to the Knights of the Linguini family and one was held in their arms.


With a demon mask on his face, Loan flips over to a hood that he prepares separately to cover his hair.

Soon he became like countless people on the street, unable to even determine what he was.

“…… Basilisk. ”

And finally, Loan identified the transparent liquid in the transparent bottle.

This colourless, odorless venom, when intoxicated, touching the skin, or inhaled by the respirator, will cause the target Egbert to die in one minute.

“… after…. ”

But before the final execution, Loan finds himself a little hesitant.

“….. He’s not a bad guy yet. ”

Egbert’s unthinkable appearance on the entrance exam struck his head again.

Just as Busha was saved early and did not suffer so much,

“ ……. ”

Egbert was not the vicious cold-blooded man he knew.

Maybe we can change him, not eliminate him.

In fact, Egbert’s betrayal of Loan at the end of the day has not been so bad between Loan and Egbert for the past 30 years.

– But I’ve really liked you. Just know that I meant it.

I didn’t get the title, but Egbert stopped Roman considerably.

So I used to take care of a lot of things privately.

“…… there are people in the world who never change. ”

But it is.

“This is the surest way. ”

There was no reason to leave behind the scourge of all future disasters.

Reluctance is the biggest enemy of assassins.

Everything that followed Egbert’s death was thought to be in his arms, and Loan urged him to move quickly towards Baker Street 3.


Thanks to the crowd, it took more than a dozen minutes to get on the road, but thanks to its fast feet and quiet basement, Loan was able to reach the 3 street basement in no time.

“…… on the left. ”

Then he stuttered his memory and stepped onto Egbert Sager.

Usually, Minga would have to go out onto the boulevard and get into the wall, but there was a way to connect with the underground.

There had to be a secret passage for the royals to escape in case of emergency.

That’s how it is.


Loan, who entered the Egbert Sage too easily, seemed to know why Egbert was afraid of him.

If Roan had decided to do so, Egbert would have really died.

And no matter how much Loan said, he knew his relationship with Emilia, so he had some anxiety that he could turn around someday.

“… after…. ”

I thought about it, and on the other hand, it made my mind complicated.

‘I don’t need it. ’

I don’t need these emotions!

It was the law of assassins to pay back what they suffered.

Immediately he robed the basement, smelling the odor of the basement, and moved his steps.

Already, Egbert Sager is full of nobles with masks on.

As the party was already beginning, the food and drink subservients were on the move.

“The weak will come out of the streets and raise their voices. I didn’t want to get along with that kind of lowliness, but you are Egbert. ”

Ron laughs at Capelini’s voice, who is still casting discrimination today.

“….. It’s consistent. ”

That’s enough of a disease.

But that’s not what matters.

‘.. Egbert. ’

Looking for Egbert right now, and trying to finish before hesitating further, Loan steps out of the hall where the party is taking place.

Saguenay Egbert was also the meeting place for Roan and Egbert, so he already knew very well where his room was.

Loan, who quickly climbed to the third floor, looked around.

Upstairs, there were clearly fewer people, and the fourth floor, the top floor, was guarded by armed guards so that no one could come up.

The fact that there is a Guard Soldier is coming soon….


From what he’s saying.

Four people were guarding the stairs, so I had to get rid of them in an instant before the four made a fuss.

I could kill them, but what are they guilty of?

Soon Loan, who had taken out his cigarette from his arms, used the flint bracelet that he had on his wrist.


I set fire to the mortar shells.

At the same time, he threw a light grenade in the corner of the third floor.


I purposely lit a fire and shouted with agility.

“Fire! Fire! ”

Raise your voice to the guards on the stairs.

“Fire! Go check it out! ”

The two guards began to rush towards the place where they heard a startling sound.

And to the other two,


Loan, who picked up the iron beads from the blind spot and threw them out,

Hot rocks.

Fortunately, I recovered the bloodless marbles and quickly entered the fourth floor.

“What the…! ”


And he knocked out the guard who was guarding the fourth floor with his fist, and he knocked him out in an instant.

“Felt……! ”


The last remaining iron bead knocks out the other guard.

And even if he recovered it back into his pocket,

“ ……. ”

Grab the fallen guard and lie down quietly to avoid making a loud noise.

“….. I am also an elite soldier. ”

Among the guards, Roan steps into Egbert’s quarters after confirming his superior Red Completion.

This is where the guards will be, and most of the guards will be outside.

I don’t know who was next to him, but he always tended to minimize the number of guards.

Starting to feel fearful about Loan, I’ve increased the number of guards, but that’s not the case now.

He didn’t hesitate until he reached Egbert’s place because he was a Roman who knew it.

I just grabbed the glass bottle that Basilisk says it’s time to finish!

“…… who else? ”

Egbert asks a question between the doors, as if he felt popular.

“Brother Pete? ”

And Egbert has a very excited voice.

Another angle.

Soon, I heard a verbal sound in Loan’s ear.

I felt more toned than a man’s shoe.

‘…. You must have disguised yourself as a masquerade. ’

There was nothing in particular to take.

The idea that we just have to finish now is that Egbert opens the door and slowly opens the lid of the Basilisk.


And you are.

Like a slow motion, the door slowly opens.

“… Brother? ”

At the same time,


Loan stops Egbert’s mouth by hand and pushes him into the room.

‘It’s over! ’

To eliminate the thorax of every tragedy!

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