Pet x Play


My name is @Fiie, and I play on Vetita — the most questionable virtual reality server on the Dark Web.

I'd prefer to keep my IRL information private, but I am a cat shifter in the game. You can think of me as sort of a catboy, except my virtual avatar is fairly androgynous and I crossdress fairly often. For various historical reasons, there are no free beastkin on this server, so I've been a slave ever since I first logged onto the game six years ago.

Obviously, if things like beastkin slavery bothered me, I wouldn't have chosen this race to begin with.

I'm a little bit of a masochist, and I have a few other mild fetishes.

This is an adult game in a number of different senses.

Vetita is actually illegal in a number of different countries, in part because the game is so extreme. Rumor is that the main server cluster lives on an interstellar space station, so it's outside the jurisdiction of international law. The game client is free, but it requires a number of encrypted VPN tunnels to access the global Memstash™ repository. 

Essentially, the game works by taking a snapshot of your brain and uploading a copy of yourself into the digital world. Your digital persona lives in the online world 24/7 and never needs to logout. It's basically living two simultaneous lives at once. Most players synchronize their memories while they are asleep, so it feels a lot like dreaming.

Honestly, Memstash™ is a really shady Dark Web technology (which is why it's illegal), but Vetita has been around for almost two hundred years. Most people consider it to be fairly secure since there hasn't ever been any major memory leak incidents, but many people would tell you it's a bad idea to upload a copy of your soul onto a digital world. That said, Vetita is one of the cheapest virtual reality platforms, so a lot of desperate folks who can't afford a proper $300,000 VR pod opt for the black market alternative.

I wouldn't recommend that you get the game for yourself, though.

A lot of people overestimate what they're able to tolerate. I've seen a lot of people enter the server thinking that they're getting into a tad bit of kinky roleplay, but in many ways this frightening place is far more than just a simulation. Murder is real here, and the blood, pain, and sex is uncensored. There are no safewords, and there's no way to log off once you realize your arm really was chopped off and the medic wants to cauterize the wound with fire.

Those of us who survive for more than a few days in this nightmare universe are never quite the same.

It's easy to forget that this is virtual reality.

Most of us stop seeing this world as a mere game.

Once you dive inside, there is no path to freedom except through death.

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Since the genres/tags for this story might be confusing, here is some clarifying information.

This story is tagged transgender for the cast of supporting characters. The protagonist is not trans (in the binary sense), although he is gender non-conforming and somewhat genderfluid. The setting of this story is inspired by toxic places on the Internet (i.e. 4chan, 2b2t), and likewise the language in this story may be hurtful and potentially triggering for LGBT individuals.

There is also slavery, rape, gore, torture, and pretty much everything bad that I can think of.

Stay away if you are faint of heart!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.