People Are in Naruto, Start Imitating Dajianhao

Chapter 23

Page 23

That is the power of the six levels.


If you see him next time, you should let this naughty little snake have a little memory.

Chapter 25 The Chunin Exam that Arrives Early

A year later, with the increasing number of tasks with Kai, the blood on Liu Yun’s hands has become countless.

Even he himself didn’t know how many ninjas of enemy countries he killed in this year, and Liu Yun’s name of Ninja has also spread to the ears of other major countries.

However, in this year, many things happened that Liu Yun did not expect, that is, Naruto and the others had graduated half a year ago.

During this week, ninjas from other major countries also came to Konoha to participate in the Chunin exam invited by Konoha.

The Chunin exam was advanced, and the time line was completely advanced, which made Liu Yun somewhat unexpected.

At this time, Konoha was much more lively than before, looking at the ninjas of other countries in Konoha.

Liu Yun’s brows could not help wrinkling.

“Is it because of my influence that the Chunin exam was advanced?”

With the arrival of the examination teams sent by the major countries, Konoha Village also became lively.

In particular, the arrival of the fourth generation of Kazekage has made the people of Konoha Village talk a lot.

Four generations of wind shadows…..

Liu Yun’s eyes narrowed involuntarily.

Four generations of Fengying Luosha had already died under the hands of Orochimaru, and the current four generations of Fengying were either pretending to be Orochimaru or Doudou.

The Orochimaru guy seems to be ready to do things in Konoha.

For Liu Yun, the Chunin exam was just a small episode. There was only a week before the Chunin exam. The rest of the Genin were preparing for the Chunin exam.

At this time, Gaara and the others have arrived at Konoha.


“It’s still interesting Konoha, I’m tired of visiting our village.”

Liu Yun’s eyes were involuntarily attracted to the past.

It’s the three of them.

The future five generations of Kazekage Gaara, Temari, Kankuro.

The strength of these three people is not inferior to Chunin at all. Speaking of which, it seems that at this time the Chunin exams are advanced by some talented ninja monsters like Gaara.

I don’t know if it is because of the attractiveness of the strong itself, but Gaara’s focus is also on Liu Yun.

That guy belongs to the strong.

Both Temari and Kankuro noticed the frenzy in Gaara’s eyes.

That kid was targeted by Gaara.

How sad.

Konoha’s Ninja.

Temari and Kankuro know exactly what kind of monster Gaara is, and even in retrospect it still scares them.

“Ha ha.”

Liu Yun smiled lightly.

He turned his head and left the busy street.

Gaara, Ichiao’s Hito Shuri This exam is really looking forward to it.

A week has passed, and Liu Yun came to the scene of the Chunin exam.

At this time, there were a few more people in Matekai’s team.

Tian Tian, Neji, Xiao Li, Hinata.

It turned out that Hinata’s guide should be Yuhi Hong, perhaps because of Liu Yun’s sake, Hinata still chose Matekai.

“Lord Liu Yun, Miss Hinata.”

Now Neji is full of respect for Liu Yun and Hinata, and he will live to protect Young Lady and Liu Yun.

Is this Liu Yun?

Tian Tian and Xiao Li couldn’t help but focus on Liu Yun.

Although they are both students of Mr. Kai, the two of them have never seen Liu Yun after being with Mr. Kai for so long.


Haven’t seen it, it doesn’t mean they haven’t heard of Liu Yun’s name, but it’s impossible for them not to know.

The chief student who graduated from the ninja school, and won the Jōnin in the graduation examination. It is hard to imagine how such a brilliant record was achieved.

“The exam is about to start, let’s go in.”

Tiantian said hurriedly at this time.

The first exam is easy.

At this moment, the examination room for the Chunin exam was already full of people, and Liu Yun was surprised that Temari was also in this examination room.

The Chunin exam this time was divided into two exam rooms, and the chief examiner on Liu Yun’s side was not Ibishi Mori.

This guy is actually in this exam room.

Temari glanced at Liu Yun and didn’t put much thought on Liu Yun.

From her point of view, Liu Yun was already a dead person, and the final fate of the person Gaara was targeting was extremely miserable.

Temari didn’t think a Konoha ninja could fight Gaara.

By convention, the first test is a written test.

The examiner casually talked about the rules of the exam room, and then the exam papers were distributed to all candidates.

To Liu Yun, these exam papers were like elementary school exam papers without any difficulty for him.

However, many candidates showed dull expressions on their faces. The exam questions might be simple for Liu Yun, but not the same for others.

Some of the candidates have already scratched their hair impatiently.

As for Temari’s face, when he saw the test paper, there was a hint of embarrassment on his face.

There are many candidates who are careful to look around because they do not know how to cheat, but the chief examiner in the classroom finds that they have been directly deprived of the qualifications of the Chunin exam.

“Don’t think about cheating, if you are caught by me, you little guys will never be promoted to Chunin in this life.”

The chief examiner warned in a cold voice.

This is undoubtedly a torture for most candidates, they rack their brains to write as many questions as possible.

And some people who don’t know how to directly give up and leave the exam room.

Unlike most, however, one of the candidates kept writing on the exam paper.

The sound of the tip of the pen falling on the test paper, “Da Da Da”, attracted everyone’s attention, and they all watched in astonishment as Liu Yun kept writing on the test paper.

Even Temari felt a little surprised.

Is this guy scribbling, or is it that these exam questions are not difficult for him at all.

The examiner looked at Liu Yun and withdrew his gaze.

A bunch of little guys are dumbfounded.

This is the genius of our Konoha, Master Liu Yun whose swordsmanship is even more terrifying than Konoha Baiya.

Since Liu Yun and Matekai came back from that border mission, Liu Yun’s record has been announced by the high-level Hokage and a grand notice was posted to everyone in the village.

It’s hard to imagine that the incomplete corpses outside the border of the country of fire were all done by Liu Yun. It is said that some ninjas who went to the border to clean the border that day even vomited out unbearable.

Such a picture is really unimaginable.

Genius is worthy of being a genius, if it is like ordinary people, is it still a genius?

Liu Yun only spent less than half of the time required for the exam. When the last question was written, he handed in the paper without even checking it.

Such behavior undoubtedly stabbed a knife in the hearts of other candidates.


Is this guy serious?

Only half of the time has passed, does this kid really have the confidence to pass the first exam?

Time flies by, exam time is getting shorter and shorter, and many impatient students can no longer think so much because of the shortening of time.

Write everything you can think of that is related to the topic on the test paper.

With the exception of Temari, most people hand in their papers at the end of the exam.

As for Liu Yun’s tenth class, apart from Hinata, Ningci and Liu Yun, Tian Tian and Xiao Li did not have the confidence to pass this exam at all.

Fortunately, Tian Tian and Xiao Li were not eliminated when the results were announced.

This made both of them heave a sigh of relief.

The wrong place in the article has been revised, and it was confused when I checked the information, sorry

Chapter 26 The Book of Heaven, Get it

“Why did the three of you come out early?”

“Don’t you think this exam is difficult?”

Tian Tian was very curious as to how Liu Yun, Hinata and the others had such difficult questions on the test paper. She had to rack her brains to barely pass the test.

Now her spirit has been cut by more than half because of the first exam. As for the second exam, I am afraid that all candidates do not know that it is the real hell.

Liu Yun and the three of them all shook their heads one after another.

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