People are in Hogwarts, and werewolves block the door at the beginning

Chapter 46 Professor McGonagall's Troubles and Doubts

The face saw Quirrell fainted, and then continued: "Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets, the hiding room on the 8th floor, and the sewer in the toilet where Myrtle stayed. They are all good places to hide things."

Bajir nodded, and said with the diary: "Safe, but only safe. You and I both know that you are allowed to enter Hogwarts because of the tacit understanding between you and Dumbledore. One of them is not to cause casualties."

"What do you mean?"

"You should understand."

"Are you threatening me? Do you want to hunt outside and gain a body?" That face, that is, Voldemort's first murderous intention.

There can only be one Voldemort in this world!

He doesn't care if he needs to destroy a Horcrux for this!

In fact, the diary absorbs vitality so slowly, which is also the limit he set.

Basil nodded, "Yes. If you don't agree, I will randomly select a lucky person to be my blood cow for shaping. By then, you will no longer be able to stay in Hogwarts."

"Oh?" Voldemort sneered, "Do you really think Dumbledore doesn't know what's going on in Hogwarts?"

"Of course." Basil answered decisively, "Like the room on the 8th floor. It's not far from the principal's office, but you hid a Horcrux in it-"

"How do you know?" Voldemort was furious.

In his heart, he silently replaced the safe house with a trap that he was going to provide to the diary with one that was relatively harmless to the diary.

"Of course I know. The crown of Ravenclaw, right? I didn't expect Helena to open her heart to me in the end."

"Humph!" Voldemort snorted coldly, "When I still have that disgusting face, no woman can say no to me."

"What about the address?"

"There is no address. There is a line of elves in the kitchen that has always belonged to Slytherin. I only discovered this when I was about to graduate. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I didn't abandon the despicable Riddle before. Before the descendants of Slytherin do not harm the school, or the instructions do not harm the school. They will be very obedient." At this point, Voldemort was a little annoyed.

This line of elves no longer listens to his orders.

Is it because of Myrtle's death?

Maybe it's because of the current situation where he and Hogwarts Headmaster Dumbledore are in opposition?

In short, now they only follow orders that are as small as putting salt in Dumbledore's desserts.

"Then do they still listen to my orders?"

"You issue orders in Parseltongue through this boy. They can understand Parseltongue. This boy is equivalent to a clean Slytherin descendant."

"What's his name?"

"It's called Lailai. You just need to tell it that you need to send something to safe house No. 7. By the way, you don't have to go to the kitchen. You can also hear their names at the statue in the Chamber of Secrets." Voldemort said with strong anger.

Lucius Malfoy has been completely sentenced to death by him.

At the same time, he also has some regrets.

If the boy in front of him is not controlled, it would be better if he can recover some of his vitality.

In this way, he can rest assured and have the energy to check the boy's heart. Know how he was discovered.

"Lailai?" In Voldemort's eyes, Basil's eyes are empty, still "controlled".

Little did he know that Basil was daydreaming about how to loot the gold galleons inside after Riddle got rid of the safe house.

Basil suppressed his joy: "Then I will leave first. I will leave this boy with you to answer him what is the memory of a great wizard."

"Humph! It seems that Lucius really hates this kid. You can modify memory. When he sent you here, he probably provided a lot of vitality." Voldemort sneered again. However, he did not stop Basil from leaving the room. Instead, he picked up a scarf on the side and wrapped it around his face.

After walking out of the door for a distance, in the blind spot of the portrait and ghost monitoring, Basil's figure disappeared on the spot.

The next second, Basil appeared from the empty dormitory bathroom.

"Riddle, how did I do?"

Riddle, who had returned to the diary, holding the wand in his hand and ready to fight at any time, said: "My lord, your last performance was a bit disappointing. Before I fully recovered, I could not control the memory of the possessed person. The possessed person would only wake up with a blank face. He knew nothing. Fortunately, Voldemort convinced himself."

"He could not imagine that there would be a second Horcrux of his diary in the world."

"Besides, you cooperated well with me with your keen insight. Especially he likes to use it to call the house elves. Instead of him or her."

McGreg has been very depressed recently.

Her office is a small study room located on the second floor corridor.

There is a burning fireplace here, and a hidden door leads to a bedroom with a gravel floor.

But no matter which room, you can see the Quidditch field and the lawn outside the castle from the window.

These two places are where the various colleges practice and take flying classes.

In the flying class, the boy from the Malfoy family performed no worse than Harry, after he adjusted his grip.

But that's okay.

Gryffindor teams tend to train harder.

Slytherin teams just do it casually.

If they weren't all big, rich, and generally had good brooms, and liked to use their physique to commit fouls, she couldn't imagine how Slytherin could beat Gryffindor.

But this boy is different.

Even if the school team didn't have training.

He still practiced hard.

In this case, her long-cherished wish - to see the Slytherin Quidditch team lose, wouldn't it be in vain?

There are more things that bother her.

Because of her identity as the vice-headmaster.

The teachers in her department are usually responsible for checking the assets of the castle.

Recently, they found that many tables and chairs in vacant classrooms were destroyed one by one.

Some were even missing.

They suspected Peeves.

Peeves also admitted it himself (actually, Peeves: So what if I did it? Lululu).

But fortunately, these destructions did not happen again.

In addition, in the Transfiguration class, there were two students who gave her a headache.

One was Seamus Finnigan, who would make the spell explode if he was not careful.

And the other, Bargil Granger, was too jumpy.

Although he was very good.

But he always liked to ask some out-of-the-ordinary questions.

There were also some logical ideas.

For example, she said that as long as something can be seen, Transfiguration can transform and splice it.

He asked if he could combine a microscope that can see DNA to observe the DNA structure of his own and the magical creatures he wants to obtain talents.

Then the experiment was carried out, using constant transformation to insert the DNA fragment of the latter into the former.

Then the potion was used to refine the flesh shell with the modified blood as raw material.

After many experiments, after the appearance and the magic magnetic field were harmonious, the results were used on himself.

But today, this child was particularly quiet.

After completing today's class goal - turning the feather pen into an iron spoon, he did not move.

Unlike before, he came up shamelessly, pulled her hand and asked questions.

Thanks to the classical book friends for the reward and other classmates for the recommendation and pursuit of poison!

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