People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 17

Page 17

As for the daily special training assessment, in addition to being nervous and worried, their hearts have become a kind of expectation.

“Tofu is the most tender thing, and sandbags are the most important thing. I want to cut the tofu while hanging the sandbags.”

“You need to ensure that your use of strength and strength has reached the level of retraction and release.”

After the students tried a few times, but just like yesterday, they all ended in failure.

Mo Yu just told them the key.

“It sounds like a martial arts movie.”

“But it looks great!”

“For a mere twenty pounds of sandbags, it’s not difficult for me to stir fry a fifty kilogram iron pan!”

Unlike the previous days, these cadets came after a few days of brutal training.

Their mood has gradually changed.

Originally, they were all desperate, so they came to the Dark Cooking Research Association with the last ray of hope.

In their opinion, as long as they can get through the current difficulties, it is better than anything else.

But in the past few days, after Mo Yu’s special training, they clearly noticed that their strength had improved.

At this moment, the mood has quietly changed!

Those humble wishes in the past, such as “as long as I no longer fail the cooking class exam”, “as long as I can continue to stay in Totsuki Academy” and so on.

After they gained power, everything became.

I want to be stronger.

I’m going to get stronger!

Like a pack of wolves led by Mo Yu, they began to pursue their desire for power wholeheartedly.

The seemingly endless suffering did not kill their will.

Instead, after they adapted to these tortures, they turned into a desire for stronger power!

Only by getting stronger can they get more of what they want.

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They will all be turned into wolves and mercilessly torn to pieces!

With such thoughts in mind, they spared no effort to complete the stringent assessment requirements set by Mo Yu.

Because even behind such strict and seemingly impossible requirements.

As long as they can grit their teeth and persevere, they can gain stronger strength.

The arduous torture further aroused their desire for strength!

And this kind of change in them was also felt by Nao Sadazuka, who followed Mo Yu every day to check the progress of their assessment.

“These people seem to have changed individuals under the special training of Lord Mo Yu these days.”

“No, it’s not like a human, but a pack of wolves!”

“As long as they see an opportunity that can make them stronger, their eyes will light up, and they will pounce on them like hungry wolves and devour them!”

When these changes of theirs surprised Nao Sadazuka, there was also a faint fear.

She could vaguely realize that the appearance of these people was what Mo Yu really needed.

In other words, this is what the Dark Cuisine Research Society he created really needs!

If it wasn’t for him being the first to be cornered, he chose to join the Dark Cuisine Research Association, and his talent is also good.

It happened that Mo Yu took a fancy to it, which saved her from this series of tedious assessment procedures and allowed her to join the club smoothly.

Now, I am afraid that I don’t even have the qualifications to join the club!

Two days ago, Nao Sadazuka was still feeling complacent about the leap-forward growth of his strength.

But these people in front of them are clearly aware of the incomparable changes every day, which made Nao Sadazuka’s original happiness, as if being poured into a basin of cold water, sober up.

“Even if you have joined the Dark Cuisine Research Association, if you don’t work hard enough, you are still not qualified to stay by Lord Mo Yu’s side!”

Quietly glanced at Mo Yu’s stern profile, Nao Sadazuka clenched his fist secretly.

No, she can’t indulge in her current strength, she has to become stronger as soon as possible!

Otherwise, when the dark wave really swept the entire Totsuki Academy.

In the eyes of Lord Mo Yu, there will never be a self submerged by the dark wave again! .

【20】The special training is over!The first official members of the Dark Cuisine Society! (For collection!)

A week later.

After expelling those who failed his own assessment from the classroom again, Mo Yu looked at the students who were standing in front of him and stared at him with extremely uneasy eyes.

Said in his usual indifferent, calm voice.

“The rest of you are qualified.”

“From today, you will be members of the official Dark Cuisine Research Association.”


Surprised expressions appeared on the faces of those who remained.

But this look didn’t last long.

After more than a week of brutal training with no taste for food and a whole body like hell.

They were very different from the ones they wanted to join the Dark Cuisine Research Society.

Even people who were originally familiar with them may not be able to recognize them.

Their eyes became as cold as wolves, but in this cold, they were full of thick greed.

This is the strongest motivator that supports them in their day-to-day training.


Greed for power.

And their bodies, after more than a week of training, have undergone significant changes.

Their five senses have become sharper, whether it is smell, hearing, taste, or sight, they have become more acute.

This is all thanks to Mo Yu’s special training in the past few days.

He used some training methods that were unimaginable for these students before, which improved their five senses.

The changes in the body are also very obvious.

Even the weakest trainees have grown stronger after a week of training.

Enough to hold up the original loose uniform.

During the action, you can faintly see the powerful arm, and with each action, it brings explosive power that contains amazing power.

However, the reason why they were able to have such a significant improvement in physical fitness in a short period of time.

Also thanks to Mo Yu’s bowl of golden egg fried rice.

If it weren’t for the bowl of golden egg fried rice, it contained the power of the dark cooking world.

After tasting this dish, their physical strength recovered and their strength was several times faster than before.

It is also impossible for them to have such a significant improvement in just a few days of training.

In addition to physical fitness, their cooking skills have also improved significantly.

Especially those who used to have difficulty getting a C grade in cooking classes.

Now I can easily get grades ranging from B to A.

And at the moment, they have not taken the anomalous potion given by the Dark Cooking God Cooking System, like Nao Sadazuka.

If you take it, then the delicious impact of the dishes they make will become even more terrifying!

In short, these significant improvements made them now have absolute surrender to Mo Yu.

After all, they are no strangers to the existence of societies.

But even if it is a large society led by Shijie such as Nakiri Erina and Kuga Teruki.

After joining in, the benefits brought to them are far less than the benefits brought by joining the Dark Cuisine Research Association.

Simply put.

You can become stronger by joining the Dark Cuisine Research Association, but what can you do and eat by joining your Chinese Cuisine Research Association?

Everyone is a cook, and the delicious enjoyment brought by putting food in your mouth is only temporary.

Only the technology is in the body, it is forever!

After hearing that Mo Yu finally determined that they had passed the assessment, everyone was quite excited.

It’s just that they don’t fully show this emotion on their faces anymore.

From Mo Yu, they knew what it meant to be indifferent to humiliation.

Don’t get carried away just because of temporary progress.

And Mo Yu’s next words also made them break away from their complacent emotions in a timely manner.

“Since you have passed my assessment, you have officially joined the Dark Cuisine Research Association.”

“Then, what I promised you before will make you ten times stronger than you are now, and the promise that I made a hundred times will never be said casually.”

“But you need to know that even if you join the Dark Cuisine Research Association, if you get carried away, your strength will stagnate.”

“Then, you are also in danger of being eliminated by me.”

“After all, I said from the beginning that the Dark Cooking Research Society doesn’t need waste.”

After listening to Mo Yu’s words, the students showed a respectful and slightly awe-inspiring expression on their faces.

“Yes, we understand, Lord Mo Yu.”

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