Pearl in the Palm

Chapter 14

Tixiao laughed lowly.

His voice is too nice.

Ye Lizhu’s eyelashes were pressed against the gauze, and the eyelashes fluttered lightly.

She is a little nervous, waiting for this person to leave, if this person does not leave, she will speak.

Tixiao saw that she was nervous.

The little girl was raised in an ancient temple deep in the mountains. She hadn’t seen too many people since she was a child. She was timid and fearful, and he could understand.

He said: “Does the earlobe still hurt?”

Ye Lizhu shook his head.

Although it still hurts, it hurts so hot, but she doesn’t want to tell this person.

Ti Xiao said: “Did you see the prince? What do you think of him? If you think he is good, you nodded.”

After that, Tixiao narrowed his eyes in warning.

Although it was not the first time I met Ye Lizhu, this was the first time I met officially. If Zhao Yun, that stinky boy is in front of him…

Ye Lizhu didn’t see the prince, so she shook her head.

Across the veil, Ti Xiao saw her shaking her head gently, and she was satisfied.

Also, the prince is just a child, too young, how could Ye Lizhu have a good impression of the prince.

Ye Lizhu whispered: “I haven’t seen the prince yet, but I have seen the second prince. The second prince looks good, and the prince must be outstanding.”

Ti Xiao didn’t expect that Zhao Yi, who loves to drill camp, would actually rush to the front. The corners of his lips curled up coldly: “Really?”

Ye Lizhu felt cold all over.

She was a little scared to mention Xiao, and hesitated for a moment: “Is the queen mother let you see my condition? I’m okay, just dizzy. Sleep for a while, and let the lord leave.”

Ti Xiao listened to her yelling “adult”, her voice was soft and soft, which was very useful.

After Ye Lizhu finished speaking this time, her eyes were closed tightly, and she refused to say anything. Tixiao lifted the veil on her face. He was worried that Ye Lizhu would be bored, but the moment he saw her beautiful face, Tixiao’s eyes darkened again.

Tixiao was originally indifferent, an expensive man, he had always been the only one who controlled others, and others couldn’t help him.

Ye Lizhu seems to be guilty. Too beautiful is a sin, too cute is also a sin. Her unconscious actions are fatal temptations to men.

But who would be willing to push the sins to the precious and fragile beauty of Liuli?

Maybe I know that she is not perfect, maybe, take her home and pull her off the altar, Tixiao will not be so impulsive, so haunted.

Speaking of it, he still didn’t understand this little girl, he was surprised at Ye Lizhu. I felt that the people who got her, enjoyed her color, their emotions must have faded.

Ti Xiao’s gaze swept over Ye Lizhu and covered her with a blanket.

Ye Lizhu was stunned. Although the room was cool, she did not feel cold.

She closed her eyes and played dead.

“Men and women don’t get married.” Tixiao doesn’t actually mind Ye Lizhu looking at himself, but he does mind Ye Lizhu looking at others. His eyes are cold, and his deep and three-dimensional features are so stunning that people dare not look. , Don’t look too much. The second prince is not a kind person, and he should be given less look.”

He coldly warned Ye Lizhu. Tixiao is possessive, and the only person he likes is his. The body is his, and the eyes are his.

Ye Lizhu was naive and ignorant, and when Ti Xiao saw her whole body under the thin blanket, her body was curvy and her face became dignified, she left here.

Ye Lizhu only sat up when everyone left.

She didn’t know much about the rules, and she could vaguely guess that people in the capital especially value etiquette. Men and women are incompatible with each other. But—this man just touched her hand, so he was embarrassed to accuse her of not being respectful enough?

Ye Lizhu rubbed her little hand on her skirt.

She looked around and found that her veil was missing. Maybe it was taken away by this terrible man.

Fortunately, the veil is plain, without embroidered anything, others can’t recognize it as her.

Ye Lizhu just felt that she was very comfortable, but now she was bored again, her chest seemed to be crushed by a big rock. She thought to herself, this man is definitely not a good character, and if I see him again in the future, we must make a detour.

But what is the identity of this man?

Ye Lizhu tilted his head to think, looking at that luxurious body, he must be an official or clan with a third rank or higher. But such a young third-rank official who can enter and leave the harem is basically the emperor with a sword guard around him, but another question is coming-with a sword guard, for no reason, why come to the queen and still see her?

Is it King Qin? Ye Lizhu felt that he was definitely not. According to reports, the king of Qin said that he had a great military feat and ruled Xianzhou for more than ten years. He was the uncle of the prince and the brother of the empress. How could he be middle-aged like the empress? The queen is a woman, and she is so young without leaving the house every day. King Qin is a man, who walks in and out of the battlefield, no matter how good-looking she is, she will look old. That man was very young, and he couldn’t command hundreds of thousands of soldiers at such a young age.

Ye Lizhu finally thought about it. Probably he was the royal clan, a member of the prince’s line. It was not difficult for the royal clan to enter the palace. If he supported the prince, it shouldn’t be difficult to enter the queen’s side. Ye Lizhu still doesn’t know which school’s clan is closer to the prince, but with so many thoughts in her heart, she also feels that she can guess it.

But, to be honest, the man just now looked really good-looking, with deep eyebrows and a galaxy. A man who is too good-looking will have an affair, and from his face, Ye Lizhu can see that the man is a livid person.

This person always makes Ye Lizhu’s heart frizzy. She can’t tell the look in this man’s eyes, but she can feel the danger. It is best not to approach dangerous people.

Ye Lizhu had been in bed for a long time, and she was a little sour.

At this time, Aunt Lan Xin came in.

Ye Lizhu wanted to ask Aunt Lan Xin about the identity of that man. But after another thought, the man came in, and he didn’t know if he sneaked in or told someone else. If she sneaks in privately and others don’t know, if she says this, she can’t say it clearly, there must be something dirty on the fame.

Anyway, the circle is so big, I don’t know who he is right now, I will definitely know in the future.

Aunt Lanxin smiled and said, “Ms. Ye woke up? By coincidence, everyone was gone, and the noble concubine also left. The empress is in the hall. You go to accompany her and have something to eat.”

Ye Lizhu nodded.

When she passed, the prince had been taken away by Ti Xiao.

After all, it was a little girl who hadn’t come out of the pavilion, and men went to see her one by one, and it was not pretty when she spread out.

Queen Ti sat on the top and looked at Ye Lizhu again calmly.

Beautiful women are most picky about beautiful women, but in appearance, the queen can’t be picky about Ye Lizhu.

Seeing that Ye Lizhu’s clothes were intact and her expression was normal, she must have mentioned Xiao to the past, and did not do too much to the little girl.

Empress Ti knows that Ti Xiao is not like a woman, and she treats Ye Lizhu differently right now, definitely not because of Ye Lizhu’s beauty, but because of Ye Lizhu’s gentle temperament or something.

Tixiao always treats people slowly, and the two want to get engaged and get married, and they will definitely delay it.

Moreover, Ye Fuan has to agree.

Imperial Doctor Xu said that Ye Lizhu’s body was too weak, and his pulse was that of a dying person. He would not survive the next year at most. Maybe, the marriage hadn’t been settled before the person died.

It’s a pity to think about the Queen. Tixiao hadn’t had any feelings for women for so many years, and for a while, Queen Ti still wondered if Tixiao could not do well, and specially asked the imperial physician to show him all the way. With the identity of Ye Lizhu, if the bones were better, she followed Tixiao well, and a big stone fell in Queen Ti’s heart.

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