Peach Blossom

Chapter 128

Chapter 125:

The little tiger liked it, she turned around, her dark eyes reflected the light of the bonfire, and she looked extraordinarily clear, begging Jun Yao: “More.”

In the past, A Yao kissed and she liked it too, but this time, it seems to be different from the previous one. Like an addiction, she wanted more.

Jun Yao didn’t allow it, she smiled and said to the little tiger, “You can only go to bed once a day.”

The little tiger frowned, not very happy.

Jun Yao persuaded her: “Kissing is once a day.”

This is a very convincing rule set for the little tiger since childhood. The little tiger thought for a while and thought it was reasonable, so he nodded and agreed.

Xiao Yuan immediately closed her eyes.

Jun Yao touched her belly, it seemed to be better than yesterday, the little tiger that was full had some swelling on her belly. But when he touched it up, he was still thin, and the shape of his ribs were clearly imprinted on his fingertips.

It is not a day’s work to make a little tiger fat. Jun Yao is not in a hurry. When she wakes up, she will not let A Yuan suffer again.

It’s just that A Yuan has reached the late stage of foundation building. According to her cultivation progress, she is expected to transform into shape within two hundred years. When she first adopted the little tiger, Jun Yao never thought about what she would look like when she transformed. It was still late at night, the north wind was howling outside the cave, and the little tiger inside the cave was sleeping soundly on her lap. Jun Yao pinched her little paw and couldn’t help but look forward to it.

A Yuan’s temperament in this life is like the extreme Han Wang, maybe after she takes shape, she will also look similar to the Han Wang, with clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, soft and bright. If that’s the case, they’ll be back to where they started.

She has been searching for it all the time, and it is only that ray of soul that she follows.

She just thought about it.

Jun Yao looked at her again, and closed her eyes to heal herself.

They stayed in the valley for another twenty years.

This entry into Lingshan is one hundred and ten years. When I came, there was snow and ice outside the mountain, and there were occasional hurricanes raging. When I left, the situation outside the mountain was still the same.

What’s different from when you came here is that the warmth in the valley is no longer like spring in all seasons, and it has become a land of ice and snow.

Jun Yao and the little tiger returned to Taiyi Mountain.

When they left the mountain, it was early summer, and when they came back, it was the cool time of late summer and autumn. Looking at it together, it seems that I have only been to one summer.

The tree in front of the yard, where tigers often play, has grown thick, and the paw prints left on the trunk are gone. The cool wind blows, the leaves fall off, and it is desolate and desolate, nothing like it used to be.

The little tiger is a beast, and I don’t know much about human sadness, but I still feel that it is not the taste, and said in a low voice: “The nest is broken, and there is no place to live.”

Although they didn’t open the door to enter, just thinking about it, they can imagine the situation where the beams and pillars in the house fell to the ground, the cobwebs were knotted, and the dust was flying. The little tiger likes Mount Taiyi very much, but she has only been away for more than a hundred years, and the nest is broken.

Jun Yao saw that she was lost, and was about to comfort her, but saw the little tiger suddenly grow bigger and become a mighty tiger, she turned her head and said to Jun Yao: “Don’t be afraid, I am hairy. Long, sleep next to me, it’s not cold.”

She has become a big tiger, but she still can’t get rid of her dullness.

Jun Yao smiled and touched her big head, the fur was still soft, just a little longer than the little tiger. The big tiger shook his ears, looked at Jun Yao, looked dumbfounded, and shook his hair again, and said seriously, “It’s warm, not cold.”

In the first few years of Junyao’s coma, Xiao Yuan was afraid that the cold at night would make her freeze, and she would turn into a big tiger. . She is very confident in her fur.

Jun Yao did not say that she was no longer afraid of the severe cold, but first praised the little tiger, and then said: “The wooden house is broken, you can build another one.”

After so many years in the valley, Jun Yao first fell into a coma, and after waking up, she only relieved her difficulties, catching fish, cooking, and when she rarely used spells, she suddenly forgot that A Yao was very powerful.

The little tiger nodded and stepped back so that Jun Yao could cast spells.

Jun Yao faced the wooden house, made a gesture, recited a sentence silently, and snapped at the wooden house. But in an instant, the wooden house was completely new, and the old dilapidated and desolate state was no longer seen.

The little tiger was happy, ran over, and directly pushed in the door.

The room is spotless, the floor is clean, the cases are neat, and there is a small takraw ball in the nest in front of the couch, which was played by the little tiger when he was young. She used to pick up the takraw ball and wanted to lie down in the nest, only to realize that she was too big. She quickly changed back to her original body and became a little tiger again. Between his paws, he rested his chin on his head, shook his tail, and smiled between his brows and eyes.

Seeing this, Jun Yao thought that she liked the little nest where she reunited after a long absence, and she must be sleeping alone in the nest tonight. Not wanting to get dark, she consciously jumped on the bed, sat upright, and waited for her kiss before going to bed.

After kissing, she lay down again familiarly, put the blanket over her body and covered it, then looked at Jun Yao and wanted to sleep together.

The den was no longer where she slept when she was a child, but became her beloved plaything. Now, she needs to be held by Ayao before she can fall asleep.

Jun Yao spoils her, she can do what she wants. The little tiger settled down like this, sleeping with Jun Yao every day.

Therefore, none of the demons knew about their return.

The little tiger stayed in the cave of the Taoist monk Tanguang for ninety years. He broke the ban and went to the cave from time to time. It can be said that he went all over the corner. However, he did not know that How many treasures are in the cave, and if one of these treasures is thrown into the world at will, it is enough to cause a **** storm in the demon world.

Jun Yao knew, but she did not take one.

Tanguang Taoist has a high level of cultivation, and she is no match for her. They have stayed in the valley for more than a hundred years, and he will not be ignorant. Although Jun Yao was injured by him and has not yet recovered, he is still grateful that he did not pursue it. Therefore, all the objects in the cave were returned to their original state, and no one was brought out.

Originally, they went to seek spiritual beasts to practice the exercises. Xiao Yuan had already memorized all the exercises. This was the greatest benefit. As for other treasures, they naturally did not take them.

When the little tiger was in Lingshan, he practiced hard and couldn’t wait to grow up. But she is a child in the end. After the crisis passed, when she returned home, she became lazy again and was not very diligent.

Jun Yao didn’t rush her, she let her play everywhere.

But after playing for a few days, the little tiger was not happy. The deer, kittens, and foxes who played with her back then were all gone, and the little beasts in the mountains had all changed, and she didn’t know any of them.

The lifespan of the beast is limited, more than a hundred years have passed, and it has already passed away. Jun Yao sighed in her heart and comforted: “A Yuan can make new friends.”

The little tiger shook his head in frustration: “They didn’t play with me, they ran away when they saw me.”

With no other animals playing with her, the little tiger felt very lonely, as if she had returned to the icy mountain.

She has little experience in personnel and does not know the reason, but Jun Yao knows it. Beasts have keen intuition and the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Ah Yuan is already a powerful little monster, and he has formed an imposing and coercive force. She happily approached the other children and wanted to play with them. Those children felt that a monster was coming to eat them, so they naturally wanted to run away.

She is a tiger without friends. The more the little tiger thought about it, the more sad it became. Tears rolled in his eyes, but he couldn’t hold back from falling.

Jun Yao agreed with her to go out and play, but seeing her so sad, she couldn’t help being silent, and said, “A Yuan wants to play with them?”

The little tiger nodded tearfully: “Think.”

Jun Yao frowned secretly, but she smiled and asked, “A Yuan likes the little goat the most, or the cat?”

More than a hundred years ago, Xiao Yuan had the best time with a little goat that had just grown horns and a kitten, so he didn’t eat goat meat for a while.

The little tiger didn’t know why she asked this question, but she still replied: “Cat, he can climb trees.”

One time she went back to the river and met a cat chased by a tiger. The cat could climb trees, but the tiger couldn’t help him. Later, she often went to the river and wanted to learn to climb trees with the cat , went several times, and finally let her meet. The tree-climbing skills of cats are not suitable for white tigers, but they have become familiar with them after playing a lot.

Jun Yao remembers that when the little tiger was young, she thought she was a cat, and she grew up eating cat milk, so she was really close to cats.

Jun Yao looked at her, stood up, entered the inner room, adjusted her breath and healed her injuries.

, found that Jun Yao was gone, and followed into the inner room.

Jun Yao opened her eyes when she heard her coming in. The little tiger sat down next to her, still sullen. Jun Yao squeezed her claws, and the little tiger put his claws on her palms, and carefully put away the tips of his claws to avoid hurting her. Jun Yao’s heart softened and her eyes softened: “A Yuan can still play with the tree in the courtyard.”

Xiao Yuan’s eyes lit up when she heard the words, but after a while, she shook her head: “I don’t play, they don’t like me, and I don’t play with them either.” Somewhat sad.

Jun Yao laughed. In fact, she was also selfish. When Little Tiger was still King of Han, she didn’t want her to look at other flowers. I raised her personally in this life, and my selfishness became bigger and bigger. I just hope that she is the only one in A Yuan’s heart, and that she doesn’t look at or think about anything. That’s fine.

It’s just selfishness, Junyao is not such a selfish person, so that Xiao Yuan can grow up healthy and healthy, she even thought of finding her a little tiger as a playmate.

She was about to think of a way for the little tiger, but she couldn’t keep her trapped in the wooden house all day, so she heard Xiao Yuan say again: “Fortunately, I have Ayao, I like Aya the most. Yao, it doesn’t matter if they ignore me, I just have A Yao.”

She said it sincerely, and her eyes were full of sincerity of “I would be fine if I had Ayao”.

Jun Yao was moved and relieved, with such a Yuan, why should she care who she is playing with? Even if she disappears for hundreds of years without any reason, the little tiger will still be her little tiger. She will definitely look for her everywhere, hiding the hardships and longings along the way. As long as she can find her, she feels that everything is worth it.

Jun Yao was stunned when she thought about it.

Isn’t this exactly the same as her soul searching for the soul of her beloved?

Jun Yao has been looking for so many years, after so many lifetimes, having seen so many reincarnations of the King of Han, forgetting her, looking at her with unfamiliar eyes, and she can only take what they have had In the past, buried deep in her heart, she had a lot to say, but she could only swallow it, treat herself as a stranger, and get to know her again. I have known her again for a lifetime, and I have taken care of her funeral for a lifetime.

Jun Yao also felt wronged and helpless. No matter how tolerant and powerful she is, she is still a woman, but all women are always soft-hearted and vulnerable. But she endured it all, she couldn’t let it go. Han Wang was reincarnated and didn’t remember anything. In fact, she didn’t need the peach blossom demon who fell in love with her in a certain life. But she couldn’t do without the little His Highness who treated her unreservedly.

Jun Yao suddenly burst into tears, the little tiger was startled, and quickly wiped her tears with his paws, worried: “Don’t cry, don’t cry.”

Jun Yao nodded, but the tears could not stop. The little tiger found that the claws were not easy to use, and said anxiously: “Don’t cry, there is A Yuan, so don’t be sad.”

Jun Yao bent her lips and smiled with tears: “Yes, I’m not sad with A Yuan here.”

The little tiger comforted Jun Yao, relieved, and for several days, he carefully paid attention not to make Jun Yao sad. She always felt that Ayao was sad because of her, although Ayao said that Ayuan was very good. Xiao Yuan still felt that she must be making A Yao unhappy.

Jun Yao still found a solution for the little tiger. Her leopard essence from Yangshan alchemy made a medicinal elixir for the little tiger, which can hide the momentum on the body, so that the little beasts in the forest are not afraid she is.

In addition, he used the python’s demon pill and the leopard essence, and asked him to make the demon pill into a medicinal pill.

Little tiger took the medicine pill, and practiced diligently, and finally succeeded in transforming at the age of three hundred.

The little tiger turned into a little girl, her fur turned into a white robe, the robe was elegant, and she was one with the little girl, very handsome.

Jun Yao was stunned when she saw the little girl’s face.

The author has something to say:

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Weibo Name: It turns out that there are so many snake essence diseases

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