Path of the Pioneers

85. Through Gates of Stone (II)

It feels as if I've spent an eternity in this mountain, and now we're finally leaving.

The tunnel is the same as it was before, though I suspect it hasn't changed at all since its construction. It feels so much more mundane than it once did, no longer does its scale and grandiosity intimidate me. It's an impressive structure, of course - but it pales in comparison to the places I've seen now.

"Do you two have any stealth-related skills?" I ask, glancing back at the pair.

Aisling shakes her head, and Maeve says, "Just the spores, sorry - those're only useful once ye've been seen."

I figured as much. They shouldn't have any need for it, though, I'm the one who's wanted. The real question is: has enough time passed since my 'death' for them to rescind any sort of bounty on my head? I can't very well waltz through the city streets, not without a pack of awakened running me down.

You'll have to split up temporarily. A voice speaks plainly in my mind - Stella? It certainly sounds like her.

Are you... Reading my thoughts? I think to myself, or rather, her too.

Just the ones you want me to read! And I didn't need to read 'em to know what you were getting at. I don't go snooping around, trust me. She sounds a bit indignant about it - as if to say, "Why in the world would I want to dig around in your thoughts?" Our souls are tied together, remember? Don't worry, though, being able to talk like this will be useful!

I... Can't help but feel like it may be more trouble than it's worth.

I spent a lifetime with Morgan, literally, so I know a thing or two about navigating these cities. It's been a while since I've looked around Grymgate, but it shouldn't have changed much! I can feel the energy of a smirk coming from her. Have your friends meet you south of the gate, just off from the road!

Right. We don't need to act as one, considering the pair aren't criminals - yet.

What do I do to get that far, then? I ask, I haven't used [Stealth] before...

It's an A-rank, Sybil! Just avoid people's direct gazes and you should be okay - unless an awakened has a sensory skill up... Well, it'll probably be okay!

Probably. That word always inspires confidence, doesn't it? At least the evening is beginning to creep in, otherwise this might be far worse. It means there will be less eyes on me, and the aid of darkness.

"Meet me to the south of the outer gate." I say to the two dwarves, "We can't travel together in the city, so we'll have to meet up outside."

They seem a bit put off - understanding, but put off. Was I too short with them? Why in the world is this so difficult? Regardless, they nod, and I stop in my tracks. A few moments later, the two pass me by.

I draw Tanascáil from my belt, gripping it tightly as I activate [Stealth]. From what I remember of the description, it didn't mention a duration - just that I'll "become difficult to detect through all means of perception." If it's anything like [Cloak of Shadows], it may only last until I'm seen or until I do something to make myself known.

A cool sensation washes over me, and my skin begins to feel softer - as if it's been covered in balls of cotton. I take a deep breath, and keep walking forward.

I see Maeve and Aisling ahead, they exchange nods with the guards posted at the city's mountain entrance. One of them grins and waves at the two. Do they know them? The pair don't linger, though, continuing without a single stop. Before long, I'm left to pass by the guards. They both lean against either side of the tunnel, putting all their weight on their polearms - hafts against the ground.

As before, it seems as if they're just here for show. Well, they might be useful against anyone who's blatantly suspicious - but even before, they let me and Adeline pass, odd and ragged-looking as we were. Here's hoping that they take no notice of me.

I take a deep breath, filling my lungs to the brim. Slowly, steadily, consistently, that air streams out from my lips - the sensation of that exhalation enough to mask my quieted heartbeat. My footsteps are silent, even to my own ears, and the nearby lantern-light - which projects out swaying silhouettes from each figure in its path - casts no shadow in my form.

The two guards are none the wiser, their gazes unfocused and unable to pierce through the skill's effects. For the cost of 5 mana, I've once again breached Grymgate. The city is laid bare before me.

The red brick road was as stunning as on my last visit, the times had yet to dull its beauty. Someday, I would love to see this city in full, rather than as a short, risky stop. But for now, I need to continue through this place as quick and quietly as my feet will allow.

I follow the main road of the city until the buildings begin to fill out the space more and more - and in between those buildings I find my sanctuary. Alleyways, twisting and bending all round. And in this time of night, only people with as grim a reputation as myself will be found here.

I pass by barrels and crates, the cobblestones of these back alleys dirty and damp with rainfall from another day. They're so terribly narrow, but it makes it a simple task to avoid anyone. [Aesthesia] more than does the trick. I spend maybe half an hour navigating through the alleyways of Grymgate, aided by Stella's knowledge of the city. I'm between a tavern and a bookstore, the sounds of revelry coming through the walls.

[Aesthesia] can't pierce through the stone of the building, but I can almost feel the sheer number of people inside. It's nearly enough to mask the sensation of someone entering its range.


I step to the side, narrowly avoiding a crossbow bolt which would have otherwise struck me in the heart. Whirling around, I take in the visage of my attacker - the person who saw through my unpracticed skill.

It's a man - maybe a touch older than myself. Black hair runs long enough to nearly cover his eyes. He's about a head taller than me, but his looks are what most would describe as 'boyish.' He wears a dark, shifting hood. Its colors move all about, as if they're changing ever-so slightly by the second. In one hand, he holds a crossbow. In the other, he holds up a piece of parchment - a poster.

A bounty for a rather generous amount is listed. It includes a few crimes, one being 'aiding an enemy of the Crown.' No name is provided, but a portrait is. A girl with a slightly round face and soft eyes - hair that frames her face and goes no longer than her chin. It's me, undoubtedly - and somehow, it resembles me strikingly well.

"And here I thought I had been outdone by the Hunters! They really didn't get you?" He grins, "What's your name, miss? The posters don't say."

So soon out of the mountain and I'm already fighting again. How am I supposed to stop this one without killing him? And how in the world did he see through [Stealth]? Is he some sort of bounty hunter? Clearly he's good at using a crossbow... Maybe he's got some exceptional sight.

Sorry Sybil... I hear Stella say in my mind, I... Really didn't expect any idiots to still be lingering around here. But this guy doesn't look that dangerous! You're a Pioneer, just show him who's boss!

"Sybil Sagecrest, what's yours?"

"Name's Aidan! Pleased to meet you." He clears his throat, stuffing away the poster into his pocket, "Right - let's get to the dirty part."

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