Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 933: wind direction

"——A member of the royal family...?" When Uss spit out the word coldly, there was an incredible commotion from the surrounding soldiers. Although Juss and others could not hear clearly, they had all heard clearly through the built-in wartime radio communication between the members of the noble coalition army in the mecha. Even the members of the troops who were behind the break had a general understanding of what was going on ahead-the leader of the team led by the captain was stopped by Master Euses, and he also mentioned that members of the royal family were nearby.

"...Master Euses. All this is what you expected, right?"

"Yes." Euses nodded slowly, "I have understood this since my father did that kind of thing. Therefore, I figured out a way to bring him back to the Duke’s castle. Set it up properly and don't let him make any trouble again."


"Brother doesn't care about this matter." Juss saw through his meaning at a glance-when Duke Helmut was away, the entire Baryahat nobles first thought of handling various things. The best candidates are undoubtedly the most brilliant star among the young nobles, Rufas El Barrea. If in the past, Euses might still have a feeling of envy and low self-esteem, watching his elder brother enjoy the feeling of being embraced by thousands of people, but in his own role as the Duke’s agent, especially when he and Heliga were complicit in house arrest. During the period after Mutter, he truly felt how heavy the responsibility and pressure he was as a nobleman like a duke, and Rufas, who was able to handle these things perfectly before that How good is it? Therefore, he completely expected the performance of the officer in front of him, and he could calmly explain: "Don't you understand what this means? From that day on, when did Orokoros Fortress receive from nobles? The liaison and supply of the Alliance Headquarters? After the failure of the war in Kruchin State was reported, why did the other three nobles not send troops to assist when they all had different degrees of advantage?"

"But Master Rufas, he does..."

"We sent the helpers of the association to help you?" Juses sneered. "How many things they did, don't you know how many things they did? It's not like Brigadier General Vores and General Alleria It is not the elite soldiers stationed at the "Black Dragon Pass" under the Marquis Rogner, nor the top mercenaries of the "Westerly Brigade" that have caused headaches for the most elite troops of the western regular army, but just some so-called so-called " helper"? "


"You can't speak? That's right! From that time on, the Noble Alliance has regarded Ballahart and the El Balea family as abandoned!" Juss said sharply, his words Following the common radio station within the mecha soldiers, it deeply penetrated the hearts of every soldier, "Because no matter what, such a thing cannot be explained? No matter who wins in the end, such behavior is an empire. What is not allowed! What's more, don’t you really know the truth of the civil war in the empire and the root cause behind it? Having committed such a crime, do you think that-with such a person, you are defending K Is it the best way for Luqinzhou?"

"Wow... this guy can even say such things..." Marchias on the side whispered to his companion, "The one who has always been calm and elegant--"

"Don't say a few words." Elliott on the side poked Macchias's waist lukewarmly. "He really cares about his hometown, so he is like this."

"Well... I should be the same if I change." Emma nodded aside.

"And he said it very's very effective." Laura on the side also said, "Those mechs...their movements are already very slow."

"Thanks for your hard work... Mr. Euses." At this time, a young but majestic female voice sounded abruptly in the sky. Although it was accompanied by the roar of the engine of the regular airship that the noble coalition soldiers were already very familiar with, the sound of the sound was made by some of them who were even more deeply impressed than Master Euses. .

"is that a lie……"

"how can that be……"

Because of the commander's majesty, the soldiers who did not fully express their surprise this time finally couldn't help it. However, the commander was not in the mood to suppress these gossips at this moment, because even he himself was shocked by this incident.

The empty boat gradually stopped, at a relatively stable height-in the process, everyone just watched patiently and did not make more moves. When the airship finally stabilized on a lower plane, the lights around the airship deck came on, and a petite blonde girl stood on the battleship deck.

The Empress of the Empire-Alfin Lesser Yanor.

"Your Royal Highness." Juss on the side immediately changed his expression, no longer the reprimanding appearance, but bowed into the air respectfully.

"Deputy Duke Euses Albarrea-I have heard what you said just now." Alfin looked at the soldiers below with a calm expression, calmed down his emotions, and then said: " Indeed... As he said, Duke Helmut Albarrea committed an unforgivable sin. However, the matter itself is more than that. In fact..." She paused, "By The so-called "civil war" initiated by the aristocratic alliance headed by Duke Kane... is fundamentally wrong. "

"..." Most of the people present knew this well. Even if they don't need to say Alfin, they also know that the so-called civil war is just that the noble forces in the empire want to find an excuse to fight the reformists who have always threatened them. And spending a lot of resources on manipulating public opinion and the media has been able to show that they do not actually occupy the so-called justice. However, everyone knew that it was one thing, but it was another matter to be personally spoken by Alfin, a subtle member of the royal family.

Especially, when they realized that the emperor seemed to have been out of the control of the aristocratic alliance as early as the beginning of the war, her attitude expression at this moment was even more meaningful. What's more, Alfin himself is in an airship belonging to the Fourth Mech Division of the Regular Army.

It doesn't matter how much the soldiers of the noble army who were present heard Alphan's speech, but they understood what it meant behind it.

One man put down his weapon.

Immediately afterwards, there were more people.

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