Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 926: Rush

"Lieutenant General... the situation on the outskirts side is probably not optimistic."

"What's the matter?" Lieutenant General Craig frowned and asked.

"They were met with stubborn resistance from the noble army... It seems that they are already prepared, knowing that we will launch an attack. But unexpectedly, the resistance of Oloklos Fortress is very weak."

"Huh... this is for the whole game." Lieutenant General Craig sighed. "From the point of view of the Noble Army, their defense focus is different from ours. If I'm not mistaken, theirs The commander should also be more inclined that we will not attack rashly, but prioritize the digestion of the territory we just regained in the battle from the Galleria Fortress to the Shuanglong Bridge. If it weren't for the news, their judgment would be no good. Wrong..." It was because of the definite news that the Duke of El Barrea had been abandoned by the Noble Alliance. In a short period of time, Kruchin State could not receive support from other noble forces, Craig Only the lieutenant general can relax and formulate the entire combat policy and plan.

For this reason, the soldiers of Olooklos Fortress were completely blank, and could not believe that they would be attacked on such a large scale; and the defensive points and gates that were originally the focus of defense in the noble coalition were naturally Be prepared for battle. In addition, the ultimate goal of the regular army is of course to pull out the thorny thorn in the fortress of Oloklos. The troops in other places can only be regarded as cover and auxiliary attack, so the proportion of the main force and the elite in the scattered troops is even smaller. . This situation will naturally occur when one is changing, or to put it another way, the current situation is exactly in the hands of Lieutenant General Craig.

Euses and Heilija devised a way to cleverly imprison the Duke of El Barrea in the Duke’s City Hall. Through conversations, Euses learned of the highest level after his father was "ill." The commander did not know the consequences of his father's attack on Kyle Dick, and the chain reaction within the noble alliance. Therefore, Lieutenant General Craig was able to take advantage of this report to lead the state army by a clever surprise.

It can be said that without any of these links, it is impossible to have such a good situation and result-especially now, the western defense of the fortress of Oloklos has completely collapsed, and the heavy artillery on the heavy city wall has been Suppressed by the combined firepower of several tank units, they couldn't raise their heads; at the same time, news of superiority came from both the Eastern and Northern Lines, and it was even possible to try to force infantry into it.

"Well... send them a message, don't let them get too entangled with the noble coalition forces scattered everywhere." Lieutenant General Craig thought for a moment, and then issued an order, "Tell them to use a circuitous posture to protect their own side. Under the premise of combat effectiveness and organization, try to continue to hold them as far as possible-stand by towards our general attack location. In addition, what about the resistance on the southern line?"

"It seems that they are led by their commander... The noble coalition soldiers in the south seem to be stronger than other places. According to observations from the front, they seem to be trying to break through the blockade of our army outside the fortress of Oloklos and enter Go to Canyon Road-I don't know what I am planning."

"It really made him right...Through the Canyon Road...The forests and highlands on both sides are completely unfavorable for the deployment and maintenance of the mechs, and as far as I know, there are no large-scale supply sites. Therefore, Their purpose is probably to cross the border of the Republic through Canyon Road, and then find a way to contact the noble coalition forces."

"Republic?" Craig's deputy was taken aback. "But..."

"The aristocratic coalition and the guys of the Republic have reached an agreement on the right of military passage through their territory when necessary... The price is the ownership of part of the iron ore of the Zaxon Iron Mine." Craig, who mentioned this matter, was also very depressed. , "These **** traitors..."

"But... I didn't hesitate to do this..." The adjutant on the side naturally understood that his immediate boss could not come from nothing, and couldn't help sighing.

"Yeah...for their own interests, people who would not hesitate to sell their national interests, saying that they are for the good of the empire, will anyone believe it?" General Craig sneered, " least from the current situation. Judging from this, this choice cannot be said to be wrong. According to the original plan, let the 1st, 2nd and 5th Special Operations Groups enter the theater to carry out sweeping and interception work... At the same time notify His Highness Alfin and the Duke of Euses agent Your Excellency, their actions can also begin."


" one. Their main force has gone to the Western Front." Heliga felt the feedback of the detection spell returning to his hands, and said with a wry smile, "It seems that the hunting regiment is not here. "

"Is the empire's strongest Fourth Mecha Division... It seems to be more brave and capable than the rumors." Levi gave a light compliment, "Our goal here is almost achieved."

"Um...the device in the deepest part of the fort should be left next." Heliga shook the crystal sword in the handshake, "Should I still find its switch?"

"Forget it... the one in the deepest part of the fortress should be much more complicated than the ones outside." Levi shook his head, "It should be difficult to find a specific location at night... and I think it should be impossible to get around the two of them. Where you are."

"In that's the decisive battle ahead of time." Helija nodded-he and Levi originally planned to avoid the pursuit of patrolling soldiers, and pulled out the anti-aircraft guided guns in the fortress as much as possible in advance to lower them. Risky-but in fact, they didn't encounter much obstacles at all, because the soldiers were drawn to the front line to resist the combined operations and onslaught of the Fourth Mech Division.

The two followed the fortress in a circle, easily demolished or destroyed several anti-aircraft artillery, and then appeared in front of the building in the middle of the fortress-theoretically the command room where the Duke of El Barrea was located. It is also the most heavily guarded place in the entire fortress. Of course, the Duke of El Barrea is not here at this time, but instead, he is a much stronger enemy than the Duke of foreign powers.

The strongest "executor" of the association-and Du Barley, who is obviously strong, but can be almost ignored under this level of confrontation.

"What do you think he will use in a while?" Heliga asked Levi.

"I don't know... But anyway, you should be able to cope with his second form. From what I know about him, he shouldn't appear in the third form... After all, he himself said that this Behavior can lead to serious consequences."

"It's so far...Is it probably this kind of feeling?" Heliga understood.

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