Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 900: Adapt to

I don't know if it was because of the cold and dry climate in the north that Heilijia felt very uncomfortable, or just because it was not a familiar environment to sleep well—heilijia woke up abnormally very early.

Seeing that it was already close to six o'clock in the morning, but there was already a quiet and shady weather on the horizon, Heliga couldn't help feeling dumb. He gently opened the window, letting a bit of bitter cold wind, mixed with the fine snow in the wind drifting into the house-Baron Teo was right. Fortunately, the cable car had been recycled last night. Otherwise, it will inevitably suffer. To the snow disaster.

It’s just that the blizzard didn’t seem to be as violent as he had imagined—Hilija thought in a daze. Among the memories that Bernardo left behind, there were many scenes of advancing against the raging blizzard in the northern part of Skyrim. If you watch too many scenes at that time, it might really make people feel a little depressed.

"Since you're all awake...just go outside," Heliga thought, and then simply tidied the room, then put on his clothes, and walked out the door.

Stepping on the soft snow-enjoying the tranquility of this morning alone. This kind of life does not seem to be bad? Heliga thought for no reason.

In addition to the northern part of the empire, there is also a similar climate. I am afraid that the only country that has been destroyed by natural disasters, Northumbria-if you think about it carefully, the old Northumbria Principality I know came from. There are so many people.

For those "Northern Hunters" who resolutely dedicated their lives for the poor people in their hometowns, Heliga inevitably has a trace of respect. For them, Heliga can't be as cruel as ordinary hunters. Speaking of this, it is really strange. It is obvious that these hunters have already seen these things, and they have already had a mortal consciousness about their future.

But maybe he was too deeply influenced by Martha?

Speaking of it, today seems to be Martha's turn to watch the night-if the guy from Garcia always works overtime, this guy will inevitably have to complain. Although he didn't say anything about Fei's face, he still needs to rest occasionally.

After carefully reviewing the inspection schedule of the shelter, Heliga was even more convinced of this. He took out the "ARCUS" and wondered whether to send Martha a newsletter, he had something to ask.

He did indeed do this-but waiting for Heliga, it was the long, ear-piercing scream when no one answered the communication.

In this still dark snowy night, this is still the case.

"What's the situation... It shouldn't be." Heliga frowned-didn't Martha go today? Or is it because for some reason, you didn't bring the force guide with you?

After dialing again, no one answered.

Again, it is still the same.

"This..." Heliga had a hunch in her heart-I'm afraid things are not as simple as she thought?

So, what about others?

Heliga dialed the Philippine number-also in a state of no answer.

Levi's—the same is true.

"..." This is...too bad.

Haley took a deep breath—could it be that something happened? Just a few days after I left, and just before that, I frustrated the conspiracy from the Baryahat nobles. Is there any problem?

Fortunately, this anxiety did not last long-because soon, someone I contacted just now seemed to send me a reply.

Heliga hurriedly answered—that seemed to be Levi’s force conductor? However, what surprised Heliga was that the voice on the other side of the phone turned out to be His Royal Highness Alfin.

"His Royal Highness Alfin?" Heliga was stunned when he heard this voice, "Excuse me..."

"Mr. Levi left the force guide to me and Elysée before leaving. He said that you might send a routine contact, and he is not sure if he can free his hands then..." Alphan explained hurriedly .

"In fact... just yesterday evening, the trading town of Kyle Dick in the southeastern part of Kruchen State seemed to have been subjected to a large-scale destructive attack." Elysée added, "When the news reached us , It's late at night."

"Keldyk... isn't that a small town near the Lunarria Natural Park, famous for its fur and jewelry trading. It is also very popular with the nobles of Ballahart." Heliga said casually, this place he I have a bit of an impression-after all, the first internship of Group VII was here. Although he did not participate, Fei had already told him many details, "Is there actually been attacked there?"

"Yeah. The merchant who escaped desperately from there told us." Alphan said, "And...and the intruder is..."

"The invaders are the aristocratic army of Kruchen Region." Elysée finished speaking with the princesses who were difficult to express. "Although the reason is unknown, it seems that this is the case... Because according to witness reports, they were huge The robot is attacked." What Elysé said made Heilijia very puzzled-why is this?

"It stands to reason...Mecha soldiers should not be used in such occasions...No, the noble army has no position to do so."

"This is also what the Viscount Your Excellency is worried about... He thinks that there must be something wrong. Moreover, because the casualties there are really heavy, so he took a risk and sent the guardians here partly. See what happened at the end. But they haven't come back yet."

"When did they leave?" Heliga asked in a deep voice. There must be something strange behind this attack-it is really unreasonable for the noble army to do such a thing.

However, this also means that an opportunity that I have been waiting for has come for granted.

Could it be that someone among the other party predicted his every move?

"It should have been five hours ago... The merchants who had fled arrived here at about 1:00 in the morning." Alfin recalled, "Less than half an hour after that, Mr. Levi and their Left."

"From here on foot, it should be two hours at Levi’s speed-it may be that the situation there is indeed more difficult to deal with, but it has not yet reached the point of worrying. I will be here with others. Someone will discuss it-by the way, Elysée, forgot to tell you, we found Li En, he has nothing to do, and he should be able to move normally tomorrow. I will tell you the relevant details later."

Ignoring Elysée's surprise call, Heliga quickly cut off the communication, and then hurried back to the Baron Shuhuaze's mansion.

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