Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 898: Li En's Homecoming (2 in 1)

When Li En opened his eyes again, it was almost evening.

The mountains to the west towered into the clouds, blocking the setting sun that was about to be submerged by the horizon ahead of time, and illuminating a strange afterimage. The originally cold winter in the Northland lost the warmth of the sun and became more bitter. Only by closing the doors and windows tightly and turning on the heating stove can you get a little warm feeling.

After waking up, Li En didn't have the powerlessness he had before this time-just a little bit tired. Although there was a sweet fragrance in the room for some reason, Li En still felt that the room with the windows closed was a little dull.

He wanted to get up and gently opened the window in front of the desk, but he didn't expect someone to do it for him.

"Yo." Heliga's voice came from the desk-it was he who gently opened the window of his room, "Are you awake."

"Yes... Ah." A word awakened the dreamer. Li En finally found out where he was now—a familiar room, a warm bed, and the small window that was always facing the sunset.

This is my own room-as the adopted son of Baron Yumir's family, I spent many years in his hometown, my own room.

"Why..." Li En asked instinctively, but then changed his words, "No...Is it just... what happened on Canyon Road just now..."

"Yeah. It's all true." Heliga nodded calmly. Li En's mind must be a bit messy now. He couldn't sort out what happened for a while, so Heliga decided to finish it for him, "You wake up in the mountains. After that, I decided to go back to Umir alone along the road you are familiar with, but encountered a huge monster attack on the way. Its appearance prevented you from moving forward and exhausted your strength. Fortunately, I trust this time. Mr. Val appeared to help you solve this problem, and then I, Emma, ​​and Macchias came to solve him. After that, you fell into a coma. Serenu said it was a side effect of your excessive use of power. The problem is not big, so they just brought you back here."

"Really... That's the case." After Heilijia's explanation, Li En's mind was also clearer. He did remember all these things just now, "So..."

"Yeah. So you are now in the Baron Umir, your home. Although we have only been here once as tourists and are not familiar with the surrounding terrain, Mr. Toval seems to know exactly how to go. So this afternoon's At that time, they sent you here. It was originally expected that you might fall asleep for a long time, but I didn't expect to wake up after only a few hours."

"So...ah...wait, does that mean father and mother, and Elysée—"

"They are all fine. Baron Teo and Madame Lucia are here. Your father seems to be patrolling the town to see if there is anything to do. Your mother seems to be cooking some local dishes with the help of the monitor. Well... Macias and I take turns taking care of you. As for Elysée, she is not here at the moment, but with me—I’ll wait a while for the specific situation—"

However, the essence of Li En, who was heavily sister-controlled, couldn't wait for this time, and immediately asked Heliga to explain it carefully. Heliga smiled bitterly, thinking that this is not a problem, so she said: "It's like this...When the civil war broke out, I left with Fei directly, do you remember?"

" seems to be." Li En suddenly woke up. At that time, Heliga and Fei didn't know what to do, and they suddenly left out of thin air. They were replaced by a young man with very strong swordsmanship. Yes, with his help, the students of Class VII successfully supported the arrival of the "Red Wing"-after that, Serenu gave Valima the order to leave, and Li En himself was very He was almost in a coma, and when he woke up again, it was time to wake up a little earlier today, in the Isingert Mountains.

"Actually, His Royal Highness Olibate and I had long anticipated the coming civil war and made various preparations for it." Heliga said, "We made many plans, one of which was to think of a way when the civil war began. Rescued the Queen Alfin and protected her from being threatened by the Noble Alliance. Of course, I was doing this at the time, but because of this, Miss Elysée who was with Her Royal Highness was saved easily."

"That's it... so they are now..."

"Yeah. They are all arranged in my hometown now, where there is an entire hunting regiment, and a top hunting army. Of course, the swordsman I arranged to help you was also there that day, plus I and Fei , It’s okay for now.” Heliga wanted to talk about the attack a few days ago, but after thinking about it carefully, I still think it’s better to talk about it later.

"Huh...that's good." A big rock in Li En's heart fell to the ground, but there were a few others still hanging in the air. The family that cares the most is all right now, then-what about the class VII classmates he cherishes so much?

"I know what you want to ask-let's go and talk as you go. Seeing your mother, she was worried when she saw you being carried back in a coma. Thanks to your father not seeing this scene." With a wry smile, "That's it... All the students in Class VII got on the Red Wing and escaped the hunt with the excellent performance of this airship. With this opportunity, the other students of Tolz also did their own thing. To deal with it, there are those who leave, and there are those who choose to stay-in short, there is no major issue. Specifically, Gaius returned to the Nord Plateau, he was worried about the problems of his hometown... Miriam also followed because the prime minister was shot and killed As a member of the intelligence bureau directly under the prime minister, she would definitely be liquidated and persecuted, so she simply hid in Nord. Alyssa was also with them, seemingly because she wanted to pass his grandpa’s Relations to find the whereabouts of the mother-it is said that the "RF Agency" is in chaos. "

"Macchias, Fei and the monitor are with you... Then, what about the others?" Li En couldn't help but ask curiously without seeing the shadow of other people.

"Machias, Eliot, Fei, and I are indeed together-in fact, in the imperial capital's operation, I also rescued Eliot's sister, because I suddenly thought that the aristocratic coalition might be because of It was difficult to deal with Lieutenant General Craig, and chose to treat his family as hostages-some time ago, the fighting in Crucian State stopped for a while, and I asked Mr. Toval to **** them to the Galeria Fortress. There are currently two complete mech divisions, the fourth and fifth, and it is said that the "Railway Gendarmerie" is also under command and most of them went there for reconciliation. Coupled with the world's premier steel fortress, and the material reserves expected to last three years, there is no need to worry. "

"So that's it... he's fine." Li En felt a little relieved.

"After all, Macias's father is in a high position and he is still the core of the reformists. I really can't take him away. However, according to the nobles' comments, the current stability of the aristocratic faction in the imperial capital still needs the mayor. It helps, so his safety is not a problem for the time being. Laura and Emma have been active in Regram all the time. After Viscount Alside boarded the "Karejas", Regram could not be left alone. , So Laura took over the responsibility of the lord. Euses chose to stay in school after fighting with you, because he himself is a noble son, or a person of the four famous families, no matter how the noble coalition dared to disrespect him. "

"That's true." In fact, from Juss's standpoint, he didn't hesitate to choose to fight with Class VII, which really surprised Li En. Patrick, who is also the descendant of the four famous sects, reacted relatively normally. Although he had all kinds of doubts and dissatisfaction with the sudden attack by the aristocratic coalition forces, he still chose to stay in the school and wait for the soldiers. It seems that Euses finally chose to think carefully about what he was going to do in the civil war.

"The instructors did not leave with "Red Wing." Heliga continued, "Instructor Sarah, Instructor Makarov, and Instructor Knighthalt all separated after that. Their whereabouts are unknown, but there should be no danger at the moment-oh, no, Knight. Instructor Halter has successfully reunited with the Fourth Mech Division. This is what Mr. Toval told us just now, he heard the news when he escorted Eliot to their destination. As for the instructor Beatrice and the Dean of Van Dijk, it seems that they chose to stay in the school... They should have their own considerations. Director Henry also stayed in the school. He was in no danger at all, but I heard that when the students started to escape from the school under the cover of the Red Wing, he had no opinion about running in the corridor, and he even urged to run. Go faster. "

"What..." He was talking about a serious topic, but suddenly made a playful joke. Li En was caught off guard by Heliga's tricks and couldn't help but laugh-but after this series of It showed that Li En felt that the burden in his heart was indeed lighter.

"It's almost... I think I can wait for the meal. You can just wait here."

"Yes..." Li En sat down at the table obediently, "Where are you going?"

"Go to the kitchen. Judging from the time your mother said, the pot of game soup seems to be almost ready. I will help her bring it out, lest she can't help but rush up to give you one when she sees you who are already awake Hug and burn yourself."


Facts have proved that Heliga's worry is not unreasonable-he thought so when Li En was held tightly in his arms by his mother.

"It's really lucky. I saw this scene as soon as I came back." Heliga joked in the direction of the door, and put the pot of delicious soup on the table by the way. "Two of you have worked hard, I didn't see it. What's the problem?"

"No, it's still the same." Compared to his wife Lucia, Special Olympics is a lot more stable-although Heliga can see that the face of the vicissitudes of middle-aged man also writes obvious relief at this time. "It just seems that there will be a new round of snowfall I asked the people on the cable car and the ski trail to put things away so they don't break it."

"There is indeed nothing wrong with the monsters outside... It seems that the woman really suppressed the spirit pulse of the riot before she left. But it was also true. If there is no such exaggerated monster, it must be kept as it is. There won't be any problems." Toval naturally went around the town and found no abnormalities.

"You didn't call me for dinner?" Macias's head protruded from the stairs on the second floor. After completing the handover with Heliga, Macias went to another room on the second floor to rest and soaked by the way. A bubble of herbal water that Mrs. Lucia had prepared earlier, to comfort her ankle that had been suffering for two days, but unexpectedly fell asleep unknowingly because it was too comfortable, until just now, it was noisy and the pot of soup The fragrance awakened.

"Sorry, I forgot about you." Heliga made a face.

"Ahaha..." Seeing this kind of warm scene, Li En seemed a little bit unable to believe his eyes--what did he experience?


The people at the table have lost their previous restraint. Li En, who was fully awake, greeted every old classmate cordially, and hugged his mother and father closely. The scene was very moving. However, Serenu's restraint in accepting Li En's thanks made Li En feel a little bit confused.

During the exchange of cups, the dishes carefully cooked by Mrs. Lucia gradually turned into empty plates. As for the game soup that was originally eaten after the meal, it was naturally divided up. It’s worth mentioning that, in addition to all kinds of game that Mrs. Lucia had originally prepared, the pot of soup also included a velvet antler that Baron Teo didn’t know when he kept it private-I don’t know what he originally planned. Privately used it to soak in wine or store it, but this time it is also for the sake of his son. However, judging from his somewhat awkward smile, Heliga felt more like Madame Lucia doing her best for her son and "accidentally" uncovering the private possession of Baron Teo.

After eating and drinking, the table of people finally began to discuss business matters. Li En first proposed to see Elysée-no one objected to this. The brother and sister should always meet to confirm each other's peace. However, in any case, it was a bit too anxious to drive at night, and it was impolite to the guests who came from afar like Heliga. Therefore, Li En finally agreed to his father's remarks and let the students spend the night here before leaving.

When one topic after another ends, it's almost time to go to bed. But before that, Li En suddenly noticed that Heliga seemed to be thinking about something alone.

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