Parker Luck

Chapter 37: To Thrill a Mockingbird

"Oh shit. What've I gotten myself into this time?" Muttered Bobbi Morse as she stared at the inordinate amount of guns pointed at her.

"Hey guys, I don't suppose we can talk about this?" She asked and was met with a chorus of derisive laughter. The ringleader stepped forward once they'd stopped and cocked his gun with an ominous click, "No chance in hell, bitch. There's nothing to talk about." The cold steel of the muzzle jammed against the blonde's temple. For most this would've been a problem but for Morse it was just an inconvenience. "Good, you're smart enough to quit when you're ahead. I accept your surrender." She said calmly. The laughter was even more scornful this time.

A mocking smirk spread over the leader's face and he gave a snort. "Stupid woman. There's dozens of us and only one of you." He said, his finger curling around the trigger.

** A few days earlier**

Jemma Simmons jumped when her phone suddenly rang, displaying an unknown number. She let in ring for a few more seconds before hesitantly answering. "Hello?" There was only silence at first but then came the sound of heavy breathing. "Listen mate, if you're some kind of pervert or scammer you'd better hang up right now or else." The Englishwoman snapped, hoping she wouldn't actually have to come up with something to back her threat up.

"Well hey to you too Jemma." A feminine voice came from the phone. Simmons' eyes widened as she recognised the voice. "Bobbi? Is that you?" She whispered. There was another beat of panting before the caller spoke again, "Yeah it's me."

"Bobbi, what're you doing?" Demanded Simmons, making sure no one was around to overhear her. "Do you have any idea what kind of trouble we could get in if anyone found out we'd been talking?" She hissed. "I know it's a huge risk but you're the only person I can trust at the minute. I need your help." Bobbi told her. Simmons took another cautionary look around before resuming speaking, actually somewhat flattered, "What's going on?" She asked. Morse sighed as she answered, clearly suppressing her anger, "It's Lance. He's in serious trouble, so am I, which is why I'm calling you. I wouldn't take the risk if I wasn't desperate." She said bluntly.

"Okay." Fine, I'll see what I can do. What happened?" Asked the Brit.

"So we were on the trail of an arms dealer." Morse began.

**Even earlier** (That's right a flashback within a flashback)

"And you're sure they're in there?" Bobbi asked, lowering the binoculars to look at the man sitting next to her. Hunter nodded "Positive, Bob. Or at least the bloke who gave me the info was." He muttered. Bobbi made a tsking sound, clearly doubtful. "Alright but if this is another dead end you're on your own." She told him in no uncertain terms.

"Got it. How about a kiss for good luck?" He asked hopefully.

"Not happening. I've only stuck around because I want these guys stopped after that I'm gone."

Bobbi and Lance were, as he had put it, 'One hundred percent compatible fifty percent of the time'. Recently they hadn't been in that fifty percent and they'd been arguing more. Their last fight had been particularly bad and ended with them breaking up again. The two would've split there and then but Hunter had received a tip off from a contact telling them the apparent location of the arms dealer's HQ.

Parked outside the location, Bobbi couldn't help but remark on the situation "Why is it bad guys always operate out of abandoned warehouses? It's such a cliché." For once Hunter didn't say anything and followed the blonde into the building.

The warehouse was filled with crates and one of Morse's batons served to pry the lid off one, revealing a small arsenal. "Damn that's a lot of guns." Hunter stated the obvious as he looked over the hundreds of crates. "So what's the plan? Deal with these ourselves or call the police?" He asked the blonde but before she could answer a shout rang out "Hey! What the hell do you think you're doin'?!" A man armed with a machine gun was glaring at the pair. The look of hatred intensified when he saw Hunter and Bobbi had opened a crate and he levelled his gun at them. "Boys!" He shouted and several more men, all armed, seemed to materialise.

"Oh bollocks." Hunter muttered eyeing the doorway. Turning to Bobbi he whispered in the blonde's ear "I'll distract them, you get out of here." And before she could protest he lunged at the goons. The suddenness caught them by surprise before they could get a shot off but they soon subdued the Englishman, brutally beating him.

The sound of gunfire followed Morse as she ran from the warehouse but luckily she wasn't hit and even more luckily the men didn't seem interested in chasing her. Once she was safely outside she called the only person she felt she could trust.


"I'm sorry but even if I had that kind of pull, you're disavowed. I can't do anything to help." Jemma told her once Bobbi had explained. Morse had been expecting an answer like that but still grimaced "C'mon Jem, surely there's some off record agent you can send or something?" She pleaded. There was a pause then Jemma spoke again, "I might know someone."

"Jemma?" The Englishwoman was not high on the list of people Peter expected to call him. "How'd you get my number?" He wondered.

"That's not important." She told him, "I need a favour." She gave the webslinger a brief rundown of the situation with Bobbi and Hunter. "Please, Peter." She cajoled, "I'll owe you a favour." She promised. Spidey would've helped anyway but the promise of a favour was too good to pass up.

Morse was getting impatient waiting for Simmons' help and wondered if they were going to show up at all. A strange sound which could only be described as 'thwip' reached her ears and a red clad figure swung overhead then landed by her.

Bobbi Morse?" Spider-Man asked and the blonde nodded. When Simmons told him that someone called 'Bobby' needed help Parker was expecting a man, definitely not the leggy blonde bombshell in front of him. "Simmons asked me to help." He said simply. Morse wondered how Simmons was able to get an Avenger to help her out but questions could wait and she told him what had happened. Peter listened, giving the occasional nod but was somewhat distracted by the woman's body. "I think our best bet would be to sneak in through a skylight but how we'll get to the roof is the issue." The blonde said.

"I can get us up there. Hang on to me." Spidey said. Hesitantly, Bobbi climbed onto his back and soon they were climbing up the wall. As they did so the brunette was doing his level best not to think about the woman pressed against him and was fighting a burgeoning boner. Bobbi didn't notice that but did take notice of the hero's muscles as they climbed. Soon they'd reached the roof and looked in through a skylight. A bloodied and bruised man was tied to a chair but was unguarded. "There's Lance." Morse pointed out and, turning to her companion, then said. "I'll go down and free him, you keep an eye out and pull us up."

The window was opened and Morse clambered down the shelves. With luck they'd be in and out without anyone noticing but luck didn't seem to be on her side and her foot slipped, sending her clattering to the ground and seconds later the thugs surrounded her.

** End flashback**

To the gunman's surprise Bobbi burst into laughter "Actually, there's two of us."

The ringleader sneered and struck the blonde "In case you hadn't noticed your boyfriend is right here." He said. Morse spat before speaking again "First of all, not my boyfriend and secondly he's not who I'm talking about." Seconds later webbing shot from the ceiling, disarming the man. Before he could recover he was knocked out by a baton to the face.

Mockingbird and Spider-Man cleared through the goons and soon they were all unconscious or wishing they were. Once he was untied Lance was propped up over Bobbi's shoulder "Thank you Spider-Man." She told the young hero as they left.

A few days later Peter was home alone when the doorbell rang. The last person he expected to see when he answered it was Bobbi. "Uh can I help you Bo-Miss?" He asked, pretending not to recognise her. A grin formed on the blonde's face, "You've already helped me. Spider-Man." Her grin grew at the look on Spidey's face. "What? But how?" Peter spluttered and Morse laughed "I used to work for a global intelligence agency do you really think I couldn't find a guy who swings around in red and black underwear? Now may I come in?" 

"It's not underwear." Parker muttered lamely as he let the blonde in. Bobbi seated herself on the sofa "So this is where Spider-Man spends his downtime huh? It's nice." She commented but Peter wasn't in the mood for small talk, "What're you doing here?" He questioned defensively. Morse scoffed "Relax Peter. I came because I wanted to thank you properly." And with that she closed the gap between her and the teen to lock him into a deep French kiss, tongue sliding out and entangling with his. As she kissed him, Mockingbird roughly groped at the wallcrawler's chest and stomach enjoying the feel of his muscles. "Hmm, very nice." She purred after removing her mouth. "So I assume you've got a bedroom?"

Morse was quick to take charge once they got there, throwing Parker on the bed and telling him to strip whilst she did the same. Both admired the other's bodies for a moment before the blonde joined the teen on the bed, prowling towards him with lust filled eyes.

Her athletic body flowed over Peter to push him onto his back before wrapping her legs around his head and pressing her pink lips against his mouth. Spidey brought his arms up to hook his fingers in the hole, spreading the walls and then sliding in his tongue. Bobbi moaned as the brunette lapped at her pussy. The teen lapped rapidly at her entrance which was starting to drip with juices. Her moans grew louder as his tongue went in, dragging along her sensitive walls. Eager to please, he buried the wet muscle in the slick pussy, working furiously at her sweet spots and scouting as far as he could go. "Oh yeah! That's good." Groaned Morse. "Let's do something about this." She said as she felt up Peter's throbbing length.

A slim but firm hand coiled around the hardness to stroke and caress, running from tip to base and back again. Her hand rubbed all over his cock and balls, fondling the hard organ with masterful skill. As she jerked off the teen her hips were ground against his face, sending his tongue further into the wetness. Spider-Man's tongue wriggled and writhed inside Morse's pussy and hungrily slurped up her juices. Meanwhile her hand got faster, running up and down the member and firmly squeezing it.

Bobbi lifted up to twist herself around so her head was in line with Peter's cock. Strands of spit dripped from her mouth and splattered onto the member before being rubbed in by eager hands. Peter moaned into the wet hole as full soft lips slid over his cock. With practiced ease they sank down and soon over half his rod was inside the warm mouth. Bobbi's lips squeezed tight around his length whilst her tongue darted about. Rivulets of spit ran down his length which mixed with precum as the blonde sucked him off. Bobbi's head went up and down smoothly and got further down each time. With a push the blonde woman sank to the base of the teenage member. She gagged slightly at first but soon adjusted and began to move. Morse's cheeks hollowed as she deepthroated the hero's hardness and the soft skin rubbed against his sensitive organ in a way that felt incredible.

Not to be outdone, Peter slid his tongue as far as it could go into the blonde's dripping wetness, furiously licking and lapping at the walls of her pussy. Both parties were very vocal about their pleasure, grunting and groaning as they worked at each other. Bobbi sucked and Peter slurped, the two of them focused on both giving and receiving as much pleasure as they could.

Precum was dripping from the blonde woman's well licked hole like a faucet and filled Peter's mouth as well as smearing around it and dripping down his chin. The brunette's shaft was also leaking fluids but they weren't there for long before Bobbi lapped them up, savouring the salty taste mingling with the muskiness of the warm flesh.

Pleasure coursed through Mockingbird's body as the tongue brushed over her soaked inner walls and against her hot core and her hips rubbed over the teen's face, wanting more. Spider-Man was plenty willing to oblige her needs and his tongue flicked, writhed, wriggled and twisted inside her. At the same time her tongue was working in tandem with her mouth around the meat filling her mouth and throat. Her head plunged up and down from base to crown whilst her tongue swirled around and the fluids flowed from her efforts. The smooth movements had Peter shuddering in delight with every bob and twist of her mouth.

A sense of euphoria was felt by Peter and Bobbi as they sixty-nined and it was only a matter of time before they came. Spidey licked and Mockingbird sucked, both getting closer and closer to climaxing. Spit and cum dripped from their mouths as they pleasured the other.

Bobbi's fingers wrapped around the orbs dangling below the brunette's hard shaft to gently fondle them. Peter's hands worked too, firmly gripping her shapely ass and pulling her waist to his mouth and, stretching his tongue to its limit, lapping deep into her wetness. This stimulation of her sweet spot was what brought the blonde to her release and, moaning around his cock, spurted her cum onto his busy mouth. Despite being awash in a sea of pleasure, Morse continued swallowing the hardness to the hilt with as much energy as she could muster and still kept slurping at his manhood. Her full lips pursed tightly and her tongue slithering over it had Spidey's length twitching as his release approached. Feeling the hardness start to tense, Morse pulled her mouth off his length but continued stroking it with her hands until the white juices burst onto her face.

The two exchanged a sticky kiss as they recuperated. The kiss quickly turned into groping and grabbing as their sex drives slowly restarted.

Peter was ready again shortly thanks to his powers and in the meantime he and Morse continued grinding against each other and her hand wrapped around his hardening length. Once she was ready, and Peter more than ready, the blonde spread out onto her back, her legs arched to the sides. Spidey's athletic form raised over the blonde's and the bulbous pink cockhead probed at the folds of her pussy before pushing past them and sliding further in. Inch by inch the hard length went deeper with every push of Parker's hips, widening the wet hole as it did so. Bobbi bit her lip as the member pushed inside her, it had been a while since she'd had sex and she'd tightened up a little but was gradually readjusting. After a couple of minutes the whole rod was sheathed within her and Peter stopped to adjust as well. His hips eased back slightly before going forward again and as he repeated this action it got smoother.

His speed increased and his member drove deep into Mockingbird's pussy, quickly bottoming out. His thrusts got faster as he found a rhythm and he began putting extra power into them, sinking every inch every time. As his cock went in and out his balls slapped against the blonde's hips and the smacking sound of skin meeting skin filled the room. Morse's long legs hooked around Parker's waist to pull him to her and ensure she got every last bit of his length. The teenage hardness was like a piston as it was thrust into Bobbi's wet hole, pounding hard and fast. Bobbi was a receptive partner and her arms grabbed onto the teen as well as if unable to get enough of him filling her. Spidey winced slightly as her nails dug into his back but he didn't let that stop him from ploughing her. Although quite experienced in the bedroom now, Peter was still eager to prove himself and to add to Bobbi's pleasure he cupped her soft breasts. With Peter's hands massaging her boobs the blonde moaned even louder and tightened her hold on his body. Strong hands kneaded the soft flesh and slim fingers twiddled the pert nipples and all the while a rock hard shaft pumped rapidly.

Pussy juices made the thrusting smoother and the brunette's length was coated in them as it went in and out. With every hard buck Bobbi saw stars and she begged the webslinger to keep going. Spidey was also grunting and panting in pleasure and was using all his energy to pleasure the blonde woman below him. Even though she'd only came a few minutes ago, Bobbi could feel the ecstasy consuming her again. Her walls clenched on the length and her legs squeezed tighter, determined to eke out as much pleasure as possible. The smacking sound increased in volume as, with some encouragement from Morse, Parker fucked her harder and faster and he was also in a world of pleasure.

With every thrust into her pussy and squeeze of her tits, Bobbi's climax approached and soon she'd become a moaning mess under the teen's ministrations. The feeling of a tight pussy around his cock was a sensation Peter would never get tired of and he was determined to make it last for as long as he could.

As Peter filled her again and again Bobbi got close to cumming again and the hardness ploughing her was all she could think about and she mewled Peter's name as he sheathed himself inside her. To maximise her euphoria, the blonde shoved her hips back to meet the brunette's, colliding with a smack. After several more thrusts her mind was blank and her only thought was her imminent orgasm. Her second climax was even bigger than the first and her whole body clenched in ecstasy, legs coiling, fingers squeezing and pussy tensing. An eruption of hot cum fired from her pussy, spattering over the teenage member and onto her body.

Peter was on the last of his reserves as he drove his member into the blonde. Although his thrusts had grown erratic he wasn't about to stop and his cock ploughed just as hard as it had been doing, just not as fast. The warm wetness was welcoming around his shaft and the pleasure filled his body. "Bobbi! Cumming!" He groaned when he couldn't take it any more and burst. Thick jets of spunk fired into the well fucked hole, the hot fluids coating her inner walls. Strands of cum followed as he withdrew from Morse's soaked hole and dripped onto her body.

A little later when they'd recovered and redressed, Bobbi gave Parker a kiss and a wink as she left "Appreciate the help." She told him and Peter smirked as he replied, "Hey if that's how you'll thank me then I'll help you out more often."


End of Chapter 37

Next Chapter: Jackpot

I admit this was a little similar to the Daughters of the Dragon chapters from a while back.

Real shame Most Wanted didn't go ahead.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.