Parker Luck

Chapter 35: Starcrossed

"I told you that thing was rigged to explode." Carol had her arms folded indignantly and was glaring at the red-clad woman next to her. Wanda rolled her eyes "Yeah yeah, like you could've stopped it." She snarked back, brushing dust off of her shoulder.

Captain Marvel and Scarlet Witch had been on a mission when they'd discovered an odd looking device. After investigating it Carol had pronounced it was some kind of bomb but Wanda disagreed and claimed the blonde was being paranoid. The disagreement had turned into an argument and, in an attempt to prove her point that it wasn't explosive, Wanda had nudged it with her foot.

As it turned out it was a bomb but fortunately Maximoff had been able to create an energy shield around them a split second before it went off. Danvers glared at the younger woman "Hey, of the two of us which has military training hmm? I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure I could've disabled that bomb without blowing it up." Wanda rolled her eyes at the older woman "Stop complaining, we're both fine aren't we? Thanks to me." She said. The hybrid glared at Wanda. "Thanks to you? You're the one who insisted it wasn't a bomb and set it off in the first place. There were a million ways you could've proved your point but no. You had to pick the one which resulted in it exploding!" Wanda curled her lip and glared back "Oh, like you could've done any better blondie." The superpowered women stared daggers at each other and bristled.

Before their argument could escalate, Carol let out a breath and loosened up. "I'm not gonna get into this right now. I'm going back to the facility." With that a glowing aura formed around the blonde and she shot into the sky. "Hey what about me?" Wanda called after her, "How am I supposed to get home?" For a brief moment Danvers considered leaving her there but turned around to pick the redhead up anyway.

Peter hadn't been to the facility since before the visit to New Asgard, wanting some time as the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man rather than Avenger Spider-Man. Things had been quiet for the most part lately, a fact he was grateful for as he felt he deserved some peace after his experiences in New Asgard. Admittedly, they hadn't been unpleasant, aside from the goddess of death appearing and taking him hostage whilst threatening his life, but even that had had a happy ending. After a while though he accepted that he was expected for Avenger duties so got ready for a stay at the facility, packing the essentials; toothbrush, pyjamas, change of clothes, spare webshooters, web fluid etc. He expected to be busy during his stay but, for all he knew, perhaps he was in for an uneventful weekend.

Of course once again the universe seemed to be conspiring against him and his weekend was going to be anything but uneventful.

Carol and Wanda were still annoyed with each other but had decided to blow off some steam with the training robots. The Infinity Stone powered women were tearing through even the biggest ones with ease, Wanda lifting them with her powers and crushing them and Carol either pummelling them with super strength or burning through them with a photon blast. They were so engrossed in wrecking their opponents they didn't realise they were getting closer and closer to each other until it was too late. "Oof!" The two crashed into each other, their collision knocking them to the floor in a heap. Neither moved for a second and Wanda realised that with the blonde underneath her she was accidently providing her with an excellent view down her top. They didn't move for a second until Carol came to her senses and frowned "Get. Off. Me." She snapped and roughly pushed the younger woman off her. Wanda got to her feet, glaring at Carol as she did so, "Watch where you're going blondie." She told her. Danvers likewise got up and gave an icy stare "No, you watch where you're going, ginger snaps." She snapped back.

The women squared off and continued glowering at each other, their powers flaring into effect; a crackling red energy swirling around Scarlet Witch's hands and a luminous yellow/orange glow burned around Captain Marvel's clenched fist. "What's your problem with me?" Wanda demanded and Carol huffed "I could ask you the same question."

Wanda pursed her lips in annoyance "If this is about earlier it was an accident. I'm sorry, okay?" The blonde clenched her jaw before speaking, "Sorry doesn't cover it. You could've killed us, next time listen to me I am more experienced than you." She pointed out. Maximoff's rational side realised the other woman had a point but she was too worked up to be rational at the minute. "By which you mean you're old." She scoffed. Understandably, Danvers scowled at this but it quickly turned into a smirk "You're just jealous you won't age as well as me." She said and, as she expected, Wanda didn't take that well. "And all you had to do was be experimented on by aliens." She hissed back. That struck a nerve with the hybrid who shoved the Sokovian woman who staggered back.

"I bet you're the one who's jealous that Peter likes me better. Yes I know about you two and you know about me and him so let's stop pretending." Said Wanda bluntly. Carol's mouth tightened and her arms crossed "Alright fine but don't think you can compare to me, especially as I let him do me in the ass." She replied and then it was the redhead's turn to smirk "Oh yeah? I let him take my virginity." Wanda blurted out, eager to one up the ex-pilot. Her confession threw Danvers for a loop but she was quick to boast back "Big deal. Experience pays off." Maximoff's smirk grew, "And I bet you've got plenty of that." Her comment was the final straw for the blonde who's eyes and hands blazed with photon energy as she lunged forward to grab the younger woman by her top (unintentionally airing her breasts) and pulled her close, a fist by her face. Wanda's chaos energy reappeared and the two pairs of glowing eyes locked.

"Um, ladies?" The two looked around to see Spider-Man hovering in the doorway.

Of all the things Peter expected to see when going into the training room, Captain Marvel and Scarlet Witch being at each other's throats was not one of them. Although part of him wouldn't have minded seeing a superpowered catfight he knew things could get ugly fast so he decided to try and break it up which perhaps wasn't the safest choice but it was better than them wrecking the place or each other.

"Peter!" The women exclaimed together. Carol let go of the younger woman and stepped back. Spidey stared at the two silently, trying to assess the scenario but eventually he just flat out asked "What's going on?"

"Nothing." Wanda denied it but Carol cut in and got straight to the point "Little miss witch here almost got us blown up and now she's getting in my way." Wanda made a sound of annoyance "Oh please. You're the one who's getting in the way and who's acting all high and mighty." She shot back.

Peter was lost and repeated his question. The two women gave their version of events and then the elephant in the room was brought up. "Look Peter," Said Carol, "We know you've slept with both of us despite you not telling us." The teen looked embarrassed and his face reddened "Yeah, about that. I was gonna tell you but-" Any excuse he was going to give was silenced by the blonde "That's not the issue." She told him, "The issue is that Wanda thinks she's better than me for what she did with you." The redhead made an insulted gasp, "Oh! I think I'm better? You were the one boasting about how you did anal." She snapped.

The women looked ready to fight again so the brunette knew he needed to act quickly. "Is that what this is all about? Because it really doesn't matter." His simple statement made them realise their whole argument was really just a storm in a teacup. Wanda was the first to swallow her pride and extended a hand to Carol "I'm sorry I should've listen to you earlier." The hybrid took the hand and apologised as well "I'm sorry too I overreacted." With the hatchet seemingly buried the women's bad moods had lifted. Peter watched the exchange and had an idea, "You know, there's enough of me to go around so perhaps you could uh, kiss and make up?" He asked hopefully.

Carol and Wanda's heads whipped around and focussed laser-like stares at him and for a second he was worried. Danvers mulled over his suggestion "Alright." She said before turning back to Wanda "I'm game if you are."

The Sokovian nodded "For Peter." She said. "For Peter." Echoed Carol.

The blonde took charge and yanked the redhead over to her, pressing her lips against hers. Maximoff had only expected a peck on the lips and was surprised as the passion Carol put into it. Not to be outdone, she kissed back just as fervently and their lips pressed against each other. Carol brought it to the next level by sending her tongue into the other woman's mouth, much to her surprise. Following Carol's lead, Wanda brought her tongue into the kiss as well and the two tangled and wrestled.

Peter was watching with great interest and his enjoyment grew when he was beckoned over. Once again the captain took the lead and pulled the young hero into a passionate liplock. When they broke apart, Peter barely had chance to catch his breath before another pair of lips captured his own and Wanda took over.

He alternated between the two and they each other. "Let's take this somewhere more private shall we?" Carol said invitingly. Peter eagerly agreed. Wanda blushed but was determined not to chicken out so agreed as well. There was a brief debate as where to go but they settled on Peter's room and the trio wasted no time getting there, throwing the door open then shut and occupying the bed.

Fearless, Captain Marvel was the first to undress, peeling her outfit off. Spider-Man's costume followed suit and Scarlet Witch's not long after. Underwear was the next thing to go; bras, panties and boxers getting tossed aside. The women took a look at the other's bodies, scouting the competition. The blonde beckoned the redhead over to whisper in her ear "Let's put on a show." The Sokovian woman understood and this time was the one to initiate the kiss. Said kiss quickly turned into a heated make out session, tongues grappling and bodies squashing against one another. The duo moaned as their breasts ground together, the soft flesh and stiff nipples interlocking.

Naturally, the show had the desired effect and the sight of two sexy women making out in front of him got the teen hard. To their own surprise, Wanda and Carol were getting into the kiss and were somewhat reluctant to part. What caused them to separate was seeing Spidey eagerly stroking his hardness. Two more hands joined his own as the women took hold of his length. Fingers curled around his shaft and gently rubbed it, teased it and traced over it. Whilst one caressed the tip another massaged the balls underneath before swapping places. "Watch this." Said the hybrid with a wink before igniting a hand and running a charged finger along the member. "Oohhh God!" Cried Parker as a tingle went through his body.

Wanda took it to the next level by replacing her hand with her tongue. An after trail of spit followed the wet muscle on its journey along the length of Peter's cock. "I can't do this all by myself." She said after she'd reached the tip. Carol got the hint and set her tongue to work on the other side. The women alternated licking up and down the teenage shaft and soon it was dripping with a combination of spit and precum. Two tongues were slowly dragged from nuts to crown and circled the pink head, slurping hungrily. They briefly went down again only to meet back at the top. As their tongues went up they suddenly left the member when the heroines engaged in a sticky kiss, fluids smearing around their faces.

Eventually they ended the kiss and went back to slathering over the teenage member. When one went up the other went down, occasionally switching and sometimes meeting at the tip to tongue wrestle. Wanda was the first to change things a little and pressed her pillowy breasts against the wallcrawler's 'webshooter' enveloping it in the soft flesh. Her hands cupped her boobs over Spidey's member and she stroked them up and down, the fluids rubbing off on them. Carol meanwhile carried on flicking her tongue over the member and giving the mounds a lick as well. Soon though she pushed the younger woman to one side and wrapped her tits around his hardness. The double titjob was sending waves of pleasure through the teen and more so when the women restarted slurping at his cock. Danvers and Maximoff's breasts squeezed against each other's, grinding them onto the brunette's dick. At the same time they brought their faces together to perform a combination of making out and licking. Peter closed his eyes in pleasure, groaning loudly.

One pair of mounds was taken away and a familiar warm wetness engulfed his member. Opening his eyes revealed Carol had taken his cock into her mouth and was bobbing her head and was quickly building up speed. What wasn't in her mouth was being licked at by Wanda. Carol plunged her head down and swallowed his length. After a few seconds of adjusting she went back to sucking on his member. Her head twisted and bobbed as she pursed her lips over Spidey's cock, sliding from base to tip every time.

Wanda was miffed about the blonde taking over but wasn't about to let that stop her from having some fun "Lie back." She told the brunette. Once he'd done so his vision was eclipsed by the Sokovian lowering herself onto his face. He knew what to do and sent his tongue into the pussy. "You've been practising." She noticed as he slurped at the slit with more skill than he'd shown before. He was much quicker to find Wanda's sensitive spots and worked at them, making her shudder. His tongue wriggled inside her opening and soon got it wet and dripping. Precum and spit mingled once more as his tongue worked its way deeper and deeper, writhing as it went. "Peter Yes!" Wanda cried as she felt the muscle stimulating her core.

A muffled cry came from the teen. It took a few tries but eventually he got his message of, "Gonna cum." across. When Danvers realised what he'd said she stopped her movements and left her head in place. Her lips still clamped tight she was eager for his cum and seconds later she was rewarded with the hot load shooting into her mouth. She intended to stay there until he finished but felt her head moving of its own accord. Wanda had used her powers to remove the blonde "Don't hog it all." Wanda moved off Peter's face to take Carol's place with her mouth around Peter's spunking shaft. She drank his load happily, savouring the taste. "Now who's hogging it?" Smirked Carol "C'mere." She pulled the redhead to her again and melded their faces together. Sticky cum painted their mouths and dripped onto their bodies as they engaged in a tonguing kiss, sharing the load.

The sight of the two gorgeous heroines passing his cum between their mouths was a sight Peter would remember and he watched with great interest. "Let's have some fun until he's ready." Wanda suggested and Carol agreed "What do you have in mind?" She asked.

"Lie down and I'll show you." Wanda told her. The pair lined themselves up with their bodies interlocked, mouths at pussies, and started licking. They were tentative at first but Danvers' confidence encouraged her and. whilst Wanda stuck with delicate flicks, she shoved her tongue in deep. The hybrid wasn't especially skilled but more than made up for it with her passion and her tongue thrashed inside the wet hole. Maximoff followed her lead and after a few more quick licks she wormed her tongue further into the hole above it. Their rivalry not forgotten, the sixty nine turned into a pussy eating contest, seeing who could make the other cum first. The redhead startled as a wet finger prodded at her anus. At first she thought it was Peter but he was reclining and stroking his rod back to hardness. Carol eased the finger past the tight ring of muscle little by little before pulling it back and then repeating it. Each time she moved her finger it went slightly deeper and a tiny bit at a time the hole loosened up, the discomfort fading. A second finger joined the first and went through a pattern of easing in and out and scissoring to stretch out the tightness.

The blonde withdrew her tongue to speak "Hey Peter, I've got her ready for you." She coaxed him forward with her free hand. Wanda hadn't stopped her cunnilingus but was caught by surprise by Carol's words. The webslinger crawled over to the heroines and the head of his member, still slick with cum and spit, pressed against Maximoff's asshole. The tightness slowly stretched to accommodate the pink head. Her backdoor practically kissed his hardness as he probed at it with his member. She was distracted from the pain by the blonde underneath her reinserting her tongue in her pussy and licking furiously. Parker's member pulled out to rub between Wanda's asscheeks, teasing her hole and occasionally easing in. Before long he deemed her ready and grasped her ass, parting her hole in preparation for his length.

Once again he started with easing the head in and out but gradually put more in. Inch by inch he sank in and groaned at the tightness. Wanda was likewise moaning, although hers were muffled by virtue of having her face still buried in Carol's slit. After a while Spider-Man eventually bottomed out and had his whole cock up the tight hole. His hips drew back but went forward again a second later. His length slid out more the next time and went back in with more force and as this went on it went further and harder. As he went on her tightness began to relax, allowing him to go in and out with less and less difficulty and before long with none at all. Their hips met with a smack as Spidey gave a harder thrust, the walls spreading around his length.

A tongue in her pussy and a cock in her ass was overwhelming the Sokovian woman with pleasure and plaintive groans spilled from her as she was licked and fucked at the same time. Peter meanwhile was driving his length in with more force and greater speed and still getting faster. His hardness picked up speed and was soon a blur as he pounded her ass. More moans came from Wanda as the horny teen's length slammed hard into her backdoor, it was a different sensation from her pussy but no less pleasurable and said pleasure consumed her. The brunette's hardness sank to the balls each time and Maximoff was dimly aware she'd be walking funny for a while. Each time the wallcrawler's hips smacked against hers it sent jolts of ecstasy through her, not to mention Danvers' tongue's efforts in her dripping pussy. She was still determined to hold out and concentrated on slurping at Carol's pussy. It all became too much though and her mind went blank as she cried out, an orgasm rocking her body.

Panting for breath, she collapsed, cum dripping from her pussy and onto the blonde's face. Danvers wriggled out from below the redhead and made her way over to Peter and planted a sticky kiss on him. The kiss quickly turned heated and Parker found himself being eased back from the dazed redhead and the next thing he knew he was on his back. "Whilst she's recovering I want some action too." Carol said as she speared herself on his erection. "Oh yeah! That's good!" She grunted as the teenage shaft filled her pussy. It didn't take her long to adjust and as soon as she had she began riding the webslinger like a cowgirl. Her hips slammed down with enough force to make Peter shudder. Giving as good as he got though, Spider-Man used every ounce of his strength to buck his hips up which made the hybrid see stars. Carol's pussy enveloped Peter's cock over and over and she leant back down to give him another kiss and press her body to his. Her breasts rubbed against Peter's chest as she slowed down, savouring the feeling of him fucking her. Her sedate pace didn't last as she got bored of being gentle and sat back up to bounce on the teen's hardness, slamming herself down like a jackhammer. Juices dripped from her hole and her movements got smoother on the slick member. Maximoff's earlier efforts had pushed her close to the edge and with Peter's cock going in and out she was rapidly approaching her climax. Several more hard thrusts later and her body was literally glowing with delight. "Oh! Oh! Oh" She wailed as she finally came.

Peter was close too and kept on bucking his hips, approaching his release too. "So close." He moaned. "Mmm yes. Give it to me." A bleary Danvers muttered.

All of a sudden the warm wetness around his cock vanished and Captain Marvel was removed by a red glow surrounding her. "No you don't. We're sharing remember." Scarlet Witch had recovered and was making sure she didn't miss out. She then lifted Spidey to his feet and her and the women both wrapped a hand around his twitching length. Soft hands stroked him, running from crown to nuts and everything in-between. 

The hands jerked away, making the cock tense and sending tingles through Spider-Man. "So good." He whimpered, his member preparing to blow. A wordless cry rang out from his mouth and his whole body seemed to shudder as he exploded. Rockets of cum launched from his boner and rained down on the eager heroines. The load splattered onto their hands, into their mouths and across their faces. His seed kept coming and soon the women's faces had a liberal coting of white, rivulets of which ran down onto their bodies. Carol and Wanda once again sucked face and cum smeared across their breasts as their bodies melded.

An exhausted Peter sat back to enjoy the show "Wow I should get between you two more often."


End of chapter 35

Next Chapter: Birds of a Feather

Sneak preview for you loyal readers (and you not so loyal ones too); there will be another threesome later in the year.

I might incorporate some aspects from WandaVision but probably just her reality manipulation.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.