Chapter 61: Stop Overextending
"If Trump was President, the world would have never gotten to this point. His American First attitude would have put our needs first, thus ensuring that the AI's wouldn't have gotten out of hand.
But of course, they had to have ole Gabby in office when this happened. A woman would never know what to do in this situation. See, that's why we need..."
After that statement, I start to drown the man's voice out. The other fellow Trump supporters were listening attentively, even agreeing with the man as he was, 'preaching'.
My thoughts instead turned to how it was possible that these guys were basically walking uncontested down the middle of the street ranting about Trump.
A sudden drop of something wet splatters on my face, bringing me out of my thoughts. Wiping my face, I look up, thinking it for rain. Seeing there wasn't a cloud in the sky, I look down at my hand to see a trail of red staining my fingers.
Only then do I snap to attention to see the guy who was talking is nothing but paste right now. Cries of anger come from the group as me and the rest of the troops take cover, searching for the enemy.
Hundreds of meters down the road from us, a Huntsman comes around the corner with numerous Bastion units following it. Even though they're still quite the distance away, bullets begin to whiz past us as they open fire.
The Trump supporters, enraged at the sudden death of one of their own, begin to raise whatever weapons above their head and let out a war cry. The other soldiers and I watch in disbelief as they begin to charge the Bastions.
Weren't these the same people who were hiding in Trump's tower a moment ago, unsure of when help was arriving? Then Reinhardt lets out a triumphant laugh at the sight.
"Ha! I like these guys! I think I have to meet this Trump guy for him to have inspired such warriors ready for glory and honor even in these times."
Giving him a side eye as I was sure he had to have known who Trump was before saying that, but I don't dwell on it too long as I focus up on the battle. The mission was to find the survivors and lead them back to the evacuation site, but with the way they're disregarding their own safety, it was highly likely that we wouldn't have any survivors left.
The only way we could, logically survive, was to take this fight when we shouldn't and minimize the causalities. Kinda reminded me of playing Overwatch and your tank would just charge in for no reason, and you had to fight to back him up, or you would lose.
"Reinhardt, me and you will have to frontline. Men, prioritize that Huntsman. We need someone to watch our flank and call it out."
"You don't have to tell me twice." Reinhardt shouts as the jets on his back flare up, and he charges forward to get to the front faster. Bullets bounce harmlessly off his armor as he maneuvers effortlessly between the abandoned hovercars in the road.
To get there faster myself, I increase the bioelectricity in my legs and start sprinting faster than a normal human. I take it easy, however, as I know I need to conserve energy as the duration of this fight is unknown, and I don't want to wear myself out.
Once Reinhardt reaches the front, he raises his shield, blocking a majority of the bullets from hitting the supporters. Meanwhile, I alternate between shielding and shooting, as my much smaller shield wouldn't allow their gunfire to pass.
General POV:
With the Huntsman at the front, the Bastions continued their slow advance down the street towards the Overwatch operatives and the Trump supporters. Not being able to think for themselves, they followed the orders given to them by the Ravagers who were watching the fight with intense gazes.
They could do little as one by one they fell to the fire of the Trumpists who each were proficient at both aiming and handling a weapon. However, the Trump supporters decisions weren't all entirely the best as they would throw themselves at risk for no reason, making either Shawn or Reinhardt have to save them.
More often than not, one of them would extend past Rein's shield instead of staying behind it for safety, causing Shawn to raise his own to grab the supporter back behind it. Their pleas for them to stay behind his shield were drowned out by the numerous gunshots around them. Seeing that trying to refute them was futile, they turned their attention to the Huntsman that was closing the distance to them by the seconds.
The Overwatch operatives were struggling to get a clear position to take down the Huntsman as the supporters had no order amongst themselves, sprawling out across the street. The Trumpist even had the audacity to interrupt the rocket men, asking them for their rocket launchers.
As they finally get an opportunity to take down the Huntsman, a call is made by the men watching behind them.
"Enemy on our 6!"