Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 67: EP9: History (2)

Hence the people in power first enticed them with money and power. Brainwashed them by using their honey-laced words. Then directed the criminal's target of hatred toward the intended target (United World government). They also supplied them with everything they needed, from weapons to even women!

Then they happily sent them to destroy the UWG.

The terrorist organizations were formed and supported by people in power. They had the weapons they needed and so they began their revenge by attacking normal civilians.

In each assault, they chanted that these attacks are all due to UWG. They wanted to completely destroy UWG and its reputation!

‹F› Most of the militaries of the countries around the world also turned their back on the UWG (United World Government) at the time it needed them the most. Mostly because of politicians and the elites that wanted UWG (United World Government) to be destroyed. So that the world will return to its normal state!

The state in which the underdeveloped countries are easily exploited!

‹G› Most militaries also helped UWG. But they were mostly belonging to under-developed and developing countries. Their weapon was under-developed. So, the help provided was minimal and not really too much. But the manpower was there. Furthermore, at that time UWG didn't have much reputation in the world.

‹H› UWG (United World Government) understood what was happening after they faced a blatant objection to their plea of help. But they also could not detonate a Nuclear bomb upon them. UWG didn't want to annihilate multiple countries as a warning to others and cause the world to be filled with harmful radiation, just because of some bad egg.

Furthermore, this was the total opposite of their goal. Their goal was world peace, harmony, and growth of their civilization as a whole. The UWG wanted the human race to travel to outer-space and occupy other planets!

‹I› Just like there is light and darkness. Similarly, there are bad guys and good guys. While many wanted to destroy UWG, many also wanted to protect it!

These people stood up to help the UWG and heavily invested in the United World Government!

This was a risky move, which many willfully took! A move to see a better world. A world where people will set foot in nearby stars and in a dozen years, occupy each world in the entire solar system!

‹J› Their bet paid off. The United World Government won. They also caught many of the ill potatoes. The UWG didn't go easy on its revenge. It exposed the names of every person, whether it be a president, the son of an elite, or an elite himself. No face was given. It was a cruel counter-attack.

UWG attacked, captured these people's and sentenced them with public humiliation and execution. They were stripped naked and bounded to burning poles. The people that lived through the death of their families, death caused by the terrorist, were given a chance to stone these rascals to death!

A chance many happily accepted. Although many were indignant that not all the corrupt bastards were caught!

‹K› The United World Government understood the importance of personal power. They invested in soldiers, Mech and war machinery. While, simultaneously modernizing under-developed third-world and second-world countries!

The United World Government openly hogged soldiers from other countries whose members and elites had invested in terrorist organizations, by giving them better benefits. The countries naturally had no face to have a face-off with the UWG and they kept their mouth shut. They let UWG do whatever it wants.

And now in 2025, the United world government had 999 Mech Squads and millions of soldiers. Each squad member of the 999 Mech squads is equipped with the most modern Mech!

‹L› The United World Government also made this information a part of history lessons. They didn't give a face to any country and exposed all these dirty details to the commoners.

'Even this world was not much different than Eastern immortal western gods star-cluster' Feng thought in his head as memories of his time in that place flashed by.

Though, none of this information was related to Arnold Power at all!

Furthermore, Arnold information only partially explained what happened in history.

Even the serious Feng disdainfully chided Arnold, "Che Che, Bro, you definitely have no talent of becoming a history teacher."

Each 'Che' uttered from Feng's mouth was like a sharp arrow that stabbed Arnold brain by entering from his ears!

Arnold almost spewed blood!

After curiously listening to Arnold's words, Feng's and Dracula's interest in Arnold's source of power had peaked.

"How is any of what you said related to your powers?"

The two main characters simultaneously inquired Arnold and continued their frontal assault.

Attacked by both of them, Arnold heaved a heavy sigh. Because the words to come next was a painful memory to him. A memory, he didn't want to tell anyone. But it was also how his power came to be.

Arnold didn't want to express his sad past neither did he want to talk about it. So he omitted the entire sad past from the words he was gonna say now.

"It is related to my power. Listen carefully *Never judge a book by its cover. Or else, you youngsters will regret it deeply*" Arnold replied to both of them.

Arnold, being a middle-aged man, had the right to say these words to Feng who was in his twenties and Dracula who was 2 years old. Though, Feng was definitely not only 25 years old!

Arnold continued, without giving Feng or Dracula a chance to reply,

"The history is not at all as simple as it may seem. In truth, the Mecha of those times were only oversized empty shells compared to the Mechas of now. The squads created by UWG had failed dozens of missions. Resulting in thousands of people dying.

"In the end, protecting and saving lives is a hundred times harder than killing and destroying lives.

"Some missions were almost impossible to complete. They were ranked as SSS. Because the SSS-ranked missions contained many suicidal terrorists, who exploded bombs tapped upon their body, the moment they would be in a disadvantaged situation.

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