Overlord: Ancient One

Chapter 49: Future plan

After Yuri exited the room, Arthur looked in the direction she left for a moment then turned to Friday.

'Seems like Yamaiko really cared about me, doesn't she? Well, I was quite good with my words and I really was charming so I can't fault her if she falls in love with me.'

[You are a narcissist, Sir. And most of what you said to her was childish and as Yamaiko was a teacher she found it funny. But I won't deny that she indeed has a small crush towards you, Sir. That's probably why she added some additional text to Yuri's command.]

"... Friday, That's something I didn't know. Why didn't you say Yamaiko has a crush on me."

[What would you do after knowing it, Sir.]

"Nothing actually." Arthur blinked as he said, Yes, even if he did know that Yamaiko was in love with him, he wouldn't make a move on her. He would just act like a dense idiot—which he actually hated a lot.

[That is precisely why I didn't say anything about it and you always said that you just need to look to see what a woman is thinking, So I thought you already knew what Yamaiko was thinking.]

"Of course I knew it, who do you think I am... " Arthur didn't finish his lie before the Friday interrupt.

[Sir, You didn't have to continue with that lie. Do you forget I am living in your head? Anyway, Sir, What do you plan to do in future?]

"Future? Well, I don't know. I was thinking of going with the flow but I also want to go to DXD as fast as possible. And right now I don't even know how to start my adventure."

[Sir, I think I should start with the surrounding areas of the Tomb—] Friday said as she started to give Arthur all the possible information about the current world they are in.

Friday first explained about the neighboring countries, and that she responded with many names that Arthur had never heard before. Although Arthur was prepared for this, he could not help but be surprised after hearing them.

At first, Arthur had thought that this world would be designed according to the fundamental principles of the New World/ YGGDRASIL that he had read previously. After all, he could use YGGDRASIL's magic here, and there were many connections with YGGDRASIL too. Yet, none of the names he heard were related to YGGDRASILL or the New World. But there are also lots of similar countries that he had heard of.

The nearby countries were the Re-Estize Kingdom, the Slaine Theocracy and the Greed Empire—the last names did not appear in the context of the New World, which he knew. Even YGGDRASIL doesn't have such a place as most of the YGGDRASIL lore was focused on Norse Mythology and Greek Mythology.

But Arthur didn't have to think much as he knew the Greed Empire was something related to The Eight Greed Kings that Friday mentioned. And he can also conclude that the Baharuth Empire has been replaced by the Greed Empire.

Arthur felt like the world was spinning and his body was wobbling because of the excitement that he was feeling. Arthur gripped the table edge with a gauntleted hand to maintain his balance. Although he had expected this world to be an alien one, he could not help but be surprised by it.

The impact was greater than he had expected.

Arthur remained calm and even somewhat looking forward to future events—as he always liked surprise in his equation—and reconsidered what he had heard about those neighbouring kingdoms and the local geography.

Firstly, there was the Re-Estize Kingdom and the Greed Empire. These countries were on different sides of a Wasteland that Nazarick located and to the south of the wasteland was a sprawling forest.

Unlike the original, the Re-Estize Kingdom in this world is a vassal state to Slaine Theocracy, which is ruled and controlled by The Six Great Gods.

Relations between the Kingdom and the Empire were bad—Slaine Theocracy also had a rather hostile relationship with the Greed Empire—and they would fight a battle in the Wasteland—where Nazarick currently located—and Re-Estize Kingdom is the first line of defence against the Greed Empire.

To the south was the Slaine Theocracy.

The best way to describe the orientation of these countries was to draw a circle, and then divide it up with an inverted T. It seemed confusing, but it was much easier to describe things that way. To the left was the Re-Estize Kingdom, to the right was the Greed Empire, and below them was the Slaine Theocracy. There were other countries, but Friday only mentioned the important countries that Arthur needed to know.

As Slaine Theocracy was protected by the dense forest and the mountain range, which acted as natural defence for the country, the only way for Greed Empire to sneak to Slaine Theocracy was to defeat Re-Estize Kingdom and other adversity along the way and this was also applicable for Slaine Theocracy.

And there are also other countries which are vassal states to the Greed Empire like Argland Council State.

The Argland Council State, usually referred to as simply the "Council State", is located northwest of the Re-Estize Kingdom. It was founded by the Platinum Dragon Lord, Tsaindorcus Vaision, to defend against Eight Greed Kings. But due to the overwhelming power of Greed Kings Tsaindorcus Vaision was slained and later Argland Council State became a Vassal state to the Greed Empire.

The Country, Which Tsaindorcus Vaision founded was a mixed-race nation inhabited by various human and demi-human species all living together harmoniously. But after the nation became a Vassal state to the Greed Empire, the human population in the country was nearly slayed or made slaves.

"Wait, Wait. Friday, From what I remember, The Eight Greed Kings are supposed to be Humanoid players, Right? And they are one who spread Tier Magic throughout the New World or something like that."


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